The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1326: Invitation to Ice Ling Island

Chapter 1326 Invitation to the Isle of Wilt

Xu Feng sat like this. He looked at the rising sun in the distance. He didn't bother to disturb the green cow resting on his shoulders.

Maybe she is really tired.

A young woman, her father is highly toxic, was ordered in the midst of danger, and is in charge of such a large island. The situation is even more complicated.

Being able to manage such a well-organized, well-established ability.

Now, when his father awakened, the crisis on the island was lifted, and the burden of everything in her heart disappeared completely overnight. She seemed to finally have a good night's sleep.

As the sun rose higher, Xu Feng’s shoulders also had some sorrow and grief.

After all, for so many hours, Green E has been relying on it. If his strength is not good, I am afraid I can't help it.

Almost at noon, the sun has come to the top of the head.

The temperature is raised.


Green E opened his eyes, she found that the sun was a little dazzling, this only remembered that he and Xu Feng were watching the sunrise, and the face suddenly became very rosy.

She removed her body from Xu Feng's body and lowered her head. She was embarrassed to talk. She thought that she had been sleeping on Xu Feng for so long, and her heart was happy and shy.

"Wake up?"

Xu Feng looked at the appearance of the green and shy, he took the lead to break this calm.

"Xu Feng, thank you!"

Green E bites her mouth and she whispers softly.

"What's the thank you?" Xu Feng smiled indifferently. "If you wake up, let's go back soon. For so long, maybe your father is still worried about us."

"Ah... yes!"

Green E heard the words of Xu Feng, and suddenly stood up from the boulder, she remembered that she left the yard, but did not say to anyone.

Yesterday night, there was such a big thing on Green Island. There must be a lot of things to deal with today, and his father will definitely look for her.


"Snake old, find no, Eer, where will she go?" Green Ji's face became very difficult to see. When he got up early in the morning, he found that Green E was gone.

He originally thought that Green E was to find Xu Feng. He knew that he came to Xu Feng’s yard and did not find Xu Feng’s trace. His face suddenly looked awkward.

"Not found yet?"

The snake is also full of doubts in the heart, where are the two little guys going?

"Snake old, do you say that Xu Feng will turn my daughter away?" Green Ji is very clear about his daughter's wishes. If Xu Feng has this idea, I am afraid it is really good.

The snake was slightly frowning and frowned. He said: "It shouldn't be. I have some understanding of Xu Feng's character. He is not such a person."

What the snake suddenly thought of, said: "I know where they are going?"

“Where?” Green Ji quickly asked.

The snake old man said to Green Ji: "In the place behind our green island, there is a huge stone, where you can see the sunrise. During the day of your poisoning, every time you are in a bad mood, you will go there to see it. A sunrise for a while."

"In addition to the heavy rain yesterday, I think the sunrise of the sea is more beautiful. This girl has a feeling for Xu Feng, and naturally I want to take Xu Feng to see it."

"Found it... found it... Miss is back..."

The old words of the snake had just finished, and there was a burst of sound outside the yard.

Isn't it the Green E and Xu Feng?

Green Ji ran out. When he looked at the green E, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He only had such a daughter. If he really followed Xu Feng, he really wanted to cry.

"Father, I am worried."

Green E looked at the anxious look of Green Gina, his face was awkward.

Green Ji looked at his daughter's appearance, and looked at Xu Feng with a look of eccentricity. He smiled and said: "Forget it, forget it... the woman is not in the middle..."

"Father, what do you say?" Green E face suddenly shy like a red apple, she squatting on the green, said: "I and Xu Feng just go to see the sunrise, who knows that I am very tired, I fell asleep there."

"He couldn't bear to throw me alone, and he couldn't bear to disturb me to sleep very hard, so I waited until now." Green E quickly explained.

"Ha ha..."

In fact, Green Ji also likes Xu Feng, a young man. If his daughter can really make a positive result with Xu Feng, it is really a good thing.

Hearing the explanation of Green E, he laughed happily.


After the night of the night, the entire Green Island was badly hurt, and many people died inexplicably.

But the living people looked at the island owners back. They all vaguely guessed that this matter has something to do with the island owner, but who would ask for it?

Green Island seems to have restored the calm situation in the past. Some warriors also began to walk out of the Green Island to hunt the sea beasts and find the elixir in the sea.

"My cultivation has now been restored to the peak of the Shipinling Emperor. Only a little bit will return to a product, perhaps it is time to leave Green Island."

In a blink of an eye, another ten days passed. Xu Feng used the medicinal herbs in the storage ring. His current meridians and qihai have recovered.

It is only that the three changes of the burning spirit will lead to the retreat, so he wants to return to the peak of the second spirit, and he needs to slowly temper.


"Snake old, look at this invitation!"

Inside the hall, Green Ji’s face was a bit ugly.

This invitation was received by the special envoy of Ice Island on the early morning.

The snake opened the invitation and frowned. "Is it necessary to stand up to the ice-cream island? Is it because they want to engulf our three forces?"

"With the character of the owner of the ice island, he has not engulfed our three major islands, but has become a subordinate force of the ice island. Now I will not do this. I have seen the ice spirit of the ice island. ”

Green Ji once entered the ice spirit secret cultivation, and there are many changes and adventures.

"According to the special envoy of the ice island, this opening of the ice island is a bit embarrassing. Therefore, I want to invite the young people of the three islands to go to the cultivation."

"And according to the meaning of the ice island, it is said that I want to pick some talents. After some time to participate in the assessment of the disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa, I hope that the ice spirit island can also think of the other subordinates of Dongyue Mountain Villa, to send genius to Dongyue Mountain Villa. ""

"Only when there are more talented young people going out, Hingling Island will become stronger and stronger."

The voice of Green Ji just fell, and the old face of the snake changed a little.

"Is the Dongyue Mountain Villa with seven top forces in the boundless sky?"

The snake is very clear that this Dongyue Mountain Villa is a powerful force in the spirit of the powerful Emperor.

"It is said that Dongyue Villa also arranged a special envoy to come to Ice Ling Island. The opening of this ice spirit secret is also just enough for him to see the genius of many talents."

"I have heard that the owner of the island of Ice Spirit Island is a peerless genius. And this person has cultivated a martial art, which seems to be very powerful."

Green Ji said to the snake, he frowned slightly. Now the Green Island, there is nothing to get the talent of the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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