"Shoji Mezo, get it!"

"Tailed White Ape Husband, obtain!"

"Fist Fuji Kazuka, get!"

"people, get!"


Followed by a group of persevering contestants, the whirlpool hunted in groups, and the remaining 10 groups of bandages were all captured in their hands without exception, and when there were still 5 minutes left in the game, the headbands of the whole field were all concentrated in the hands of eight million.

Mike on the commentary podium, at this time, had already held the microphone and said the voice of unknown people, "Damn! This is more than ten years, the Xiongying Sports Festival has never been seen before, according to the rules of the game, if the time is over, no one can get even 1 point headband from the hands of eight million, then except for the group of Uzumaki Yu and Eight Million Hundred, everyone else will be eliminated!"

The original third round was a 16-player promotion to the knockout round, and there was no bells and whistles in front of the game, just a simple and rough 1V1 battle.

But now in the second round, when everyone is about to be eliminated, it seems that there is no need to continue to compete in the third round, and a group of professional heroes, including Olmet, do not expect everyone to lose their headbands.

It's too fast!

Even if You's actions are very easy to predict, but at that extremely fast speed, even if it is a group of professional heroes, only a few people have the confidence to stop it.

They don't think that the students of Xiongying High School in school have a way to be lazy to have high mobility ability.

To put it bluntly, whether it is the first cross-country race or the second horseback riding battle, the race itself is too big for the speed-type Yuu, and once the speed is raised, it is almost impossible to lose the game if you occupy the active whirlpool.

If it's a sealed arena, or even a type that doesn't die, then the whirlpool that only has one way to fight is a little better to deal with.

As spectators and professional heroes had expected, the competition for this year went into garbage time after the headband was all taken by Yuu Uzumaki and Eight Million.

No matter how the likes of the Boomers try to seize the headband, they can only follow the whirlpool and eat dust.

Even if the speed of the engine bursts out, Iida's acceleration can only last for a few seconds, and this time can at most close the gap with Uzumaki, and the speed gap between the two sides is still too large to be completely closer.


Time goes to zero, the victor Yuu Uzumaki and the eight million duo.

According to the original rules, the first and second places in the first year group would compete between Uzumaki Yu and Eight Million, while the third place would simply be vacant.

Of course, the Xiongying Sports Festival is not only about competing for the best students, like the audience who came all the way to Xiongying, it was not to see such a tiger-like competition.

Xiongying High School had to change the original schedule, not to mention that Yu Uzumaki and Eight Million directly entered the quarterfinals, and among the remaining eliminated, they simply added a game and selected the 12 contestants who could enter the third round.

Because of this temporary change in the competition system, Uzumaki Yu and Eight Million suddenly became the role of the public, and the people who can make Xiongying High School change the established rules for this, among the previous Xiongying graduates, only a few people can do this.

The next 6 qualifying matches for 12 people basically returned to the original path.

Most of the 12 people are from Class A, and the rest include the mental manipulation envoy of the general department, the Monoma Ningren of Class B, and the three of Kento Kazuka and Tetsu Tetsutetsu.

In the first game, Kirijima Ruijiro VS Tetsu Tetsu Iron, hardening VS steel body, whether it is character, fighting style or personality, all of them are similar to the two people of the festival, and even the result of the battle is a draw high school, and in the end, the two still separated the winner by breaking their wrists, and won the first place with the perseverance of Kirijima Ruierro.

In the second game, it appeared between Bang Hao Shengji and Chang Dark's stepping on the yin, and the fire generated by the explosion overcame Chang Dark's shadow personality, and Bang Hao advanced.

In the third game, Liri Yuchazi VS Bang Jiao Jelly, even though Michazi's fighting spirit is not weak, but in the face of Bang Jiao Jelly's overwhelming strength, he can still only be defeated.

In the fourth game, Izuku Midoriya VS Amaya Iida, because Iida's engine broke out and was overdrawn in the horse battle, Iida's special move could not be used, and he lost to Izuku Midoriya.

In the fifth game, Kazuka Kento VS Xincao Man, the Xincao Manipulation took advantage of the weakness of Kazukashi Kento's straightforward personality and directly used brainwashing to win.

In the sixth game, Ningren Monoma VS Tail White Apeman, facing Ningren Monoma, who copied the personalities of many Class B companions, Tail White Ape Husband was finally knocked out of the ring after 10 minutes of hard fighting.

Since then, the quarterfinals of the third game have been born, and the game, which could not be carried out because of the operation of You, was finally able to enter the next stage safely.

The battle of the quarterfinals, the first - the heart of the people VS the whirlpool!

Xincao is a big upset in this sports festival, as a general student, others were brushed directly in the first round of preliminaries, and Xincao not only advanced to the first level, but also had a quite amazing performance in the second game and the third round of 16.

Personality brainwashing,Able to answer questions through the other party.,So as to control all the actions of the other party in an instant.,Mental exercises with such a personality are not so much a hero candidate.,It looks more like a super criminal candidate.。

This is not the only one person who has this thought, but the first thought of the vast majority of people who know the individuality of the mind, and this is also a common problem in the whole society - speculating about others with the greatest malice.

Aizawa Xiaotai, who was also on the commentary platform, was still dressed like a mummy at this time because of the attack time of the previous enemy alliance, and looked at the heart that had just come to the stage and said, "I said that there is a problem with Xiongying's selection mechanism, and the confrontation with the robot when entering the school is too unfavorable for the examiner with this personality of Xincao, and his personality has almost no effect on inhumans..."

It's not because his personality isn't strong that he will enter the general department, it's purely because the content of the entrance exam is too poor between his phase, otherwise with the brainwashing ability of Xincao, I'm afraid there are few opponents in the hero department.

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