Little Crouch, be silent!

When Dumbledore arrived in Moody's room, little Crouch was already like a puppet with a lost soul, even if Dumbledore was around, he didn't react at all.

And the rescued real Moody was explaining everything to Dumbledore who had just come to the room, especially when facing Hermione, the savior, Moody was really entangled.

Hermione was indeed Moody's savior, but Moody was the only one who had seen how Hermione was forcing Crouch Jr. to question.

If it weren't for Moody, as the best Auror, he would have seen a lot of all kinds of winds and waves, and I am afraid that he would have been urinated by Hermione's previous forced questioning methods!

One second he was just a little wizard in school, and the next second he was like a peerless demon king who came out of a sea of corpses and blood, and this change made Moody's target suspect that Hermione was schizophrenic.

It's just that it's not Hermione who is schizophrenic, she just lends her body to Yuu.

The plan belonging to Voldemort has been fully revealed, and Moody, as the real card, will continue to play the fake Moody, continuing as they originally planned.

The play will continue, and at the same time, it is also a good opportunity for Hermione and them to lock on Voldemort's next Horcrux.

You must know that the only two Horcruxes that have not been destroyed are the great snake Nagini, who has been following Voldemort's side, and Harry, who is unaware.

Harry's problem was the most troublesome, Voldemort's soul was already intertwined with his soul, like a cancer cell, and Harry's own soul was indistinguishable.

Not to mention the difficulty of cutting the fragments of Voldemort's soul, but to say that an easy attack could completely destroy Harry, it doomed everyone to be impatient.

If you can't solve Harry's problems, then you can only focus on Nagini first, and the final trap of the Triwizard Tournament is a great opportunity!

Another four months had passed, and the site that had been used for Quidditch matches had been cleared and planted with a wall of trees that could grow up to twenty feet tall.

The final level of Triwizard Tournament is a labyrinth, a tree-shaped maze to be exact, and everyone must enter the maze to overcome obstacles and find the Goblet of Fire in the center of the maze.

Of course, during the whole process, no one can use flying abilities and props, and must walk through the entire maze with their feet on the ground.

Everything inside the maze is closed to the outside world, but this does not mean that the person who has completed the maze will not be able to interact with the contestants inside.

Now that the magical network is spread throughout Hogwarts, it is probably as difficult to find an area that is not monitored by the magical network as it is to find a place without wifi in a first-tier city.

Through the real-time feedback of the magic network, everyone can see the performance of each warrior in the maze at any time, which can also minimize the mortality rate of the Triwizard Tournament.

"Harry... Come on! "Thank you... Weasley! "

Harry's title made Ron, who had originally planned to cheer for him, awkward, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Harry was extraordinarily calm today, as if he was a different person compared to him who looked a little nervous yesterday.

The labyrinth was explored in batches, with Hermione, who was in first place overall, entering first, followed by Krum, then Harry, and finally Fleur.

The first mover has advantages and of course disadvantages.

Entering the maze earlier will allow you to get closer to the Goblet of Fire in the center of the maze, but also entering the maze first means that you will encounter obstacles in the maze sooner than others.

The labyrinth was not all smooth sailing, and the various magical creatures arranged by Hagrid, coupled with the spells of many wizards and even physical traps, if the third competition was regarded as a simple race, then it was undoubtedly underestimating the designer of this third level.

Hermione was the first to rush into the labyrinth, and at the moment she started, her body was covered by the light body charm adapted from the levitation charm, and because of her weight loss, she even ran as fast as a wind.

In the blink of an eye, Hermione, who rushed into the labyrinth, had disappeared in front of everyone at the entrance.

"Wind Touch!"

Entering the first stone entrance, Hermione's wand erupted several invisible winds that traveled in different directions along the intersection at an alarming speed, hitting the wall and feeding the route back into Hermione's mind.

In just two or three breaths, Hermione had already built a map of the surrounding area in her mind based on the feedback route.

"Left, no... After 3 breaths, you will enter a dead end. "

"In the middle... After resting, he was attacked by the ground explosion spell, the stun spell, and the magical creatures. "

"On the right... A piece of peace? But there are many forks in the road, and it seems that there are many choices! "

After some judging, Hermione chose the right path.

There are a lot of problems in the middle way, and of course it is also a shortcut, but taking a shortcut means cutting through the mines for the latecomers, which is not what Hermione wants to do.

In the midst of countless dangers, finding a way to avoid risks is also the way to get through.

Outside the labyrinth, George, who was in charge of the commentary, even opened a gambling market.

"Who will it be, who will it be? Judging from the current progress of exploration, it is clear that our magical queen Hermione has chosen a relatively safe path, and she is far ahead of the curve along the way! "

"Oh my God! Harry chose to take a shortcut, but it wasn't a good one, and let's see, he got it! It's a trap - he's dodged it, it's a levitation charm! He used the levitation charm to keep himself in the air! "

Harry was in danger, but every time he used a precise spell to get himself out of danger, this kind of on-the-spot reaction ability amazed everyone outside the labyrinth, as if it was the first time that they had discovered that there were such excellent students at Hogwarts besides Hermione.

Not to mention Harry's explosive play, let's just say that there are only four people in the maze, and now there is a change in the ranking between the four people.

Hermione still held the number one position, but because she chose a safer path, the distance between her and the second place was narrowed.

And the second place was changed from Krum to Harry!

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