The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1120: Deng Tianbang exploded

Chapter 1120, Deng Tianbang exploded

"Give you a few chances, you don't cherish it yourself, now you know it's wrong?"

In the eyes of Xu Feng, there was an icy killing, and the powerful spirit bombarded Liu Jiaming’s chest. His eyes were annoyed.

Obviously, the death is not eye-catching.

The kitten jumped out and swallowed Liu Jiaming's heart fragments into the abdomen.

"Take his body down."

Yelu said to the elders.

Several elders did not dare to violate the orders of Yelu, and dragged Liu Jiaming’s body away.

Liu Jiaming came to Xu Feng's front and said: "Xu Shidi, just the news of the birth and death peak, can open the transmission array recently, when do you want to go back?"

Not far away, Luo Yunshang heard that Xu Feng was leaving, and her face suddenly appeared some desolate. She knew that Xu Feng would leave here sooner or later.

Luo Yunshang had just been with Xu Feng for a while, she enjoyed this quiet and warm, but she also knew that Xu Feng would eventually leave.

She knows that Xu Feng is destined to be extraordinary.

"Go three days later."

Xu Feng said to Yelu, the injury on his body has recovered almost the same. These days, it is similar to Luo Yunshang, it is time to go back to life and death.

When he arrived, he also wanted to use the transmission line of life and death peaks, hoping to let him transfer to the Tianhua domain. He came out for so long, it is time to go back and see.

He wants to count the accounts with those people.


The north is wild.

"The latest issue of the Tiandeng list is announced, the latest issue of the list is announced... Come see... Come see... Come and buy..."

"The latest issue of the list of the world, the change of the situation, the legendary youth of the half-step spirit, the sudden emergence of a sudden rise, defeated Lin Biao, became the twenty-five."

"It is said that this son is three heads and six arms, his eyes are golden, his body is flying around with wings, don't miss passing by, and the sky is sold..."

“Is it really amazing? I heard that he is not 30 years old. It is said that his background is not easy. Do you know what can tell me?”

With the latest list of the list of the Tiandeng list, the entire northern wilderness area has been completely blasted.

A half-step spiritual youth has become the news of twenty-five in the list, almost everyone knows.

They are very clear that at this age, they can become twenty-five in the list of the heavens. The talent of this young man is even more terrifying than those of the top ten in the list.

"I want to tell you that it is not easy. Do you know if you buy a list of Dengtian directly?" said the constant screaming person who sold the list.

"But I have no money..."

"Without money, you still want to know the news, roll... delay labor and do business..."

Above the entire list, many young people’s names have disappeared.

For example, the film name of the twenty-seventh patrol, some people say that he was killed by Xu Feng, and some people say that he is in the black fire of the elderly sitting, not knowing life and death.

All in all, the change in the list of all this is very big. The original one hundred people on the top of the list, at least ten people's names were replaced.

North is wild, Lingbao Pavilion headquarters.

A enchanting woman, her eyes staring at the name of the twenty-fifth in the front of the list, secretly frowned: "Is it really him?"

"But, according to the information provided by the people I saw that day, Xu Feng has a deep background and background. He lives in Tianhua domain, what kind of background can he have?"

"The owner."

This enchanting woman is not someone else. It is Shu Runxue who had a lot of intersection with Xu Feng. She disappeared after Xu Feng disappeared in Tianhua domain.

After a few treatments, she came to the Lingbao Pavilion headquarters in the wilderness of the north. She is now almost in charge of the vast wild Lingbao Pavilion in the north.

"How? What are the clues for the people I asked you to check?" Shu Runxue never believed that Xu Feng would be killed, but she never heard about Xu Feng.

Now that she found the name of Xu Feng, she immediately ordered people to investigate.

However, she thinks that Xu Feng is a very talented person, and it is impossible to improve it so quickly.

They are able to defeat the talents of Lin Tian, ​​like Lin Biao, how she is not shocked.

The old man came to the front of Shu Runxue, and he said with respect and respect: "The owner, the person you asked us to investigate, we have already investigated."

Shu Runxue's eyes wrinkled slightly, and she had some expectations inside.

"That Xu Feng is not a genius in the middle of the wilderness in the north. To be precise, he should be a young genius from the peaks of life and death."

The old man was able to investigate the origin of Xu Feng. I don’t know if Xu Feng knew it, would it shock the strength of Lingbao Pavilion’s ability to inquire.

"The peak of life and death in the seventy-two peak area, that is, the martial art of the once Emperor Lingwu, is now the peak of life and death." Shu Runxue asked.

The old man’s look changed slightly. He nodded. “Yes, it’s the peak of life and death. There are some geniuses in these years of life and death, but the younger one is the first person.”

Shu Runxue said faintly: "Not only the first person to live and die, but also the existence of the first talent since we included the list."

“Is there any investigation, where did he come from before the peak of life and death? There are recent rumors that he has a very strong background, and his mother is a strong emperor. Have you investigated any clues?”

Shu Runxue's eyes are full of wise light. In these years, she is almost in charge of the entire Lingbao Pavilion, which has greatly improved the business performance of Lingbaoge.

"It is not investigated. As for the experience before the peak of life and death, it may take some time before there is news." The old man respected Shu Runxue.

He did not dare to have any disrespect for the woman in front of him. Shu Runxue was in the Lingbao Pavilion and became a godly existence. Wherever she went, the business of Lingbao Pavilion was improving.

"I have any news about this Xu Feng, I will inform me the first time." Shu Runxue said all this, the old man nodded, he would quit.


Shu Runxue followed up and said: "In the past few years, our drug business has become better and better. The source of our drug is only known to a few people. This event does not allow any accidents. You arrange the arrangements. I also need a good test, I always feel that something is wrong."


The old man left the room of Shu Runxue.

Shurun's mouth is slightly whispered: "Xu Feng, Xu Feng, is it for you?"


"This kid, He De, can become the twenty-five of the ascendant list, and still be in front of me, don't let me meet him, otherwise I must kill him."

The anger of a face of more than forty people in the ascendant list, when half-step spirits can enter the Dengtian list, he feels that the recent Dengtian list is too irresponsible.

(End of this chapter)

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