The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1374: Psalm disciple

Chapter 1374 Priest Disciples

"Dongyue Mountain Villa disciple, You Ninglian!"

Finally, the two queued up to them.

The registered person glanced at You Ninglian and said: "You should be a disciple of Youjia. You don't want to represent You's family?"

You Ninglian nodded and said: "I represent Dongyue Mountain Villa."

An old man next to the registered person said something angry: "The Dou family has been getting too much over the years. This little girl is very poor."

The old man obviously knows the marriage contract between You Ninglian and Doujia San, but it is the famous **** son of the Ice and Snow Empire. He wants such a beautiful woman to marry him.


The registered person sighed and did not continue to say more.

"Dongyue Mountain Villa disciple, Xu Feng!"

The registrant looked up and looked at Xu Feng deeply. He said, "Are you a disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa this year?"


Xu Feng did not hate this registrant. From the dialogue between the other party and You Ninglian, it can be seen that the other party is also a person with a sense of justice.

"It seems that the introduction of the Dongyue Villa in the past two years is really a bit of a meaning, and even the talented disciples like you have been recruited."

The old man is very aware of Xu Feng's talent, especially the second literary peak is actually easy to kill the six literary peaks, this is not an ordinary genius.

"There is a place where the disciples of your Dongyue Mountain Villa are arranged to live. The other disciples who come to participate in this extremely cold hunting are there, you can go and join them."

The registrant pointed to Xu Feng pointing to the square.

"Thank you!"

Xu Feng and You Ninglian walked toward the yard.

Dongyue Mountain Villa came to participate in the extremely cold hunting disciples, not only new disciples, but also old disciples, to know that the reward of extreme cold hunting is also very attractive.

As Xu Feng and You Ninglian came to the yard, he found that there were already twenty or thirty people in the yard. Those who looked at Xu Feng and You Ninglian were all a glimpse.

In particular, most of them looked at Xu Feng and they were puzzled.

"This brother, are you in the wrong place?" A young man of six spirits, he looked at Xu Feng, the direct way.

Xu Feng did not speak, but walked into the yard from his own.

The six-pronged spirit looked at Xu Feng and even ignored him. He attacked Xu Feng’s punch.

"Get out!"

When he knew that Xu Feng was roaring, his golden fist waved directly, and suddenly his fist slammed on the fist of the six-pronged youth.

With the collision of the two fists, a figure flew directly out, and it was the young man who took the initiative to take the six-pronged spirit.

"Kid, do you dare to yin me?"

The six-pronged spirit felt that he had no face, and he was actually a young man who was fascinated by a second-class spirit.

"If you are not a disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa, I see it on the same door. You are already a dead person. I advise you not to look for a dead end."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and some people couldn’t help but make a mocking laugh.

"Oh, I am afraid you still don't know, he is not simple..." A bit of a cold voice sounded, it was Dima Yan and Gu Yu.

Xu Feng did not expect that it was really narrow, and the two men also took this task to the Ice Age Empire.

"Not simple? What is wrong with him? Di Shidi." Someone asked.

Di Maoyan’s face was mocked: “People are the first freshmen of our session, and you are not simple.”

"But I heard that this first place made a big joke, that is, the other party is inheriting the Wu Ge, even a sculpture is not motivated."

Xu Feng heard that he frowned slightly.

This Di Maoyan is really a ghost, and he is too lazy to find the trouble of the other party. This guy is really aggressive.

However, a young man came out at this time, and his cultivation is the peak of the seven spirits. Obviously, it is only a step away from the Eight Spirits.

"You, since we came to participate in the extremely cold hunting, everyone as a brother and sister, we must unite." The youth face with a smile.

He came to Xu Feng's front and smiled. "I don't know what the younger brother called. I am called Yuan Teng. You can call me Yuan Yuanxiong."

Xu Feng looked at Yuan Teng, with a smile on his face. It seems that Dongyue Mountain Villa is not all about the trend of the people. There are always people whose eyes are bright.

"Yuan Shixiong is good, under Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said, Yuan Teng nodded.

Seeing Yuan Teng coming out to speak to Xu Feng, those who want to ridicule Xu Feng are quiet. They dare to provoke Xu Feng, but they dare not provoke Yuan Teng.

"Hurry to find a place to live, and five days is the beginning of the extremely cold hunting. At that time, we must go all out and don't live up to the majesty of the sect."

Yuan Teng said to Xu Feng.

"it is good!"

Xu Feng and You Ninglian greeted each other and both of them found the room to live.


"Yuan Teng, get out!"

Just three days without knowing it, outside the courtyard of Dongyue Mountain Villa, a cold and squeaky sound sounded, standing outside a group of people, all angered and crowned.

Yuan Teng appeared outside the yard. He looked at the opposite group of people, his face changed slightly. He said: "Shen Lai, you come to the front of my Dongyue Mountain Villa, what is it?"

"what's up?"

The Shen Lai waved his hand to a few people around him, and they saw that they carried a body, which was the six-pronged youth who Xu Feng had killed in the square that day.

Yuan Teng suddenly frowned, and the disciple of this pylorus was already very strong. Among the people who screamed for the extremely cold hunting, the genius of the ice and snow empire was the most powerful force.

"You have a disciple in Dongyue Mountain Villa. You actually killed the disciple of my pyloric in public. I am the representative of my pylorus this time. If there is no such thing as this matter, how can I tell me back to the pyloric?"

Shen Lai’s words became imposing, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Someone dared to kill the priest's disciple, this is playing his face.

"Shen Lai, is there any misunderstanding about this matter?" Yuan Teng looked at Shen Lai, his face was a bit ugly, and there were only three people in front of the pyloric.

Although it is only Shenlai who comes over now, it can cope with one or two, but in case the other party is really all dispatched, the situation becomes very difficult.

Yuan Teng’s heart was secretly annoyed and said: “Who is this who is so ignorant and even kills the priest’s disciples in public, is this not asking for trouble?”

"Misunderstanding? You mean that my priest's younger brother should die... It seems that you Dongyue Villa is really arrogant?" Shen Lai's words.

"He really is damn!"

Just as many disciples in Dongyue Mountain Villa were all full of fear, a voice came out of the yard, making many people angry inside.

This is angering the pylorus!

(End of this chapter)

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