The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1450: The beginning of Xu Wei’s road to death

Chapter 1450, The Beginning of Xu Wei's Road to Death

"What? How is it possible?"

Zheng Xiaokai looked at Xu Wei, but he was very clear. Before the Dongyue Mountain Villa, but there was no resistance at all, it was directly destroyed by other forces.

"There is nothing impossible, tell you the truth, if you are so swaying toward the inside of the Death Star, then I am sure that you will not die if you die."

Xu Wei looked at Zheng Xiaokai and other people. He said directly to Zheng Xiaokai, saying: "The central part of the Grand Canyon, where there are many people ambushing, there are huge stones on both sides of the cliff. Can you resist?"

"Those tens of pounds of boulder, such a high degree of kneeling down, I am afraid that you will die, no doubt?"

Xu Wei’s words rang, and Zheng Xiaokai’s face changed slightly.

He glanced at the narrow Grand Canyon. He knew that Xu Wei was telling the truth. The other party didn't have to lie to him at this time.

"And, this is not over yet. At the end of the Grand Canyon, there is still a formation. Once you fall into the battle, you will suffer a second wave of attacks."

Xu Wei said all this, Zheng Xiaokai's face is changing, he looked at Xu Wei, said: "Xu Wei, since you found me, tell me all this, presumably not to scare me?"

"I know you must have a solution?"

Xu Hao suddenly laughed, he looked at Zheng Xiaokai, said: "Yes, really talking to people, it is happy. I can help you solve all these difficulties, as long as I think of ways to kill one of them, the array does not attack Self-destruction."

"As for the boulder on both sides of the cliff, this is a very simple truth. You only need to slowly enter it. It is very simple to avoid the boulder."

"As long as the people are not very intensive, their boulder is not so much."

Zheng Xiaokai looked at Xu Wei. He knew that this was a person who couldn’t afford to be early. He immediately said: "Xu Wei, what kind of price do you need?"

Xu Wei heard that the face suddenly appeared a smile, saying: "One thousand to the liquid."

"Xu Wei, why don't you grab it?" Zheng Xiaokai suddenly roared.

Just kidding, how many people in the Netherland are out, can you **** a thousand drops of the Death Star, are you still in doubt?

This Xu Wei turned out to be a direct lion, and wanted a thousand drops of supreme liquid.

"Hey... Zheng brother, don't worry? You probably don't know? We are a big fat sheep this time?" Xu Wei looked at Zheng Xiaokai.

"Do you know our star Xu Feng?" Xu Wei asked.

Zheng Xiaokai nodded and said: "I heard that you Dongyue Mountain Villa, even let a person who is the top of the three spirits to be the star owner, I am sure you are not satisfied?"

"I am not satisfied, I can't wait to smoke the guy's ribs and lick his skin. You know, we don't have a drop of supreme liquid."

Xu Wei’s face is full of sorrow. For him, Xu Feng is really damned. He dared to treat him like this. If he was not afraid of his ability to wait for others, he would have killed Xu Feng.

So, he thought of a way, that is, the joint Nether Emperor shot on Xu Feng and others.

Anyway, Netherong is not very strong, unlike the pyloric, Xiajia forces, he can not talk to the other side.

"Oh, I really sympathize with your brother?"

Zheng Xiaokai's face is a pity.

"You don't need to express sympathy to me. We have to cooperate fully now. You spend a thousand drops of supreme liquid, absolutely no loss. To tell you the truth, that Xu Feng got the first disciple of our Dongyue Mountain Villa, and he got one. Thousands of supreme liquids, and there are many great medicines in his hands."

"I even suspect that Xu Feng won all the treasures of a certain spiritual emperor, so when we get to kill Xu Feng and seize his storage ring."

"At that time, for you, this thousand drops of supreme liquid, it really is nothing." Xu Wei's face with a faint smile.

Zheng Xiaokai thought for a long time, he looked at Xu Wei, said: "Xu Wei, do you see this way? I will pay you three hundred drops of the supreme liquid, wait for us to safely enter the Death Star, and then pay for you when you kill Xu Feng. What about the remaining seven hundred drops of the supreme liquid?"

"No... absolutely not... If this is the case, then in case you repent, what should I do?" Xu Wei directly vetoed.

Zheng Xiaokai also said: "You said it is good, we are afraid that we have given you a thousand drops of supreme liquid. If you pretend to be a betrayal, what should we do?"

The two seem to be in a stalemate.

For a long time, Xu Wei made a concession and said: "In this way, you pay me five hundred drops of the supreme liquid first. If you don't agree, then I can only find other forces to cooperate. I believe that the pyloric, Xiajia these big forces, they absolutely I can afford this thousand drops of supreme liquid, and I won’t even kill me."

"Good, happy cooperation!"

Zheng Xiaokai agreed to Xu Xiao with a smile. He took out five hundred drops of the supreme liquid and handed it to Xu Wei. "When do we need to leave?"

Xu Wei looked at the five hundred drops of the supreme liquid with satisfaction, saying: "Tonight, I will touch the place where the killings are killed. I want to kill one person."

"At that time, they can't open the big killings at all, and you will carry the night and slowly move toward the canyon. I am here to congratulate you on your success."


At midnight.

It is also the time when one's attention is least concentrated. After all, the fatigue of the whole day is also lacking in spirit at the moment.

A figure walked quietly on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

This person is Xu Wei.

He is the master of the eight spirits, and his strength is so strong. It is really difficult for those eight spirits to find him.

Outside the Grand Canyon, the figure of the road began to slowly walk towards the center of the canyon.


The cliff became thirty-six people. They looked at the scattered figure in the Grand Canyon, their faces were changing, and they were a little overwhelmed.

You know, if this is the case, a boulder will go down. If there is only one person, it is really easy to avoid the fall of the boulder.

"What happened? Who are these people? Why don't they all go together? Is this somewhat illogical?" Someone made a doubtful voice.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

Jiang Liuer stood on the edge of the cliff. He looked at the inside of the canyon. The figure of the road was at least 10 meters apart.

Such one by one is slowly moving forward, and even if these boulders are now rolling down, they will not be able to kill much.

You know, these people are all high-ranking spirits, not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Why is this happening? Is there a traitor in our Dongyue Villa? Is this news revealed to the outside forces?" Jiang Liuer thought of it, his face suddenly changed.

If this is the case, Dongyue Mountain Villa is really dangerous.

You know, Xu Feng is still in retreat, and I don’t know where Xu Feng is.

Without the command of Xu Feng, the strength of Dongyue Mountain Villa will drop by one grade.

(End of this chapter)

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