It is by no means unprecedented, but to say that those who provide faith become faith machines like cattle, there is absolutely no market in the flood famine.

What the angels did was to use the human race as their faith pasture, and in a form that was almost bewitching, they were constantly sweeping away the low-level monks in the wilderness.

This behavior was close to that of the fern root, and it was quickly noticed by the Honghuang monks, who took this as an opportunity to launch an investigation.

If at the beginning, the existence of angels was only regarded as a new kind of desolate creatures, then with the appearance of the exotic monks behind the angels, then the angels were treated as invaders.

And the existence of angels is not just as simple as the invasion of faith, as the monks of the flood wilderness peeled off the cocoon, the monks of the flood wilderness found that this group of angels was the same as the demons who appeared in the flood wilderness.

As cannon fodder, the demons continued to attack the flood wilderness, and the angels took the opportunity to enter the flood wilderness to harvest faith and pout the roots of the flood wilderness monks.

Under the advantages of the other, the flood is naturally powerless to resist its invasion.

On the other hand, the pressure on the underworld is no less than that of the flood battlefield.

Since the Five Saints, including the Three Qings, passed through the crack, the number of demon soldiers used in the crack has not decreased in the slightest, on the contrary, the other end seems to have sensed the poverty of the flood and sent troops to harass the underworld.

The other end of the cracks in the underground.

The five saints who entered this place have not returned to the flood for a long time, and even made many people in the flood wilderness think that they had an accident.

In fact, since entering here, the Five Saints of the Flood Desolation have been in battle, and although the situation is very troublesome, it is far from the extent of being on the verge of falling.

Hell, that's exactly the official name of the other end to which the Underworld Rift leads.

Different from the region of the Titan World, this is not the Titan World, but the Dark Hell where the Seven Monarchs of Hell are located.

It is the area corresponding to heaven where Lucifer, who is God's lifelong enemy, and other demons from hell who rebel against Jehovah, unite.

Unlike Sanqing's initial guess, the master of the other end of the underworld is not Rahu, but the enemy is more difficult than Rahu.

The amount of hell is not worse than that of the Flood Wilderness alone, and even although the cultivation of the Seven Monarchs of Hell is not as good as that of saints, in a special place like Hell, they have the same special power as saints in the Flood Wilderness.

At the same time, the Seven Lords of Hell, who have the backing of hell, are completely able to exert their power that is not inferior to that of saints.

On the other hand, the five saints who entered the hell did not have an advantage in the hell because they left the territory of the desolate desolation and lost the desolate heavenly dao as a support.

Fortunately, among the Seven Sovereigns of Hell, except for Lucifer, the big brother, who is a saint in the true sense, the other six are equivalent to parallel goods, so although there are many people and even occupy a favorable location, they have never been able to win the five saints in hundreds of thousands of years of confrontation.

The methods of the Five Saints against the Seven Sovereigns of Hell have become more and more diverse with their understanding of the aspects of Hell.

And if there is one hundred thousand years, which one is the most dangerous, then it is undoubtedly the ambush battle led by Lucifer and the other six monarchs.

Which time can be called the biggest crisis of the Sanqing, and even Fuxi and Zhen Yuanzi have fallen into a near-death situation, almost dying.

And it was faced with a certain death situation that allowed Sanqing to gain the power to break through the desperate situation in an almost desperate situation.

Pangu God!

During the exchange between the Sanqing and the Wu clan, a hypothesis once put forward by Di Jiang allowed the Sanqing, who had been transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen, to reunite their own Yuanshen and condense the complete Pangu Yuanshen with the Pangu imprint.

This plan seems crazy, but in fact, judging from the Wu Clan's move to condense Pangu's true body, it is by no means impossible, after all, the Wu Clan's idea is likely to succeed.

However, with the sanctification of Sanqing, this kind of thing has also been put behind everyone, after all, with the respect of a saint, there is no need to perform the art of unity of the original gods, and at the risk of disappearing himself, he will become the true god of Pangu.

But this time in a foreign hell, this almost impossible situation has become a possibility!

Pangu God!

Indeed, just as it was shot at the beginning, the primordial gods of the three Qings were reunited into one, almost equivalent to a small Pangu.

And because it is the primordial spirit rather than the essence of blood, the small-cap stocks produced by the integration of the three clears have more consciousness that belongs to Pangu.

The revived Pangu True God, as soon as he appeared, reunited the Three Treasures of Open Heaven and the Four Swords of Zhuxian in the hands of Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing into the Pangu Axe.

The Pangu True God swung an axe, and before a single move was finished, the entire Seven Monarchs of Hell were all lying in the resurrection pool.

The Seven Sovereigns of Hell are the same as the saints, they belong to a kind of heaven and earth fruit position, and as long as Hell is not destroyed, Lucifer and others, who are the Seven Sovereigns of Hell will be able to continue to be resurrected.

Although the Pangu True God is exceptionally strong, after all, he is limited by the ability of the Three Qings, and he has not been able to destroy the entire hell, so that the Seven Sovereigns of Hell also have a chance to come back to life.

And the power of the Pangu True God was not as feared by Sanqing, reawakening the real Pangu, causing Sanqing and them to disappear completely.

The true god of Pangu only lasted for a few hundred years before it disintegrated again and was restored to the state of the Three Qings.

Sanqing, who had restored his true body, took the opportunity of merging into the Pangu True God to comprehend the mysteries of a deeper realm, and even broke through the existing realm in one go.

What kind of realm was Pangu at the beginning, even if the Pangu True God was reduced by one size, its realm was by no means comparable to today's Sanqing, and some of the things that flowed out of the fingernails could make Sanqing breathtaking, not to mention that Pangu True God had no hidden meaning at all, and it belonged to the perception of Pangu True God, and it was all created for Sanqing.

It was also through the appearance of the Pangu True God this time that the Five Saints finally gained a firm foothold in Hell, but it also made the Seven Sovereigns of Hell, who had suffered a big loss, make up their minds to let the Five Saints not be able to enter and exit.

When hell is locked, it is a full 100,000 years.

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