How can such an adult wizard who can't take care of both sides shoulder the burden of developing the wizarding world?

According to Hermione's idea, on the basis of the current six-year school system, a qualified adult wizard needs to learn at least 10 times the current standard!

There are more things to learn, but there is no more time to learn, which naturally means a reform in learning.

Resting on the upper students at Hogwarts, they are still thinking about the problems of their OWL exams.

OWL, which is also the abbreviation of OrdinaryWizardingLevel, is also known as the Ordinary Wizarding Level Exam.

Reaching this level of a little wizard really means stepping into the realm of adult wizards and having the qualifications to survive in the wizarding world.

Of course, there is also the NEWT Advanced Wizard Rank Exam on top of this, but this level of assessment is undoubtedly more difficult than OWL, and only a few elites can pass even adult wizards.

It's just that both OWL and NEWT are just a dispensable exam for Hermione today.

Her level has long exceeded the level that ordinary exams can test.

If you really want to judge her by a level, I'm afraid that only Dumbledore, the top wizard in the wizarding world, has this qualification.

Hermione was still at Hogwarts, not because she was incompetent and had to continue her studies.

On the one hand, due to her age, she didn't plan to let Hermione get in touch with the darkness of the wizarding world too early, so that she could spend a peaceful student life.

On the other hand, Hogwarts has a great academic atmosphere, with excellent Transfiguration trees (Professor McGonagall), Potions professors (Professor Snape), and the strongest wizard in Europe (Dumbledore)... Hermione was able to continue her research and studies here, and that was the main reason.

Quietly, Hermione's strength entered another level with the further laying of the magic network.

Even if she already has the qualifications to mobilize the magic network to amplify herself, as long as she is within the scope of the magic network, then even a wizard of Dumbledore's level should not think about touching her.

Hermione's third year came to an end with three consecutive Gryffindor House Cup wins.

Slytherin's streak in the House Cup was ended since Hermione joined Gryffindor, and instead it was the start of a Gryffindor winning streak.

Not convinced?

If it were someone else, the students at Hogwarts might have been unconvinced, but in the face of Hermione, who was obviously also unbeatable and threw everyone so that they couldn't even see the taillights, the students didn't even have jealousy, but put everything on the expectation of the next semester.

You must know that in just this year, ten times as many new copies were born in the magical network as last year, coupled with the emergence of various new applications, many Hogwarts students seem to have discovered a new continent, and one by one they have even begun to study how to develop new applications on the magical network.

The transformation from a wizard to a programmed ape may be incomprehensible to ordinary people, but the operating procedures of the entire magical network are almost foolish.

With a good idea and a little understanding of the nature of magic, anyone can develop a program on the magic network, the only problem is the level of completion of the final product.

Coupled with the fact that the entire magic network has basically been laid out in Diagon Alley, the entire British wizarding community has almost accepted the existence of the magic network, and even the wizarding academies of several other countries have begun to accept the existence of the wizarding local area network.

Hermione's wish to fully communicate the wizarding world around the world is expected to come true within 5 years.

Linking the global wizarding world is only the first step, and after unifying the wizarding world, Destruction will have enough capital to connect it to the Muggle world.

From a Muggle point of view, wizards' abilities are undoubtedly foul powerful, and for example, almost all Muggles can be manipulated by this trick in one-on-one situations, even if they are a head of state.

It is precisely because Muggle individuals are too weak in the face of wizards that Tetsuya has led to the fact that almost all of the heads of state are protected by hidden wizards, thus ensuring that a country is not manipulated by individual dark wizards.

It's just that this protection is too fragile and unreliable, and the wizarding world's concealment again and again only accumulates and delays the contradictions, and when the Muggles finally find themselves concealed for so many years, it will only push wizards and Muggles to two completely different opposing classes.

Fusion is where everything ends, and Hermione's current efforts are aimed at fusing Muggles and wizards in the future.

In fact, the key to magic lies in spiritual power, and it is difficult for people without wizard blood to reach above the qualification line on their own, but difficult does not mean that it is absolutely impossible, perhaps the wizards of the past have given up the study of turning Muggles into wizards, but Hermione inherited what Yu has learned, and naturally the study of potions has entered another level.

Muggle/wizard evolution.

In the final analysis, relying on bloodline inheritance alone is too unstable, as long as the individual's physical fitness can be continuously strengthened, even the spiritual power of Muggles can reach the level of spellcasting, and this part of the potion is one of the few in the wizarding world and has a high degree of drug resistance.

And relying on the inventory in the God's country, being able to unscrupulously promote Hermione does not mean that it can also bring billions of Muggles to the world, and Hermione's regular visit to Snape in her third year is to discuss this content.

The wizarding world created the Philosopher's Stone by accident, an almost subversive alchemical item, so can Potions create a potion similar to the Philosopher's Stone?

“...... Hermione, you're in a dead end! "

Hermione, who has been on vacation, has been on vacation in the professional laboratory built at her own expense, and the experimenter's new formula of potion enhancement potions has been used again and again, but unfortunately their effects can indeed strengthen the spirit, but to achieve the spiritual power of a qualified little wizard, the cost required is 100,000 US dollars!

This is still a theoretical situation where its own foundation is not too bad, how many families can accept 100,000 US dollars?

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