The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1332: Entering the ice spirit

Chapter 1332 enters the ice spirit secret

"Kill your people!"

The sound of Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and the soul power of the seventy-fiveth order of the body broke out.

His soul secret technique, the last type of soul three-style "soul kill" is displayed.

Qiu Lao did not have any precautions at all, and he felt the pain of his head coming.

With his incredible color in his old eyes, he saw Xu Feng's palms stuck in his neck, and his head suddenly slammed with a bang.

Qiu Lao did not expect that he helped Sun Hai kill so many women in Bingling Island. He was now easily killed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng took Qiu Lao’s body and jumped out of the yard.

He directly stripped Qiu Lao’s body and his clothes, and left it in one place.

He took Qiu Lao's storage ring and checked the storage ring. He found a little yellowed book.

"Is it impossible to be a treasure?"

He immediately took out the small book and looked at the content above. The killing in his eyes became more intense and more terrifying.

"This Sun Hai turned out to be such a disorganized metamorphosis... It’s damn... The island owner of the ice island is so indulgent, it’s **** it."

It turned out that this small book actually recorded the old woman, the woman of all the ice islands arrested for Sun Hai.

In just over a year, Sun Hai has arrested nearly a hundred women.

Moreover, according to the above description of Qiu Lao, this Sun Hai is extremely cruel. Every time he plays with a woman, he will choose cruel killing. It is really a pervert.

"This Sun Hai is really dead, and his father, the island owner of Bingling Island, turned out to be an accomplice." Xu Feng learned from this book that this Sun Hai is practicing a very vicious spirit.

This spiritual skill is Sun Hai’s inadvertent gain, that is, to use the woman’s Yuanyin to cultivate agglutination, and finally to become a pair of irons that are not broken.

These hands will be fierce, and when the hands are attacked, they will even turn into terrorist attacks, and the terrible horror of the sun.

"Hey, the ice spirit secrets the face, find the opportunity I must completely wipe this person." Xu Feng's eyes showed a cold killing.

He quietly returned to his yard.


"Oh... what happened? Qiu Lao went to an hour soon. Why didn’t he come back? It’s just a three-pronged woman. Shouldn’t it take so much time?”

Sun Hai sat in the yard, he kept sitting down, then stood up, he could not wait.

However, Qiu Lao did not show any signs of returning.

"I still go to see what is going on in person. Is it difficult for Qiu to play with me?" Sun Hai’s face showed a smattering of killing. If Qiu Lao dared to drop the chain, he must not eat the other side.

Of course, he does not think that Qiu Lao will give him a chain, and he has helped him catch so many people.

Sun Hai went straight out of his yard. He came to Xu Feng's yard where he was. His face changed slightly and said: "What happened, there is no movement at all?"

"Damn, what is this Qiu old ghost?"

Sun Hai was somewhat dissatisfied. He left the courtyard and went back to his yard to sleep. He was going to ask Qiu Lao the next day to ask.

The next morning, Xu Feng started to practice boxing as early as ever, and he barely had such a great opportunity.

There was a big deal in the ice island, that is, Qiu Laotou, who has been following Sun Hai’s affairs, died unconsciously on the square.

And most importantly, the death of Qiu Laotou is a bit tragic, his neck is directly cut off, and the look in his eyes is shocked and puzzled.

In other words, before the death of Qiu Laotou, it was like a big blow.

Sun Hai’s yard, his face was gloomy.

"Her, what's going on, how can the old man of Qiu die?" A gray-haired man with majesty in his eyes.

There are some wrinkles between his eyes. Actually, his age is not small. He stares at the son in front of him. He is angry. He has warned Sun Hai three times and five times.

Qiu Lao will never be inexplicably dead. It is very likely that Sun Hai will let Qiu Lao go to arrest the woman last night.

"Father, I feel that the people who came here on Green Island are weird. The strongest of them are just the six-pronged spirits, and they are the same as Qiu’s old man. How could it be so easy to kill Qiu’s old man? What?"

Sun Hai’s words rang, and Sun Liang suddenly understood.

"I said Sun Hai, can you stop some of these things in the past few days? You know that if you are told to know about you, don't say that if you join Dongyue Mountain Villa, even if it is Ice Spirit Island, you will suffer."

"And, during this time on the ice island, the disappearance of a young woman has caused many people on the ice island to be dissatisfied."

Hearing Sun Liang’s words, Sun Hai was full of indifference: “Hey, a group of low-lying people, I can see their daughters, that is their blessing.”


Sun Liang couldn't help but shake his head. He said: "Her, you don't know the power of Dongyue Mountain Villa. As long as you can join Dongyue Mountain Villa, how many women you want are hand-to-hand."

"So, in the past few days, you must restrain yourself. Some young people who are placed on the Green Island, I heard that it is called Xu Feng, and I also received the praise of Ji Li."

"It doesn't matter if this thing is happening. When you are in the ice spirit, you will kill him with great brilliance, and naturally everything will be fine."

"You have a good time to cultivate this time. In another two days, the ice spirit secrets will be completely opened. At that time, there are many people watching."

"The picker will also check your behavior on the ice island, so you must suppress yourself." Sun Liang repeatedly screamed at his son.


The time passed quickly and the ice spirits were completely opened.

On this day, the entire Blind Island people are completely boiling.

Sun Liang's eyes swept over the many geniuses of the island, and his eyes were swept away from the youths of Killing Island, Seven Days Island, and the three islands of Green Island. His face was full of smiles.

The reason why he invited these three islands was to set off how powerful his own ice island was.

"Everyone remembers that the time of the opening of the ice island is only seven days. You can enjoy the full play of the ice island in the seven days. You only need to show your true strength and you will be recognized by the people of Ji Li."

Sun Liang’s voice sounded, and those people were full of excitement.

"Come in quickly."

As his words fell, the shadows of the road suddenly entered the ice spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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