After 3 days of hard training, everyone even wondered if they were really on summer vacation?

For Yu who is immersed in cultivation, the cultivation during the day is naturally fleeting, but for those who still regard cultivation as suffering, every day of cultivation is like a year.

However, as the third day of the forest camp drew to a close, and before the sun went down, the Mandalay Cat announced a good news to everyone - the Courage Test!

As the highlight of the summer camp, the forest camp is the most anticipated replacement for classes A and B, and the Mandalay cat even added a little gimmick to this test of courage.

Take the class as a faction and scare another class into incontinence!

When night fell, everyone started a week of courage test in groups of 2 people, originally 41 people, because there were 5 people to tutor, and the rest of the people were just divided into 18 groups.

"Eight million... If you're afraid, hold my hand!"

He Yu formed a group, it was eight million, and the two of them held hands and continued to advance in the deep and dark forest, and strange sounds were heard around them from time to time.

It seems to be the cry of an owl, and like the call of a ghost, eight million are quite bold in the class on weekdays, but in this dark forest, like a little girl, holding your arms trembled slightly.

"The so-called test of courage is also a trial... If you're so scared, why don't you wear this!!"

Looking at the eight million who were still trembling, Yu directly used his creative ability to create a pair of head-mounted infrared night vision goggles.

handed over the night vision goggles to eight million, and the forest, which could not see anything in the dark, suddenly showed his real scene, and the students of class B, who were originally hidden in the darkness and funny, could no longer hide their figures, and they were exposed to everyone.

"Yo, don't you need it?" As the truth of the night was exposed, the fear of eight million was significantly reduced.

You shook his head, he didn't need such a thing as a night vision device, the scattered air loops would not be affected by the night, everything in the forest was under his surveillance, and even the ten people of the enemy alliance were also seen by him.

Just halfway through the Courage Test Conference, Yu stopped and turned his head to look at Eight Million Dao, "It seems that the Courage Test Conference is about to end, there is an enemy invasion!"

Pick up the communicator prepared in the morning, and there is more than one communicator created by Yuu, including one at the starting point of the test meeting, and one at the same time Aizawa Xiaotai, who tutored everyone in the dormitory.

"This is Yuu Uzumaki... I just found out that there are intruders, suspected members of the enemy coalition, a total of ten people, asking for reinforcements!"

Yu started to contact the other end of the communicator, and a lot of smoke was generated from the entire forest for no reason, and in just a few seconds, it covered most of the area in the forest.


As soon as the smoke rose, Yu analyzed the key components of the smoke through the air loop, and as soon as he was about to generate a gas mask, the eight million on the side directly created a simple gas mask from his waist and handed it to Yu Uzumaki.

"Now, here's what you want... I'm someone who can be your help... It's not a burden!"

Faced with the stubborn eight million who wanted to prove himself, Yoo smiled and took the gas mask and put it on, "Yes, yes... You're very strong, prepare more gas masks, I'll bring these to the couples in front of me, let everyone retreat to the vicinity of the house, you also go and join forces with the others, the most important thing now is to gather combat power!"

took a bunch of gas masks, separated from the eight million for a while, and gave full play to his speed advantage, and a few breaths passed around the teams of people in front of him, leaving enough gas masks for everyone, and then he stayed in front of a member of the enemy alliance,

"Everyone, withdraw to the dormitory... The enemy now has ten people, avoid direct combat until you gather your strength!"

Uzumaki, who is in charge of communication, conveys instructions for action like all the students who have not yet figured out the situation.


As Yu prepares to evacuate on his own, his path is blocked by more than one member of the enemy alliance.

The muscular man, the masked man, Tuwise and the magician pressed widely.

"Is that you? Uzumaki Yu, the NO.1 of the previous Xiongying Games, hehe... Now, let me try out what I'm doing right now!"

The muscular man has a hairstyle similar to that of Banghao, the left side of his face is disfigured, and his arms are accompanied by the activation of personality, which is wrapped in countless muscular displays.

Personality and muscle enhancement.

In terms of the effect of personality, it is an enhanced version of Midori Valley, which can only use 5% OFA at this stage, and it is a simple and unpretentious, but very strong personality in actual combat.

With the increase of muscles, both strength, defense, and even vitality are strengthened, which is basically the same as a humanoid chariot.

"Hey, hey... Let's bring people back alive!" Looking at the muscular man who had already acted, the magician couldn't help but complain.

"Let him die!" "Stop him!" Tuwish, who was schizophrenic, said two words in a blink of an eye.

In the face of the muscular man with terrifying combat effectiveness, the two of them can really only act as spectators, and the main force of the battle this time is also a muscular man.

It's not so much that the Deadhandle Wooden Crane wants to bring Yu back, but that AFO is interested in Yuu's existence, which is why this time there is an invasion plan for the forest camp.

"Hahaha... Kid, let's try it next!"

The strength of the muscular man is amazing, and as the frontal muscles are strengthened, his short-distance explosiveness is also amazing, which also creates the speed of the big man of the muscular man, which has reached a quite amazing level within 100 meters.


As the ground under the muscular man's feet was trampled apart, the powerful explosion of the reaction force was used, and the muscular man's body turned into a cannonball and rushed fiercely in front of Yuu.

Pull back with your right fist and twist your body to mobilize the muscles of your whole body!!


Straight muscles exploded, and the muscular man's fist hammered down hard towards Yuu's place.

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