Ormet, who had already been sent flying, reappeared in front of the people, and burst out with power beyond his peak.

This is a return to the light, and it is also a light that adds a handful of oil to the candle before it is about to burn out, and releases the brightness of the fire to the extreme.

This was the secret hand of Yuu Uzumaki, in the little time he had earned as a professional hero after Olmet was sent flying like him.

He helped Ormet, who was nearing the end of his heroic career, and unlocked his last bit of power.

It turns out that this secret hand is indeed very important, and at the last moment when Yu Uzumaki and AFO fight, the existence of Ormet is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

AFO, which had already been hit hard, was hit by a punch from Olmet, who was going all out, and the AFO, who suffered fatal injuries to his body, even exceeded the healing limit of the super regenerative personality, and most of his body was completely shattered under this full blow.

Nearly half of the heart was destroyed, the brain was severely impacted, and coupled with the loss of vitality, AFO couldn't do it even if he wanted to turn over.

Without waiting for the police to take the AFO into custody, the AFO, whose vitality had run out, was completely silent, and a generation of dark emperors died with a whimper.

The enemy alliance has lost the spiritual pillar of AFO, and it is not much different from being completely wiped out, relying on a dead handle wooden crane that escaped the catastrophe is not enough to compare with AFO, a mature dark emperor.

After the first battle against the AFO, Olmet announced his retirement because the power in his body was completely burned out, of course, from Olmet's point of view, his retirement this time can be regarded as the end of an ideal in his life - to solve the AFO.

Although the era of personality crime has not been completely cured, the greatest source of chaos has been solved, and before the idea of the hero killer is further spread, Uzumaki even claims to be the heir of Olmet.

In the battle with AFO, Yu Uzumaki fought until the end, and this strength alone was enough for everyone to remember his name.

Yu Uzumaki, who was still a first-year student, was specially recruited as a professional hero when he was a student, and under the joint recommendation of several top 10 professional heroes, he took the name of a professional hero as a minor, and took over the position of Olmet, and carried the name of a symbol of peace in one fell swoop.

Half a year after the AFO incident, Dr. David and Melissa, who were far away on Island I, published an academic report that shocked the world - the mass production of police Gantz reinforced clothing.

Different from the general hero combat uniform, the mass production of the police Gantz does not have any personality requirements, and ordinary people who have received professional training are the best braves, strengthening physical strength, strength, speed and other physical qualities tenfold, and equipped with a variety of police devices can be said to strengthen the combat effectiveness of ordinary people in one step.

In front of the cops in reinforced uniforms, the personality criminals themselves have no advantage at all.

In addition to the special effects brought by certain personalities, whether it is the upper limit of combat power or the ability to deal with complex situations, the enhanced service is enough to take charge of the police.

Of course, with the advent of the Gantz enhanced suit, it does not mean that the professional hero has lost its usefulness, the production of the Gantz enhanced suit is still a constraint at this stage, and how to control the enhanced suit is a problem that Dr. David needs to face.

The reason why the advent of the enhanced suit shocked the world is because it gave the world another option - world peace that does not rely on personality and heroes.

With the introduction of the first special forces equipped with Gantz reinforced uniforms, the sex crime rate in Japan as a whole fell by 30% that month and is declining month by month.

The effect of the Ganzt Fortified Suit gave the top management a booster, and soon more Gantz Fortified Suits began to be used all over the world, while a new control system controlled the use of the Fortified Suits.

All wearers of the reinforcement suit must be specially authorized, and the circulation, use, and transfer of each reinforcement suit are strictly monitored, and even if an outsider wants to dismantle the control system, the self-destruct program will be activated as soon as possible, but the Gantz reinforcement suit will not be easily used by criminals.

If there is any weapon in this world that is absolutely safe, then it is undoubtedly the Gantz reinforcement suit, you have to do it to the core, and the entire reinforcement suit will be BOOM, even if you use external means to do that to obtain the right to use the reinforcement suit, as long as the core remains the same, it only takes a command to retake the reinforcement suit.

It is not an easy thing for evil to disappear completely, after all, people's hearts are changeable, and no one dares to say that they can control people's hearts and no longer be evil, even if the ontology of Vortex is truly a god, he does not dare to say that the people of a world are all good.

If you really want to do this, unless you are whirlpooled to distort the minds of the people in this world, but when you really get to that point, what is the point of that kind of puppet world?

As long as there is still the existence of evil in people's hearts, then there is a need for heroes to exist, and this is precisely the meaning of Uzumaki's existence in this world.

The existence of personality has made the already unfair world more unfair, and the unfair life has triggered a grace in people's hearts, and most of the people who use personality to commit crimes are the products of this unfairness.

Reinforcement suits, on the other hand, give ordinary people the opportunity to catch up with the personality gap, and this opportunity requires hard work and perseverance.

The process was very difficult, but in the end it was given a chance.

One year, two years, three years...

Crime has never gone away, but the global rate of sex crime has dropped to 1%.

Japan alone is covered with more than 30 million stranded loops, not to mention that anyone wants to commit a crime, even if there are just signs of crime, he will be able to catch the special combat police who can come out of the street at the first time.

Nowadays, it is an exaggeration to say that the whole country does not close its doors at night, but there is no doubt that no one will worry about the safety of even a 3-year-old child who goes out at night in this environment.

It's too much safe, and this peace will last forever!

Kabbalah Tree of Life Victory, GET!

In the eyes of God and the world, eternity is ephemeral, and ephemeral is eternal, and the nature of these two is the power that can be transformed and given to each other.

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