Today's Hogwarts is undoubtedly the pilot pioneer of all wizarding houses in the wizarding world, and the first to benefit from the teaching reform brought by Hermione was Hogwarts School.

Whether it is the original magic network, or the emergence of AR copies in the later period, it is beyond the reach of wizarding schools elsewhere.

The dungeon itself is close to the game, and there is a certain danger - mental shock, but this danger is not worth mentioning compared to the progress of all the students who have been tested by the dungeon.

Thanks to the AR system, Hogwarts students have 10 times or 20 times more knowledge than previous graduates!

If it were a normal learning method, then even a top student like Hermione, in a limited amount of time, cramming teaching would be enough to make them disgusted with learning.

But today's teaching is done in the form of AR, and it is almost impossible to get into the students' brains.

In this way, learning is no longer boring and boring learning, even if you are a scumbag, you can be comparable to the former top students, and it is simply the dream template of all schools.

It was this almost perfect teaching environment that ushered in Umbridge's criticism!

"Professor Snape! I've heard that you've asked Headmaster Dumbledore several times for the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professorship, right? "

In Snape's Potions class, Umbridge, as the senior investigator, took aim at Snape, but she obviously did not know Snape's personality and misestimated Snape.


Snape was like a stuffy gourd, Umbridge asked, and he answered, and each one didn't give Umbridge the slightest chance to add to it.

"Why are you so obsessed with your Defence Against the Dark Arts position?" Umbridge asked, "Is there any particular reason why you're so accomplished in Potions?" "

If it were someone who really had a reason, I am afraid that he would not be so straightforward as to speed Umbridge, and Snape was even more silent, and finally replied, "Because of interest!" "


Everyone could tell it was perfunctory, but Umbridge continued to ask with her face, with a smirk that almost wanted to shred, "I took a look at your Potions class, and it seems that all the students are using a... Muggle equipment, this shouldn't be on the teaching equipment prescribed by the Ministry of Magic, right? "

The so-called Muggle equipment, that is, a series of beakers, test tubes, and so on in chemistry, and these are the things that Hermione provided for free, according to Hermione, everything depends on the feel and outdated equipment, which is a blasphemy of efficiency.

To put it bluntly, the operation of potions itself requires a lot of precision, and whether it is a crucible or a weighing prop that is popular in the wizarding world, it is naturally not a grade worse than the products of modern technology.

Wizards don't care about Muggle products, but Hermione knows that technology is easy to use, so she wouldn't want to abandon them, and now it's just a good time for wizards to make Muggle inventions official.

In fact, even Snape, who did not have a good opinion of Muggles, had to admit that Muggle technology had surpassed their wizards to some extent after using these Muggle creations.

Wizards may have a sense of innate superiority over Muggles, but they are definitely not fools, and they will continue to stick to old traditions even though they know that Muggle technology is beneficial to them, at least Snape is not such a fool.

But Umbridge was different, she seemed to have found a pigtail that could be aimed at Snape, and pointed directly at the Muggle equipment and said, "Professor Snape, I suspect that you are using Muggle equipment that has not been approved by the Ministry of Magic, and now I am going to interrupt your teaching, please stop all teaching activities until the Ministry of Magic investigates clearly!" "

Hiss –

A group of young wizards who were still in class gasped one by one, they really hadn't seen anyone scold Snape, and of course no one in Hogwarts was so bold.


Snape's eyes were fixed on Umbridge, without the anger or pleading that the other party had imagined, as calm as a backwaterhole, and there was no change at all.

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't have the authority to appoint personnel within Hogwarts, and if you want to fire me and suspend me, I think you'd better talk to Professor Dumbledore!"

Puff –

The class burst into laughter, and even if Umbridge didn't look at the students, she could match their expressions, and they were all laughing at her.

It is true that Umbridge did not get the constitution right, maybe Hogwarts is not Dumbledore's word, there is such an organization as the school board outside the school, but the normal operation of Hogwarts on weekdays depends on Dumbledore's power, and the school board will only intervene in the operation of the school when Dumbledore makes mistakes.

Like Malfoy's father, Lucius, was originally one of the school trustees, and to remove Dumbledore from the position of headmaster, it would require a joint vote of multiple school directors and the school board, and with the ability of Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic, there is really no way to directly appoint and dismiss Dumbledore.

Umbridge made a fuss of his own, and with the laughter of the young wizard in his ears, he could no longer stay in the classroom, and turned away from the Potions classroom as if he had fled.

Snape was a tough nut to crack, but Umbridge didn't get up, and he really got in front of Dumbledore, talking about Snape's use of Muggle equipment.

Dumbledore still patiently asked Umbridge to finish everything, and then took off the AR auxiliary glasses he was wearing, and his face showed rare impatience.

"Lady Umbridge, I must remind you once again that this is Hogwarts, not your Ministry of Magic! And...... Professor Snape's teaching equipment is a qualified product that has passed the test of hundreds of millions of people in the Muggle world, which Miss Granger has also reported to the Ministry of Magic, but according to the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic, you should not get a qualified report until 1 month, now... Do you have any questions? "

PS: The Harry Potter volume comes to an end

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