For a week, the more names you have, the more choices you have to make.

After the sports festival, the entire Xiongying High School ushered in a 2-day vacation, and just experienced the fierce confrontation at the sports festival, even if Yu still maintained full energy, but the other students did not have such a spirit, and they just took this opportunity to readjust their physical state.

And this 2-day break is also the time when hundreds of hero firms across the country send invitations to Xiongying students, and all invitations will be collected by Xiongying and selected in both directions through the students' choice.

In terms of the number of names, the number of names directly exceeds the sum of the others, which is naturally directly related to the first place in the sports festival.

Even if you are still in the student period, as long as you are a budding student, you will enter the field of vision of professional heroes in advance, and may even be booked by major hero offices before graduation.

"Exactly 97?"

Yuu, who took a 2-day break to re-enter the school, took over the list of hero firms with a piece of paper full of invitations from the head teacher Aizawa Xiaota, and the entire list was arranged by the ranking of the firms, and the top of the list was naturally the top hero firm in Japan.

"Andvar, Hawkes, Nighteye, Boom Bull King, Mirko, Forest Might... Tsk, what a bunch of celebrities!"

At a glance, all of these firms are in the top 10, and as long as you can get into them for internships, it almost means that you can have a good future.

Sweeping from top to bottom, Yuu's gaze swept over the names of the heroes, and finally began to focus on the area where the office was located.

"Andwa's office is near Hosu City in Saikyo, and sure enough..."

Seeing the name of Hosu City, Yu immediately put other options away.

Hero Killer!

Just before the end of the Yuei Sports Festival, the report of the hero killer can be said to be the biggest hit, and even just attacked Iida's brother, and the location is Hosu City.

Maybe it's a habit, or maybe it's a belief, the hero killer is used to committing crimes in the same place more than 4 times in a row before choosing a new place to hunt.

And it is obvious that Iida's brother Inganim is only the first person to be attacked, and the hero killer is far from the time to change places, and this is precisely the reason why Yu chose Hosu City - he wants to completely defeat the belief of the hero killer.

Three days later, the career experience began, and everyone went their separate ways at the station, heading to the Hero Offices located all over the country.

The same hero office can appoint 2 Xiongying's students, and Andwa names both Yu and Bang Scorch.

One is the first place in the sports festival, while the other is Andwa's own son.

"First of all... In the coming week, the two of you will receive my full teachings, and before I begin, I must state one thing - those who can't accept it, can choose to give up at any time! I don't think I need to say anything more as a result!"

Anderwa's every move is exactly what the media says about him - a tyrant and a dictator.

There is no need to refute, no need to understand, all he needs is absolute execution!

I have to say that Anderwa's office is worthy of being one of the most famous, and the daily routine is absolutely compact.

"Keep up--" Andvar, who was walking ahead, suddenly accelerated, as if he was flying, "the enemy will not appear in front of you on their own, try to find them before I solve the case!"

As a hero, it is indeed daily to fight against criminals with abilities, but more often than not, discovering problems in advance is the most test of the hero's ability, and the sooner the event is discovered, the more it will naturally be able to prevent the spread of the threat in advance.

Andwar's ability can be said to be half of the Scorch, but in terms of the depth of development of the ability, the Scorching is at least 10 years less than Andwar's time, and the two sides are not just the difference in experience.

Anderwa, whose whole body is burning with flames, shuttles through the city like a rocket, not caring about the problems of Yu and Bang Jiao Jelly behind him keeping up, just keeping speeding up.

"Let's go, Boom!"

Accelerating the full explosion of personality, Yuu's right eye keeps emerging from the image information that is projected back from the air loop.

This time, because of the off-campus workplace experience, in addition to putting a lingering loop around eight million, almost all the lingering loops made during this period were invested in Hosu City, and Anderwal also followed a lingering loop.

Using the analysis of Andwa's advance route in the air loop, combined with the local city map, you simply put aside the choice of eating ashes behind Andwa's fart, and turned to the place before Andwa's advance route to search for cases that have not yet broken out.


Three blocks away, an earth-shattering explosion came directly into the ears of Yu Uzumaki and the others who were patrolling the streets.

"There is a situation!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Andwa rushed towards the place where the explosion occurred without looking back, while the Youhe Bang Scorching Freeze behind him went their own way, using their own means to rush towards their destination.

Alien Criminal-Sky Explosion Xiong Qin, a well-known felony on the police's bounty list, ranked 27th among S-class fugitives, has the ability to turn any substance into plastic explosives of equal weight, and is one of the most destructive alien criminals.

Even if he drops the airblast in a metal prison, he can use his personality to turn the metal used to bind him into a clay-shaped explosive of any shape, so as to break a way out.

In addition, the air explosion has developed the destructive power of plastic explosives to a certain extent, and the destructive power generated in large cities is even higher than that of most professional heroes.

Of course, compared to the danger of personality, the most troublesome thing about the hero of the air explosion is his rampant character, hostage kidnapping, threats and intimidation are all done, and the deaths and injuries of professional heroes in his hands are more than double digits.

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