In the first session of the Zhongnin exam, as the performance expertise of Mori Nai Ibiki, the interrogator, the most difficult thing is not the solution of the first 9 super-outline questions, nor is it how to cheat.

The real trouble was the last 1 additional question that was added by Mori Nai Biki himself after the first 9 questions were not eliminated last night.

If you choose not to answer the questions, then the whole team will be eliminated, regardless of the results of the previous 9 questions.

If you choose to answer the question and can't answer it correctly, all 3 members of the team will forever lose the qualification to become a middle ninja.

Only those who choose to answer the questions and successfully answer them correctly will be able to pass the first round of the exam.

From Yuu, who already knows the plot, it seems simple to be able to clear the level without doing anything, but judging from the position of the Shinobi candidates who don't know Mori Nai's thoughts at all, the pressure they need to bear is undoubtedly comparable to the suffocation of falling off a cliff with one foot in the air.

To be able to resist the spiritual whipping from Mori Nai Biki, the shinobi either has absolute confidence in his own strength, or simply fights the idea that he is fighting for the Jedi from the beginning.

In the original book, there are a total of 51 groups of teams participating in the middle ninja exam, with a total of 153 people.

And when the first round dominated by Mori Nai Biki began to end, there were 26 groups left, which is exactly half of them.

The 50% elimination rate is not the ultimate in Mori Nai's interrogation ability, and if it weren't for Naruto's protagonist-style speech at the end of the original book, the power of the protagonist's aura was brought into full play, so that the remaining candidates strengthened their confidence to continue to take the 10th question, and I am afraid that the original 26 groups would have to drop to below 20 groups.

In today's examination room, Naruto was arranged to take a nap after answering the first 9 questions early, not to mention slapping the table and putting his mouth open, I am afraid that when Mori Nai Biki said the choice of question 10, he still lay on the table and did not wake up.

Without Naruto's troubles, Mori Naibiki's interrogation skills can be said to have exerted 120% of his strength, and there were originally some candidates who were not determined and were ready to fish in troubled waters, but under the constant pressure of Mori Ibiki, they finally couldn't hold on, and took the initiative to raise their hands and leave the examination room.

"Congratulations to the remaining 18 groups, you have qualified!".

When this sentence came out of the mouth of Mori Nai Biki, the vast majority of the candidates couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"Hmm, are you done?"

Naruto was probably the calmest of all the candidates, and when he was woken up from his sleep, it was also the end of the first round of exams.


The window of the classroom was suddenly slammed open, and then the candidates in the classroom were stunned, and a Konoha female ninja directly nailed the banner to Qiang.

"The second round of the Konoha Chunin exam?".

The words on the banner were silently read out by the candidates, and the candidates looked at the female ninja wearing a net pocket underwear, and they only felt that this examiner was not ordinary, and it might even be more difficult than Mori Naibiki, so naturally no one took the initiative to speak.

Konoha is particularly ninja, Mitarai red beans, and is also one of Orochimaru's former students.

Yuu, who had just come out of Naruto's body, recognized this future middle-aged woman at a glance, and the other party's future body shape was amazing-the years were a pig-killing knife.

"Hmph!" Seeing that no one took care of him, Hongdou's temper followed, and he pointed at the examinee with one hand and said, "There are still 18 groups left, and next... I'm going to reduce the number of candidates to less than half!"

Putting down the cruel words, Mitarai Red Beans turned around and left the classroom with a group of candidates.

Half an hour later, the people who had been transferred from Konoha Village to the forest at the edge of the village stopped in front of a half-abandoned training ground.

The gloomy forest, accompanied by moss and stains on the training ground that has not been taken care of for a long time, makes this training ground ghostly.

Many candidates who came here for the first time seemed to be affected by the atmosphere of this training ground, and their steps became hesitant.

Hongdou, who was walking in front, turned to look at the group of candidates who had become cringe, and finally changed the loss caused by the failure that had just appeared on the stage, and instead stared at the candidates with an interested smile.

"Hey, hey... This is the examination room for the second exam, the 44th training ground of Konoha..."Red Bean's snake-like eyes swept over everyone, but everyone who was swept by this gaze trembled in their hearts, "Alias - Death Forest!"

"Death Forest? It's a great place as its name suggests, and I wonder how many people will die here?".

Yuu's gaze swept over the other 17 groups of contestants, among the many contestants, there were as many as 8 groups of Konoha alone, excluding the spy group of Yinyin Village where Yakushidou was located, the number of Konoha could still reach half.

Suddenly the red bean, which was patrolling between the candidates, threw a handful of kunai at Naruto.

In the face of the sudden attack of the kunai, Naruto's reaction was naturally not bad, and almost at the same time, he pulled out the same weapon from the ninja bag on his waist and slashed at the kunai flying towards his cheek.


Kunai's speed and strength are not slow, but compared to Naruto's counterattack power, it is not a little worse, plus the red bean itself has no intention of killing, this blow is more like a temptation and warning.

The kunai who was knocked away took advantage of the situation and plunged into the ground behind Naruto, and when Naruto refocused his attention from the kunai to the red bean, he found that the red bean that threw the kunai had disappeared from his eyes.


The metallic chill of the cold kunai was transmitted from behind Naruto to his neck, along with the almost half-mad voice of the red bean.

"This year's shinobi seems to be very energetic..."

Warm, moist....

Naruto, who had just felt these two feelings, suddenly blushed, and the red bean who appeared behind him brought his face close to him, and at the same time, his tongue licked his face, with a bit of lust and an idiot look.

"Hey, hey... Big sister examiner, can you let me go?" Naruto, who originally wanted to make a move, raised his hands under Yuu's persuasion, as if I had given up resisting.

Seeing this, Hongdou looked at the other candidates as if he had lost a fun toy, and began to explain the rules of the second game.

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