The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1407: Powerful woman

Chapter 1407 Powerful Woman

Dou Jianhua heard the words, and the faces trembled.

You must know that there are already many people around you.

Xu Feng’s sentence means that he is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, you are going to be arrogant. After today, you are a dead person. What are the qualifications of the dead to speak big?" Dou Jianhua said.

Dou Tianba frowned slightly and said: "Hua Er, are you not the opponent of this kid?"

Dou Tianba is very aware of the strength of his eldest son. The ordinary eight-pronged spirit is a kind of existence that can be easily killed. Now it is not an opponent of the three-pronged spirit. How can he not be surprised.

"Father, this kid is very weird. He is obviously a three-pronged master, and his physical strength is very abundant, and his body is extremely powerful."

"According to my guess, he should have cultivated the body of the spirit of the Buddha, and he will have such horrible defense and strength."

"And, he actually condensed two kinds of Tao, the realm is not simple. They are the three killings and the four-gravity heart, and he also cultivates the inheritance."

Dou Jianhua said to Dou Tianba around him that his face was not reconciled.

Regardless of whether he admits not to admit it, he knows that he is not an opponent of Xu Feng, whether it is strength or talent.

"The most important thing is that he actually cultivated a soul secret?"

After Dou Jianhua’s words were finished, the three people around him were stunned.

These advantages, which Dou Jianhua said, appear on any one of them, and are enough to be top geniuses.

However, so many talents and advantages are gathered on one person, which makes them look at Xu Feng like a monster.


Dou Tianba is also taking a deep breath. When he looks at Xu Feng, his face can not help but smile, saying: "I can't think of such a enchanting genius in the boundless starry sky."

"But unfortunately, you should not kill my son, then you can grow up smoothly. After today, you will become a dead person."

"As a dead person, even if it is a enchanting talent, it is useless."

The sound of Dou Tianba sounded, he felt that he had to kill Xu Feng today, otherwise he would endless troubles.

"This Xu Feng is a metamorphosis. I haven't seen it for a few days. Even Dou Jianhua is not his opponent?" Inside the crowd, Xin Xin’s face was shocked.

There is a feeling of lingering in his heart. He secretly said: "I want to warn our Xin family, don't provoke this Xu Feng."

"You all listen to me, no matter whether this Xu Feng is dead or alive today, we should not provoke him, understand?" Xin Dian said.

Those people around the sinus are a bit of a mistake. Someone said: "Big Brother, have you not gathered us before to kill this Xu Feng?"

"You idiot? You don't look at it. Dou Jianhua is not his opponent. Can we kill him? To provoke such a top genius, that is to ruin. I didn't know that Xu Feng was so horrible, so you guys. Remember, I will meet this Xu Feng in the boundless starry sky, don't mess with it."

The old face of Dou Su Cang is also shaking. He looks at Xu Feng and hoarse voice: "I don't know the dead boy, you dare to kill my most loved grandson. Today, this extremely cold snow is your place of burial."

On the body of Dou Su, the momentum of the half-step Lingdi broke out directly.

The momentum on his body was oppressed toward Xu Feng below. I knew Xu Feng stood in the same place and smiled directly: "Old dog, your idiot grandson, I helped you kill you, don't you thank me?"

"The waste that lives in this world is completely a waste of food. And he is alive, I think it will bring disaster to your Dou family sooner or later."

Xu Feng’s words rang, making that sinus almost didn’t jump.

"Kid, are you looking for death? My sinus family has been inherited for thousands of years. Is it that you said that it will be destroyed?" Dou Su's eyes are gloomy killings, and the momentum of his body pours out.

He waved his hands, and his right hand suddenly became a sharp sword, and he went out to Xu Feng’s shackles.

This sword, even the void is smashed.

"This Xu Feng is dead!"

Many onlookers feel sorry, is a genius dying like this?


Just at the moment when the sword was about to reach Xu Feng, an ice condensed from the front of Xu Feng's body, and suddenly the sword was directly frozen into ice.

As the wind blew gently, the swordsman directly became shattered.

Dou Su’s eyes suddenly condensed. He looked at Xu Feng and said: “Who is the courage to dare to take care of my sinister family? Is it impatient?”

Just as Dou Su’s voice just fell, a female emperor wearing a robes, with her female disciple, dressed in a red dress, floated.

Dou Su looked at the sudden appearance of the ice and snow female emperor, his old face was shaking, his heart said: "Damn, how can this female emperor appear here?"

However, Dou Tianba's eyes suddenly condensed, and his heart said: "No, since the ice and snow female emperor appeared, then today this thing is afraid of bad aftermath."

"Oh, this emperor is a little impatient to live, then trouble the seniors of Dou Su, if you can let me die, even if you shoot."

The voice of the Snow Lady is extremely cold and icy, and the whole world seems to be very cold with her voice.

Dou Tianba heard the words and said in a secret voice: "Not good."

He looked at the face of his father, Dou Su Tieqing, and he quickly vented his words to ease the atmosphere. He said: "Dou Tianba meets the female emperor and does not know the female emperor's appearance, please forgive me."

I know that the Snow Lady did not look at Dou Tianba at all, but stared at Dou Su, and said: "Good courage, I am stressed by three orders."

"This extremely cold hunting is about the honor of my ice and snow empire. It is about the future of my ice and snow empire. No one can interfere with it except for those who maintain order."

"You have a good old waste, and have lived for most of your life, but it is a half-step spiritual emperor. I am still here to see you, what are you?"

"The old waste of the half-step Emperor of the district, dare to arrogate in front of the Emperor? Also said that the Emperor is impatient, is your Dou family really good?"

The words of the Ice and Snow Emperor sounded, and the void seemed to be frozen into ice.

The face of Dou Su is not trembling, I can imagine the degree of his atmosphere.

He is also the elder of the Snow Lady, but he is insulted by the Snow Lady. How is his heart not angry?

However, is there any way? The strength of the Snow Lady is placed there.

"The strong is respect!"

Xu Feng looked at the look of Dou Su, his heart is firm, his heart said: "This is the world of strong respect, the ice and snow female emperor is very strong, so her insults the other side can not even put one."

(End of this chapter)

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