In the original game, Hermione took all the mistakes and saddled her with points deductions, while Harry and Ron scored 10 points.

However, the situation is very different now, Hermione has shown great strength, and the fact that the trolls that have been killed undoubtedly shows that she is indeed capable of dealing with monsters, and her rash act of dealing with the trolls alone is not only correct, but a proof of her courage and strength.

"Gryffindor plus 20 points!"

By solving the troll problem, Professor McGonagall once again gave Hermione a crucial 20 points, which could often be a point or two in the final House Cup race.

And with Hermione single-handedly solving the trouble of the trolls, her prestige among the students is no longer limited to the level of a simple theoretical emperor, and her combat effectiveness is also recognized.

You must know that even a young wizard who has reached the senior level does not dare to say that he can easily solve it in a confrontation with the troll head-on.

With Hermione's impressive record, the Black Magic Defense and Progress Society, which was originally limited to the first year of Gryffindor, finally expanded its membership to the senior year and other houses.

The "veterans" of Gryffindor, who originally joined the club as a number, were proud of their initial members.

Another month passed in this peaceful life, and in November, Hogwarts entered winter, and the temperature even dropped below freezing.

The mountains around Hogwarts were grey and covered in unmelting snow and ice, and the lake in front of Hogwarts was as cold and hard as hardened steel.

In the winter, Hermione's life has not become cold, on the contrary, because of the increasing number of students joining the club, in order to designate club discussion projects for members of different grades, Hermione can be said to have a fulfilling daily life.

The whole person is in a busy state almost all day of the day, and even asks Harry and Ron to help them on weekdays, which barely makes the growing community impressive.

During this time, because Harry had to prepare for a Quidditch match, the task of helping was on Ron and Neville, which left Ron with no leisure time for his favorite wizarding chess.

Of course, Ron didn't complain about being so busy, on the contrary, he felt that he had the opportunity to stand side by side with several of him, knowing that Ron had five brothers in front of him, and each of them was an excellent student at Hogwarts, which made him feel a lot of pressure, and now he could help in the club, which made Ron feel proud to do something in his career.

As the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin began, even Hermione, who had no interest in the game at all, came to the stands to cheer for Harry under the tudge of the rest of the house.

Gryffindor and Slytherin are both Quidditch teams on campus, and there is a natural difference between them and the professional teams, but the strength of these two teams is half a pound or two, so the game is even more exciting, until the last minute, no one knows which side will win or lose, and then the burden of the Seeker responsible for deciding the outcome becomes heavier.

Harry, who had a great talent for flying, soon showed off his flying skills in his first show, making several threatening sprints that nearly caught the Golden Snitch in his hands.

Once again, he dodged the Quaffle's attack, and just as Harry was about to stabilize his broomstick again and prepare to pursue the Golden Snitch, he suddenly grabbed the broom with both hands and pressed his knees against it, as if he was worried about being thrown off the broom.

Harry's strangeness naturally attracted the attention of both the players on the field and the audience off the field, but most people just regarded it as Harry's own broom or his own problem.

“...... What's wrong with Harry? Could it be that he can't control his broomstick, if someone casts a curse... That's definitely a very strong dark wizard, and the protection of Hogwarts can't be broken through by ordinary students, uh-"

Hagrid almost made a judgment as his gaze swept over Hermione, who was sitting next to him, even if he was only a Hogwarts ranger, he knew Hermione's reputation for genius that day, and if it was her, it didn't seem impossible to spell a Quidditch player.

"Look—it's Snape, he must be casting a spell on Harry!"

Ron, holding the telescope, suddenly stopped his gaze on Snape, who was in another auditorium.

Just as Harry and Ron in the original book, they kept their hostility on Snape and ignored Quirrell's biggest problem, and now the two agree not to avoid such a fate, because Snape usually targets Harry, and Harry and the two have an almost paranoid sense of Snape.

Unlike Harry, Hagrid's impression of Snape was not bad, and he naturally didn't think that a Hogwarts fight would harm the students of the house, but Hagrid, who took over Ron's telescope, naturally saw the impact of Snape who was constantly waving his wand, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Unlike the discovery of the two men, one older and one younger, Hermione, who did not have a preconceived impression of Snape, followed Yuu's guidance and looked at the other man directly in front of Snape-Quirrell.

"Ron, there's another target - look at Professor Quirrell in front of Professor Snape, who also has a wand in his hand!"

Because of Hermione's size, Ron was stunned for a while, if there was only one person, he could be 100% sure of Snape's means, but now that the target is divided into two, who should he name?

Hermione and Ron were only able to split into two teams, one lurking behind Snape and the other lurking behind Quirrell.

"One, two..."

Hermione and Ron, who were not far away, silently chanted slogans to each other, and as they shouted "three", they pointed their wands at Snape and Quirrell in front of them.

The flames are blazing!

The two professors were on fire at the same time, and whoever turned into a roast pig in an instant, and Harry's crisis was over!

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