The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1324: Cooperation

Chapter 1324 Collaboration Killing

The seal array disappeared.

Xu Feng's figure appeared in the dark night sky, letting the heavy rain continue to land.

Heavy rain slammed his body and made a ticking sound.

He stood there and looked at the opposite elder Wu, saying: "If you know the law, you are already here. Now you want to leave, what is it?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, making the elders who were about to turn around face the wrong mistakes.

When is the youth of Jiu Pin Ling Huang Feng Feng, so arrogant.

He turned and looked at Xu Feng. His eyes were all killing. He slowly said: "Wild boy, I know that your means and strength are not simple."

"But, do you really think that you can deal with my seven spirits with you? Don't forget, I am the elder of the law enforcement hall on the ice island."

Elder Wu looked at the means and method of Xu Feng’s killing of the big island owner. In fact, his heart was still very taboo, so he would tell the identity of the elder of the ice island.

"Don't scare me with the identity of the ice island, you want to kill me, I will not let you go today. I will never like to do things when I return to the mountains."

Xu Feng really does not want this elder to leave alive.

The elders left to live alive, and when they went to the ice island, he was the elder of the law enforcement hall. If he made some remarks on the ice island, he wanted to tidy up the green island. It was really a simple matter.

"Green Shu, you can do it."

Xu Feng opened the road to Green Ji, not far away.

Now that the cultivation of Green Ji is restored to the Seven Spirits, it is impossible to kill Green Ji with his strength.

However, Xu Feng stood on one side, his soul secret technique, when it was appropriate to display it, it is difficult for this elder to think about it.

Especially now, Xu Feng’s soul power has broken through to the seventy-fifth order.

"Green Ji, you have to think clearly, once you do it to me, it is to provoke the ice island, the news leaked out, you Green Island will be buried with you."

Elder Wu stared at Green Ji, he was very clear about the strength of Green Ji, this guy's seven spirits respected that year, you can compete against the peak of the seven spirits.

"Oh, my Green Ji hasn't provoked you yet, you come to my Green Island to get things done. Now that I know that I can't leave safely, I want you to let me go."

There was a long gun between the hands of Green Ji, and the raindrops continually fell on his rifle, bursting with the sound of metal collision.

His long guns glowed with darkness, and in this dark night sky, it was extraordinarily bright, and the breath of his body broke out.

The triple-and-a-half of the gun's heart emerged. There was a little bit of the wind and the heart of his heart. His long gun suddenly moved and his figure became erratic.


As the pike suddenly trembled, the long-range gun carried the horrible cold, and directly spurted out to the opposite chest of the elders, the gunmanship was extremely precise.

"Green Ji, are you really tired?"

Elder Wu saw Green Ji attacking himself. He screamed and his hands slammed out.

The violent momentum erupted above the palm of his hand, and his attack was extremely fierce.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger.

The sound of the waves came one after another, and the whole night sky came from time to time with a burst of thunder and lightning, and the heavens and the earth seemed to change brightly in an instant.


"What happened, why is it so long, the battle is not over yet?" Du Fei's face became a bit ugly, and he has been patrolling for more than one hour in this heavy rain.

"Captain, not good... you are going to see..."

At this time, a scream came.

I saw a guard not far away, the fear of the face, he came to Du Fei.

"What is wrong?"

Du Fei looked at the guard.

"Captain, all blood... all blood... you are going to see... there is no idea what is going on, it’s all blood..." the guard said.

Du Fei has a bad feeling in his heart. You must know that the big island owners are going to kill Xu Feng and Green E. They should not cause the blood to redden the rain.


Du Fei looked at the blood flowing, his face became ugly, and said: "No, it is definitely Green Ji is still alive, otherwise it is impossible to have such a situation."

His eyes looked toward the courtyard where Xu Feng was not far away. There were two horrible shadows in the sky, and an earth-shattering battle was taking place.

"Damn, that's really green!"

Du Fei knew very well that Green Ji’s strength is very strong. He immediately said: “Come on, let’s escape!”

His voice has just fallen, and an old voice sounded: "Du Fei, do you think you still escape?"

The owner of this voice is not someone else, it is the snake old.

After killing the two island owners, he was afraid that Du Fei would notice something, and he understood that he would kill Du Fei, and he did as he expected.

If it is late for some time, if Du Fei flees to the ice island, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"Snake old... snake old... spare me this time..."

Du Fei’s words rang, and the snake’s old attack had already come to the front.

His five-pronged spirit is the ultimate opponent of the snake's six spirits.

As Du Fei was killed, the members of the escorts, the snakes, also did not let go.

Blood completely dyed the entire green island.


Must be a fantasy!

Seeing the battle between Green Ji and Elder Wu, they entered a stalemate.

The soul power of the seventy-fifth-order body of Xu Feng broke out. Under the defense of the elders, a terrible and mysterious breath came.

Elder Wu did not have any precautions at all. He widened his eyes and said: "No, this is the secret of the soul? Is this a fantasy?"


Green Kyrgyz's face was also shocked. He did not expect Xu Feng to be so terrible in soul power, but also cultivated such a powerful soul secret.

You know, just watching Xu Feng use the array method to kill Luo Fen, his heart has been very surprised. Unexpectedly, now Xu Feng’s secret mystery, even the elders of the army can not break free. ,


The long-shouldered princess wore the chest of his elders, his eyes were unwilling, and he stared at the youth under the heavy rain.

He opened his mouth and the blood spurted out: "Who are you? Why are you in this sea area, you are not the person in this sea..."

There are countless remorse in his heart. He knew that there was such a genius youth, and even if Luo Fen gave him the position of the island owner, he would not come.

"Hey, if you don't die, you won't die. If you don't want to be cheap, you will leave Green Island at the end of the big game. How can you die?"

Xu Feng looked at Elder Wu and had no pity on his face.

He did not know how many people were killed in these years. He knew that in this era of the jungle, if he was weak, then he was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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