The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1404: Wandering

Chapter 1404 is fleeing

"what happened?"

"I won't be wrong with this?"

The young people around the Dou family, all of them are dumbfounded, all of them are full of mistakes, and they look at Xu Feng with their eyes.

Just before the battle between Xiu Feng and Dou Jianhua, the two men were evenly matched.

"The three spirits are so powerful, this kid is against the sky?"

"He really doesn't want to be afraid of Dou Jianhua. It seems to be really powerful."

Originally they thought that Dou Jianhua could easily kill Xu Feng, which knows that this is the case.


Dou Jiande’s heart is hateful. He originally thought that his eldest brother could easily kill Xu Feng, and he knew that this was the case.


Xu Feng's eyes became cold, and the three killings on his body broke out. The killing of the sky was spreading, and the blood-red sky.

His boxing shadow became extremely fast, with a punch and a punch, like a storm, facing the opposite Dou Jiande to attack.

"This kid... is it so strong?"

Dou Jianhua looked at Xu Feng's shot. He constantly waved his palm to resist Xu Feng's attack. The two men's battles seemed to be evenly matched.

"It seems that you are the so-called "small ice and snow", but it is just that!" Xu Feng's face with a mocking taunt.

"Wanlong is one."

As Xu Feng displayed the last style of Jiulong Shenquan, the endless golden dragons all gathered together on Xu Feng’s fist.

Directly forming a dragon that rushes to the sea, the dragon circling and smashing out.


Dou Jiande’s body suddenly quits.

"Who is this Xu Feng in the end? Sanpin Lingzun actually has such a metamorphosis strength, I am comparable to him?" Dou Jianhua's heart is shocking.

"Dou Jianhua, come on! Fight with your strongest spiritual skills, don't let me look down on you." Xu Feng's face was filled with a smile, and the body appeared cold and killing.

With the triple killing of the Taoist heart and the four heavy gravity of the heart at the same time, Xu Feng's fist shadows are constantly criss-crossed, as if at this moment, he showed all the boxing methods he had studied.

"Xu Feng, you forced me, since you want to die, then don't blame me."

Dou Jianhua is the first of five ice and snow. He has five chills and chills on his body. The wind is blowing, and the people around him are involuntarily feeling chilly.

His eyes were cold, his body became dark in the field, and the moment when his hands slowly lifted up, he formed a huge black vortex.


The black vortex continually rotates and devours all the surrounding voids.

Dou Jianhua’s face was sneer, saying: “Xu Feng, I’m going to have a look, how do you resist my inheritance? Next, let me die.”

With a burst of bang, Dou Jianhua’s body disappeared into place, suddenly becoming a violent breath, the chilly light, and the huge vortex sweeping.

"The chilly sky giant wheel!"

The dark vortex ran across.

"This Dou Jianhua's strength is really good. If it is not for me to break through to the Sanpin Spirit, I will condense the gravity of the four hearts. I am afraid that I will go all out and not necessarily his opponent."

Xu Feng felt the dark vortex rushing over and over. His heart was secretly glad, but fortunately, he just condensed the gravity of the four hearts, and did not need to show the dual space.

"People kill."

Xu Feng body, killing the sky and spreading, the most important thing is those blood red fists, condensed a circle of blood red light.


Xu Feng’s body was a strange movement, and suddenly countless fists rushed out toward the dark vortex.


The deafening sound came out, and the dark vortex swayed.

The void was torn apart, and a burst of space hurricane broke out from there, and the time seemed to have stalled at that moment.

Only Xu Feng’s fist did not stop, the whirlpool was still swallowing, and the fists were constantly attacking. Xu Feng’s heart was very clear. “It seems that I don’t show my soul secrets. I can’t beat this Dou Jianhua. ""

"Big brother, come on, kill him!"

Dou Jiande stood on one side. He looked at his majestic attack of his eldest brother. He felt that Dou Jianhua could inevitably kill Xu Feng and suddenly screamed loudly.

"Soul kill!"

It is known that at the moment when his voice was just finished, the soul of the seventy-fifth-order soul of Xu Feng broke out and suddenly formed a soul attack.

The attack was so fast, and the head of Dou Jianhua’s head was directly smashed out, so that he broke through the head of Dou Jianhua, causing Dou Jiande to spurt out a blood.

The huge vortex also appeared cracks directly, and Dou Jianhua’s body suddenly regressed.

He stared blankly at Xu Feng and said, "Damn... what kind of magic is you just doing?"

"No, you will have a secret mystery..." Dou Jianhua's mouth is full of blood, and he was thrown out of his chest by his fists.

"You have so much nonsense, give me to die."

Xu Feng roared, and the golden body burst out of the majestic momentum, and they sneaked up and attacked Dou Jianhua.


Dou Jianhua’s face was unwilling, but he knew very well that if he fought this way, he would have to be beaten by Xu Feng.

His current soul has also been hit hard, and it is very likely that it will become worse. He bit his teeth and said: "Xu Feng... This account, I remembered Dou Jianhua..."


Dou Jianhua’s figure went straight out and fled away in the distance.

The people of Dou's family, all of them are stunned, and they grow up their mouths, almost all of them can be stuffed into an egg.

No one had thought of it, but Xu Feng, the spirit of the Sanpin spirit, was so strong that he even beat Dou Jianhua directly.

Dou Jiande watched his eldest brother defeated. The arrogant smile he had just brought on his face suddenly became extremely ugly. He quietly turned and wanted to escape.

Who knows that a figure is like his nightmare, appearing in front of him, saying: "Dou Jiande, I warned you, you just don't listen to me, do you think you can still leave today?"

"Xu Feng... I have to warn you, if you dare to kill me, my father and my mother will not let you go." Dou Jiande said to Xu Feng: "I am afraid you still don't know, my mother is worthy of the name." The Emperor is strong."

"Don't say your mother is a spirit emperor, even if your mother is a spiritual god, Lao Tzu should kill and kill!"

Xu Feng’s violent killings permeated him, and suddenly he stepped out and punched his fist toward Dou Jiande’s head.


Dou Jiande made a miserable snoring, and he felt his head broken. His eyes were unwilling to scream, saying: "Mother...revenge me..."

(End of this chapter)

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