The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1419: Jiang Liuer counterattack

Chapter 1419, Jiang Liuer counterattack

"I would like to congratulate you on behalf of Dongyue Mountain Villa for ten people and successfully enter the top ten disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa. I hope that you will all show your strongest level."

"I believe that you have also heard that the new star ranking battle is about to begin. Among the ten of you, I will pick the top three."

"The first place, as the general manager, is the star ranking battle, representing the star owner of Dongyue Mountain Villa. The second and third place are both deputy star owners."

Jian Jian looked at the ten people standing on one side, his words rang, except for a few people outside Xu Feng, one by one, all of them were fierce.

Xu Feng does not know what the main character means, but the other nine people know.

If you can represent Dongyue Mountain Villa as a star owner to participate in the star ranking battle, then the benefits will be enormous.

The star of the last Dongyue Mountain Villa was Chen Fu.

Although Dongyue Mountain Villa is only the last one, it also has great benefits.

"Next, you ten people still choose the way to draw lots, two or two battles, the winners into the top five, but the five people who failed, can once have the opportunity to challenge five people."

"If the challenge is successful, then enter the top five. If the challenge fails, it means getting the tenth place." Cha Jian said to ten people.

I saw a wave of his hand, and suddenly there was a lottery. He looked at the ten people and said: "It’s up to five of you to draw."

The five people who were drawn were the three who were the highest peaks of the eight spirits, and the other two eight spirits, they began to draw lots.

As the five people ended the draw, Xu Feng’s opponent was one of the two eight-pronged spirits. The first three men who did not meet the peak of Ba Pin Ling Zun had some surprises.

Of course, he is more willing to meet the existence of the Eight Spirits. Who is willing to deal with the peak of the Eight Spirits?

The eight-pronged young man who got Xu Feng’s face also smiled on his face.

Compared to other people, there is no doubt that Xu Feng is the best luck.

"The cow code, I can't think of your luck so good, even to Xu Feng?" said the eight-character spirit in the side of Niudian.

The opponent he has drawn is also the eight-pronged spirit. When the two fight, it must be a very anxious battle. You must know that the top ten rankings can not allow rest.

That is to say, if the battle is very expensive, the next top five ranking battles will be very disadvantageous.

"Ha ha..."

Niudian heard the words, could not help but laugh.

"Five battles, starting with the battle of the people who have drawn the three peaks of your eight spirits, Chen Fu, you first started the first battle." Cha Jian looked at Chen Fudao.

Chen Fu’s opponent is the eight-pronged master, and the two directly boarded the ring.

Chen Fu’s strength is indeed strong. He embodies the four-and-a-half-thousand-mindedness of the wind, and he actually cultivates a heritage of spirituality, and the realm is not low.

In this way, the young man of the eight spirits was easily defeated by Chen Fu.

Chen Fu is also the first disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa. His strength is very strong.

Ji Chang was also one of the eight spirits. Although he won't be as easy as Chen Fu, he didn't spend much effort.

After repairing to reach the spiritual honor, even if it is the same level of people, the realm is very different. It is very simple to defeat the opponent.

Of course, the most difficult thing is the metamorphosis of being able to fight.

The two eight-pronged spirits were drawn by Chen Fu and Ji Chang, and they were only able to recognize the bad luck.

"The shell of the shell is against the river."

This battle is the battle that many people are looking forward to.

"Do you say that Jiang Liuer can defeat the brothers of the shell? You must know that the brother of the shell is our genius disciple of Dongyue Mountain Villa, one of the eight peaks of the Eight Spirits."

Some people watched Jiang Liuer and Lu Bao both on the huge platform, and their hearts could not help but scream.

"I don't think Jiang Liuer is the opponent of the brother of the brothers. Although he is the murderer of the Eight Spirits, he is not the murderer."

"The brothers and sisters of the shells have the inheritance of spiritual skills, and the combat experience in these years is also very rich, so I am not optimistic about Jiangliuer defeating the brothers of the shell."

"I am not optimistic about the river."


In general, although Jiang Liuer killed the murderer of Ba Pin Ling Zun, but everyone is still not optimistic about the battle between the river and the shell.

Xu Feng stood below. He looked at Jiang Liuer and Lu Shell. He also had some expectations in his heart. He didn't know how the strength of Jiang Liuer is now?

However, Xu Feng guessed that Jiang Liuer might be able to comprehend some of the deep things from the fragments of Lei’s field that Lao Zhuang’s master gave him. Otherwise, Jiang Liu’s child is unlikely to kill the existence of the Eight Spirits.

"Jiangliuer's younger brother, your big name is really a slap in the face, I am looking forward to fighting you." Lu shell looked at Jiangliu, the spiritual flow of his body.

"Master Lu, I am also looking forward to it."

When Jiang Liuer finished, the spiritual power of his body began to flow, and the violent momentum emerged from his body, and the sound of his voice continued to emerge.

The silvery white light of Jiang Liuer’s body constantly emerged, which made many people’s faces look awkward. No one thought that Jiang Liuer even condensed the heart of the five-pointed thunder.

"It is no wonder that Jiang Liuer can kill the murderer of the Eight Senses of the Emperor, and he has condensed the heart of the Five Thunder, which is a terrible talent."

Xu Feng’s face also showed a strange look. The five-fold heart is not to realize comprehension. I don’t think it’s really easy.

The face of Lu’s shell changed slightly, and smiled: “Jiangliu’s younger brother is really impressive, but if you want to beat me with the heart of the five-pointed mine, it’s not enough.”

After that, the heart of the four fires on the shell of the shell emerged, and the hot high temperature began to pervade.

The flame is burning around.

When the shell was stepped out, he took the lead and shot his hands toward the river, and suddenly the palm turned into a sea of ​​flames, a terrible horror.


Seeing the attack of the Lu shell came, Jiang Liu did not hesitate, his hands turned into a silver mark, and he slammed out toward the flame.

Together with the collision of the two shadows, the silver-white lightning and the constant impact of the flame made the whole void somewhat broken, and the two figures continued to play against each other.


The spiritual power is constantly surging in all directions, and Jiang Liuer is not defeated by the Lu shell as easily as everyone thinks. Instead, the two are circling.

The battle is incomparably wonderful, the experience of the shell is very rich, the means of fighting are diverse, and his heart of fire is also used by him.

Jiang Liuer is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His five-pointed thunder heart is almost completely the heart of the four-hearted fire.

(End of this chapter)

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