The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1445: lost heavily

Chapter 1445 is a heavy loss

Li Wei and others have been coming to the center of the Grand Canyon.

On the vast expanse of the Grand Canyon, thirty-six eyes have already seen the dense crowd from the gap between the cliffs.

The 36 people held their breath at the same time. They all followed the instructions of Xu Feng. They must let these 36 people enter the center of the canyon before they can start attacking.

In front of each of them, there are three megaliths of tens of thousands of pounds. For them, the tens of thousands of pounds of stone are very difficult to carry.

If you fall above this high altitude, the people below will never die.

They also admire Xu Feng in their hearts. Why did Chen Fu and others not want to do this when they led the team?

However, they also want to understand that when Chen Fu was there, he thought about how to seize some of the supreme liquid, and seized some resources. He never thought about dealing with the enemy.

"Is not right... How do I feel something is wrong?" Li Wei stood in the middle of the valley and he found that they came to the valley before.

Although it is very quiet, it will not be so quiet, especially even a little bit of sound, as if at this moment, even the wind is gone.

"Li Weixiong, I said that you are really too big a problem. Do you still know about the wastes in Dongyue Mountain Villa? Are they afraid that they are plaguing the poor supreme liquid?"

"Ha ha..."

Next to a young man with eight peaks, he said that he laughed directly.

In the last seven-star battle, when they killed the Death Star, the group was really fighting for the supreme liquid, and even almost hit it.

So when they arrived, it was only half an hour's time. The disciple of the Death Star's Dongyue Mountain Villa suddenly turned into a loose sand and fled toward the four.

It is easy to occupy the dead star.

Just as Li Wei came to the center of the Grand Canyon, the most dangerous place there.

A loud noise is like a blue sky.

"Not good! There is an ambush!"

Li Wei screamed, but unfortunately his anger was obviously not timely, and it did not help.

Especially on the cliffs on both sides, the boulder that covered the sky with a piece of madness, his face suddenly became iron.

"Everyone hurry toward the front, otherwise they will die! Can not retreat, now back is death!" Li Wei is very clear, now back, is death.

There are definitely huge stones waiting for them to retreat behind, and now the only way out is to rush forward.


A scream came out, a young man with eight spirits, his legs were smashed by the megaliths of the tens of thousands of pounds, and suddenly the whole man fell directly on the ground and the miserable snoring spread.

" me..."

However, not only his miserable snoring came out, but more importantly, the miserable snoring of the road continued to ring.

Li Wei and other four young people who are the peak of the eight spirits, they continue to flee in front of the crazy, but those seven spirits are not so lucky.

Some of them were even pressed into the meat by the boulder stone, and even the screams did not come out, so they were killed.

Even the eight-pronged spirits can't stand the horrible boulder of such horror. We must know that the heights of these megaliths have rolled down, and even the void seems to have been cut.

"Ah... Li Wei saved me..."

A young man with a peak of eight spirits, his speed is a little slow, and he is suddenly smashed by a boulder that descends from the sky.

He suddenly blew blood, his face was fierce, and the whole body's flesh and blood was smashed, and he was only able to make a scream.

"Damn Dongyue Villa, wait for us to rush out, I want you to be buried all together." Li Wei looked at his Jin Ding help so many people were killed, his eyes cracked.


"Everyone is ready to fight, the enemy has entered the Grand Canyon. If I expected it to be good, they should now enjoy the crushing of the boulder."

Xu Feng summoned the people of Dongyue Mountain Villa. They flew outside the Grand Canyon, and all of them were gearing up.

In so many battles of the Seven Stars, the Death Stars were only beaten by people. Without any resistance at all, they were directly defeated by people, and their hearts were also very wrong.

"Star Lord, this time we have to fight in a big way."

"Yes, it’s a shame to let us live every time."

"Chen Fu and Xu Wei are two shameless people. Every time they are assigned to most of the supreme liquid, they leave us and flee everywhere."

"Until the end of the Battle of the Seven Stars, they will leave the Seven Stars with everyone, so each of the seven-star battles in Dongyue Mountain Villa is the last one."

Undoubtedly, Chen Fu and Xu Wei’s behavior have aroused the anger of the hearts of many people. Many people have resentment and dissatisfaction on their faces.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and said: "Do not worry, my Xu Feng is not them. Our goal is the first place in the Battle of the Seven Stars, not the living of the shackles."


"Ha ha ha... Li Wei, the boulder of our dead star, how do you eat it?" On the edge of the cliff, a young man with eight spirits smiles.

He knew that their mission was completed. The central part of the Grand Canyon killed at least two-thirds of Li Wei’s people. Now Li Wei has only twenty people left.

Moreover, these more than 20 people, one by one, all escaped from the dead. In addition to Li Wei, the eight-pronged spirit peak, more or less suffered some injuries.

Li Wei heard that he almost didn't spurt blood. He said: "You Dongyue Mountain Villa is really mean and shameless. You have all the skills to go down and fight with me."

"I want to use the radical method, I tell you, since ancient times, the soldiers have not deceived. You are an idiot, you can't ask us to learn your idiots too."

"Brothers, are you right?"

The eight-pronged spirit sighed at the rest of the cliff, and everyone stood up and smiled.

At the same time, they also took a boulder left by clapping. This boulder was told by Xu Feng. If they don’t enter the depths of the canyon and want to escape from the dead star, then the boulder will remain. Kill them and don't let them go back to the air.

Li Wei’s face was blue, and he knew that the only way out now was to take everyone to the dead star.

It is almost impossible to go back.

He glanced at the surrounding warriors, and there were huge stones on hand. Even if he fled back, he would not even say that he could leave alive.

"You, this time we were fooled, our only way out now is to kill the dead star!" Li Wei is facing the remaining 20 humanities.

(End of this chapter)

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