The station gate is blocked, how do I catch the train to Hogwarts?

Harry and Ron, who were confused by the scene in front of them, were completely panicked for a while because of their age and mental problems.

"It's over, it's over!" Ron bit his finger, his whole body was like an ant on a hot pot, his head suddenly became hot, and he proposed to the other two, "Otherwise, use my dad's flying car!"

Ron's proposal made Harry, who was also sweating profusely nervous, suddenly smile on his face.

Hermione, on the other hand, was not so nervous, and after two years of training, it was her basic quality as a magical queen to not be surprised.

Not to mention that the passage was just sealed, even if someone told her that Hogwarts had been leveled, I am afraid that Hermione would be calm.

Seeing that the two boys have been in a mess, even except for a bad idea.

Driving a flying car?

Let's not talk about the problem that once the flying car is exposed, it will make Ron's father lose his job.

Let's just say that whether Ron and Harry can settle that flying car is a big question, and besides, the problem is the station side now, even if they are really late, Hermione doesn't think the school will make a fuss about them.

"Calm down, Harry, Ron!" handed the two "sedative candies" to Harry and took them, and when the two of them were calm again, Hermione comforted, "This is the Hogwarts station after all, we can't get in, can the others get in? It's really a big deal, I don't think the school will deal with everyone at once! Wait, Hogwarts will come to pick us up!"

In the original work, Harry and Ron were indeed in a hurry, and there was only one passage to the platform of nine and three-quarters from beginning to end, and if someone really temporarily closed the passage of the station, then it was quickly discovered by the wizard at the other end of the passage.

Because of the calming effect of the candy, along with the sugar blooming on the tip of the tongue of the two, the original anxiety and worry gradually disappeared in the minds of the two, replaced by indifference to nothing.

It turns out that this passage to the real platform is indeed unsealable, even if the house-elf can block it for a while, but as long as he can't solve all the wizards on the other end, then there will always be someone who has to go back and forth between the two passages, so the matter of the passage being blocked will naturally be solved.

In fact, if it weren't for the Ministry of Magic's ban on young wizards, Hermione's power would have been able to easily destroy this wall by her own means.

The time passed the departure point of the train, but because the passage was blocked, a large number of young wizards did not get on the train, and the departure of the train with a fixed departure time was delayed.

When Harry and his party finally got on the train to Hogwarts, their hanging hearts really let go.

Bang –

The carriages were opened, and Hermione and the others looked out of the carriage in unison.

The smile, almost between funny and smug, was a grown man, blonde with a raw face.

"Phew—I heard that there was a little accident at the station, our Mr. Savior and Miss Magic Queen, would you not mind telling me about your experience?"

The man walked into the carriage on his own, ignoring Hermione's rejecting expression, still maintaining a formulaic smile, bending slightly to the three of them, and introducing himself.

"Hello, I'm the professor at Hogwarts' new Defence Against the Dark Arts class, my name is Gilderoy Lockhart!"

In the original book, the liar professor who is only good at "forgetting everything", and in fact, in terms of the ability of "forgetting everything", this guy is indeed at the level of a professor, but it's a pity that he chose a cursed position and was bounced into a fool by his own spell.

Today's Hermione is not a fanatical fan of Gilderoy Lockhart, and even falls on Hermione's "opinion", this Lockhart's magic is worse than that of the older students, if the magic represents all the strength, then Lockhart is undoubtedly a vain guy.

"Yo, am I mistaken? Lockhart, his magic... It's too little, I even suspect he's a squib!"

Hermione was not a wizard of mana, and knew that the skill of using magic was the proof of a strong wizard.

But Lockhart's magic is so different from his fame that it's hard to believe in the "feats" he's done.

"Uh, he's not as bad as a Squib!" Seeing Hermione change from a Lockhart fan to a detractor, the expression on Yuu's face became a little strange, "There are too few people in the wizarding world after all, Lockhart is best at stealing the fruits of other people's victories, his Oblivion Charm is used very well, and those deeds are stolen from other people... But he's not useless, at least in terms of his attitude towards Muggles, he's much cuter than the Lucius guys!"

Yes, Lockhart is a parallel trader, but he is one of the very few pro-Muggle factions in the wizarding world, and even because of his fame, he is a banner among the pro-Muggle factions.

Yu even suspected that Dumbledore had recruited Lockhart to Hogwarts, not to allow him to take a Defence Against the Dark Arts class, but to reverse the perception of Muggles among young wizards.

However, even if Lockhart is no longer watered, it will not affect the teaching of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts like the original book, not to mention that Hermione's club itself has the function of supervising learning, just say that Hermione's transformation of Hogwarts in a summer vacation is enough to raise the learning ability of all members to a new height.

Parallel Professor?

It doesn't matter at all!

Lockhart's ability is very watery, but his eloquence is absolutely fine, and he talks about it all the way, even if he doesn't talk about anything substantial, he can't help but talk about it like a fanciful, maybe he is really not brilliant in terms of magic attainments, but combined with his stolen personal experience, it is enough to make a group of young wizards who don't know the truth and falsehood worship freshmen.

When it comes to storytelling, Lockhart does have a knack for it, otherwise his book wouldn't have become one of the bestsellers in the wizarding world.

As everyone entered Hogwarts, the moment the dinner began, Hermione's second year began.

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