The Dementors, one of the magical creatures, are also the guardians of Azkaban as determined by the Ministry of Magic.

In the wizarding world, if all magical creatures were to be ranked as nasty, then the Dementors would definitely be in the top three that could not be beaten, and they would simply be the objects of hatred and hatred of wizards.

Of course, it's not for nothing that Dementors are so hated.

Except that the Dementor looks like a Grim Reaper and wears a cloak, and its whole body looks like a monster that has been half-rotted in water.

Because Dementors feed on human souls, they are also able to suck away happy memories from the human body, leaving people in despair.

Generally speaking, the Dementors, as thugs of the Ministry of Magic, are confined to the vicinity of Azkaban, and they are not allowed to operate in the outside world at all, let alone the Dementors who are now forcing Hogwarts trains to stop.

If the Ministry of Magic knew about it, this group of Dementors would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Of course, there is a high probability that the Ministry of Magic will not punish this group of Dementors in substance, after all, if Azkaban is not guarded by Dementors, the strength of the Ministry of Magic is simply not enough to watch all the criminals.

It's not so much that the Dementors are attached to the Ministry of Magic to survive, but that the Dementors have become the most powerful weapon of the Ministry.

Because there are a large number of little wizards on the train, the little wizards with positive emotions are undoubtedly the source of positive and happy memories in the eyes of the Dementors, and naturally they are also the most desired food for the Dementors!

Originally, the Dementors who were still banned by the Ministry of Magic, and had reservations, with the lure of . The confusion increases, and he can no longer tolerate the temptation of food. Confused, one by one, circling around the entire train.

The temperature of the train dropped to the point of making a summer shiver as the Dementors approached.

Harry and Norway, who hide a huge dark experience, have become the main targets of the Dementors, and the breath of the Dementors' proximity alone makes the two of them close to collapse.

"It's too much!"

Hermione didn't like the Dementor very much, but now the Dementor broke the agreement with the Ministry of Magic and directly did it to the little wizard, which was even more taboo, so how could Hermione endure it?

Despite the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Lupin, Hermione ran out of the carriage.

The Dementors around her, like sharks that smelled blood, gathered towards Hermione one by one, without thinking about it, was Hermione really the prey of the net?

Buzz –

The civilian clothes that were originally worn on Hermione began to deform and stretch almost at the same time, and soon turned into a gorgeous wizard's robe.

Magic Suit Gen 1, this is the suit created by Hermione and Yuu, as the original product, it doesn't have much to do - flying, shielding, all-terrain adaptation, enhancement and amplification!

Not to mention other abilities, a single increase makes the value of the first generation of the magic suit even higher than that of the Death Three Hallows!

Casting a spell that increases the power of a spell by 10 times or even 20 times, even if Harry Potter's wizarding world is biased towards life-based magic, it can't stand up to turning a flame into a fireball.

In the face of dozens or hundreds of Dementors approaching, it was not only the pressure of numbers that was approaching, but the ability of the Dementors to absorb happiness alone could make a lone wizard collapse without a fight, and Hermione relied on the protective shield on the suit to naturally shield this ability, thus stabilizing her combat effectiveness.

"You monsters don't deserve to live!"

Hermione rarely gets angry, she doesn't like Dementors, but she hasn't discriminated against them before.

But the Dementors should never have attacked the Hogwarts train, and this is something Hermione could never forgive.

Raising her right hand, Hermione no longer has a wand in her hand, in fact, her entire suit is Hermione's wand, and the amplification effect of the suit is actually the same as that of a wand, but the wand made by Ollivanders can have an extremely limited effect, compared with the suit made by Yu himself, its little increase is better than nothing, and it may even explode directly.

"Divine Guard!"

The famous Patronus Charm, one of the most difficult spells in the wizarding world, is not always available to many Hogwarts graduates.

If the energy in the Dementor that takes away the happiness and hope of humans is called negative energy, then the Patronus Charm uses the hope and happiness in the heart to create a positive energy that can counteract the negative energy.

Under normal circumstances, the Dementor will choose to flee because of its disgust with positive energy, but if the power of the Patronus Spell is insufficient, then the Dementor will still break the Patronus Curse, on the contrary, if the power of the Patronus Spell is far better than that of the Dementor, then the negative energy on the Dementor is completely canceled out, and that is the demise of the Dementor!

If Hermione wants to destroy the Dementors, she naturally won't leave her hand on the Patronus Charm, and the silver light that obscured the sky dyed the entire sky with silver, and at the same time, the silver light gushing out of the suit condensed and formed between the heavens and the earth.

Because Yuu appeared in front of Hermione in the image of Pikayu, perhaps Pikayu has become Hermione's spiritual pillar, and naturally uses it as the image of his Patronus Charm.

However, the image does not represent the strength of the Patronus Charm, and the size can be expressed at a glance.

A normal Patronus Charm is already a success if it can resemble an adult, but Hermione's Patronus Charm summons a monster from the Bumpman set!

The summoned Patronus Pikayu was just standing there, the positive energy emanating from his body had already caused fatal damage to the dementors who pounced on him, and the waterfall on his body was like turning to ashes, and all of them were wiped out under the silver light.


A massive number of lightning-shaped light arrows rained down from the sky, piercing the Dementors' bodies one by one, and the hundreds of Dementors that surrounded the trucks were almost completely wiped out under the attack of the Patronus Pikayu.

The dementors who were lucky enough to pick up a life, where did they dare to stay, they slipped away faster than anyone else.

"The Queen of Magic!" "The Queen of Magic!" "The Queen of Magic!" ......

Throughout the train, as the Dementors fled, there were constant cries like angry waves of mountains and seas.

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