On the other hand, first-year students are just as much in the spotlight as third-year students because they don't know what to do.

Unlike ordinary people, many professional heroes also gather at the sports festival to find talent from the countless students.

There are a total of 3 venues in Xiongying High School, and the sports festival for all three ages starts at the same time, which means that there is only one sports festival that can be observed at the same time.

Class A was naturally the first to appear, and then Class B, which was also a hero subject, followed closely behind, compared with the hero department, the class of the general subject became a green leaf dotted with red flowers, so the arrangement invisibly also made the class of the hero subject become the target of public criticism!

This arrangement is naturally intentional by the school, in order to stimulate the fighting spirit of all classes and select excellent colleges to the greatest extent.

The preliminaries consisted of an obstacle course running and a 4-kilometer complex run around the stadium of the sports festival, with a total of 11 classes and more than 200 people, and only the top 42 people were able to advance to the next round.

Everyone gathered at the starting point of the run, and Yu didn't squeeze to the front, but stayed with eight million.

"Now, Miss... Cooperation?"

Originally, she didn't know what Yu was going to say, but she was stunned when she heard this, and she subconsciously asked, "Okay... Cooperation?"

It's not surprising to have this kind of doubt, after all, the convention of sports festivals is competition, and in the case of a limited number of selected names, everyone is like eliminating others, and I'm afraid no one will cooperate.

But in fact, cooperating in the preliminaries is a reasonable way to pass the test, after all, the difficulty of obstacle trail running is not trail running, but obstacles!

As a person who also has the ability to create, eight million brains and abilities can be used as a cover to cover up his power.

"Eight million, come on!"

Uzumaki's legs were slightly bent, and his arms were thrown back, as if he was waiting for eight million to get on his back.

"Just once!" "Yes, yes, yes... This is the only time, then you have to listen to my command too, and then..."

When Eight Million climbed onto Uzumaki's back, she heard Gao You's next command, and a little devil-like expression suddenly appeared on her face.

climbed up the eight million on You's back, with a happy smile on his face, but the others on the side were different.

"Still like this?" The general subject student looked at the eight million who had climbed onto the whirlpool You's back, and looked at You's eyes with envy, jealousy and hatred, eight million was definitely the top handful in the first grade.

And the grapes, who are also Class A, are even more bloodshot with their eyes, and they can't wait to replace You, their eyes are focused on the eight million, and the obscene qi is nine stages, and they are about to break through to the obscene.

The person who was the first-year referee was none other than the 18 forbidden hero - Midnight.

As midnight raised his right hand, the students, who were still distracted by the people around them, focused on the upcoming cross-country race.

There were three lights on the gate to the starting point, and as the first green light came on, everyone's bodies stiffened.

The yellow light of the second battle was turned on, and the originally stiff body was now counted as stiff breathing.

The third red light lit up instantly.

Speed up and run!

In the crowded crowd, the whirlpool was surrounded by these eight million, but it was like a dragonfly in water, jumped up, jumped directly above everyone's heads, and then stepped on the students' heads one after another, and the speed exploded violently, rushing in front of everyone at once.

Contrary to Yuu Uzumaki's personality, Iida's personality engine needs an acceleration time, and at the starting point of crowding, his personality is not as flexible as Yuu Uzumaki, and he can only watch Yuu Uzumaki leap over his head.

"It's not that easy!"

Yu is far from alone in wanting to win the first place, and Scorched Jelly also regarded Yu Uzumaki as his biggest opponent on the way to the championship early before the competition.

Now the whirlpool slammed over everyone's heads, and it was already ready to be scorched, and as soon as he raised his hand, an icicle rose directly from the ground, and the momentum was about to freeze the whirlpool in mid-air in mid-air.


The icicles shattered, and the ice did not have any effect on Uzumaki's movements, except for the broken icicles that fell from the sky, and he had broken through the scorching blockade long before the icicles were formed.

"Come and don't be rude! Eight million, it's your turn to get out!"

Successfully occupying the first opportunity, Uzumaki Yu immediately raised his head to the eight million Dao.

And the eight million, who were already on You's back, twisted their bodies and rained countless projectiles from the dual currency.

Projectiles the size of glass beads covered the entire track in a short period of time.

"Think marbles will stop me?" Boom Scorched took the lead, not paying attention to the projectile on the ground at all, and stomped on the runway with his right foot, and the next second with his foot as the starting point, the ice suddenly spread, and also covered the projectile on it, "Nani--"

The scorching ice was frozen, and when the first day of the first day came into contact with the eight million falling projectiles, it was as if a chemical reaction had occurred, and countless projectiles automatically cracked, and countless gray smoke screens were suddenly released from them.

"Ahem... What the hell?"

"Whoever threw the smoke bomb choked me to death!"

"Hmm... I'm a little dizzy, this smoke!"

"Oh no, it's not a smoke bomb, it's a narcotic bomb!"

"Quick, rush!"

The starting point, which was already very chaotic, suddenly became even more chaotic because of the effect of the eight million hundred anesthetic projectiles.

Those who couldn't rush out of the starting point at the first time were affected by the effect of the anesthetic bullet and fell asleep directly at the starting point, and this game directly missed them.

The voice hero Mike, while seeing the big chaos at the starting point, pulled the microphone, "Oh roar - accident, accident, accident! I didn't expect this year's preliminaries to be so exciting, the game has just begun, the eight million hundred and the whirlpool Yu of Class A have formed an alliance, and they have given other contestants a head-on attack, how many people can break through this level?"

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