The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1457: time frame

Chapter 1457 Time Node

"Fei Neng brother, you quickly sorted out the spoils. Then I gave it to everyone. Everyone is so hard. Seven spirits are honored to receive five drops of supreme liquid. Ba Pin Ling is honored to receive ten drops of supreme liquid, and quickly restore physical fitness and status."

Xu Feng knows very well that killing so many people in the Nether, the supreme liquid in their storage ring should be enough to be distributed.

Fees can bring people in the moment and start to sort out those storage rings.

A total of forty-six opponents were killed, of which the seven spirits were honored as thirty-four, and the eight spirits were honored as twelve, and a total of 1,382 drops of the supreme liquid were obtained.

There are other loot, which are also recorded by fees.

"Xu Feng's brother is really generous, give us so much supreme liquid, we follow him in the seven-star war fighter, it is really happiness."

"No, I still remember the last time Chen Fu was the star master. I ended up in the Battle of the Seven Stars and only got five drops of Supreme Liquid."

"Now come to the Death Star, it will only be a few days, I will get five drops of the supreme liquid, I am very happy."


Xu Feng’s behavior undoubtedly made the entire Dongyue Mountain’s disciples become extremely cohesive. Many people feel that they are very happy with Xu Feng.

They are also willing to follow Xu Feng in the battle of the Seven Stars, and work harder together, they are also more crazy to practice and improve.

The reason why the Battle of the Seven Stars is so valued by the boundless starry sky is that the effects of cultivation above the seven stars are several times that of the infinite starry sky.

Coupled with such an urgent environment, almost everyone has enough experience, and there is enough supreme liquid to improve it faster.

Xu Feng looked at Fei Neng and said: "Fei Neng brothers, as well as the shards of the warriors who have just killed, if someone feels that they can enhance the realm of the Tao, you can apply for the heart fragments."

"After applying for the Dominion, you must refine at the Death Star and not leave the Death Star. Our current goal is to comprehensively enhance our overall strength."

As Xu Feng’s words rang, the scene was full of cheers.

Be aware that those heart fragments can be worth a lot of money.

In particular, among these warriors, they are all high-level spiritual honors, their heart fragments, and the worst is the three-way heart.

The people who are honored by Ba Pinling are almost all four pieces of heart.

Xu Feng also took two quadruple killings from the Fei Neng, and the only two.

After this battle, everyone was very tired, but they did not choose to rest, but to use fatigue to relieve fatigue, so that they can better stimulate their potential.


"Hey, look at it, where is the place where the Supreme Liquid Spring of our Death Star is located, there seems to be a void crack?" Someone looked at the place where the Supreme Liquid Spring eyes, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Go and tell Master Xu Feng, what is the situation?"

"I will go here, you are waiting for me here."

Xu Feng is still practicing, and he hears the sound of the outside river.

He opened his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Star owner, next to the supreme liquid spring eye, there is a space crack, everyone wants to invite you to see." Jiang Liuer looked at Xu Feng said.

"Oh... space crack?"

Xu Feng followed Jiang Liuer and walked toward the place where the spring eyes were.

He is far away, and he feels the crack in the space next to the spring. The surrounding spiritual power is actually absorbing the spiritual power around, as if it is gathering.

"What a little bit?"

Xu Feng came to the front of the crack in the space and felt the breath of the powerful space. The disciples of Dongyue Mountain Villa around him were full of curiosity.

"You are waiting for me outside, I am going in and seeing, what is the situation?" Xu Feng said to the people around him, the body disappeared in place.

The reason why Xu Feng dared to make such a big swing into the crack of the space, it is because he is not the same person that year, he is now with a four-dimensional space.

The ordinary space crack has no effect on him at all.


Xu Feng felt that the breath of the whole body suddenly changed. He appeared in a hollow space. He looked at the vast world around him. Some strange words: "I wonder, how do I feel weird in this space crack? Where is weird, I can't say it?"

"Hey... What is the creamy spar?"

Xu Feng's gaze fell on the milky white spar not far away. He came to the side of the spar and felt the strong atmosphere of the heart.

“The space is naturally crystallized?”

Xu Feng’s eyes widened, and he did not expect that such treasures would appear.

We must know that this space is naturally crystallized and can be said to be the treasure of the military who cultivated the space.

Or, any natural crystal is the treasure of the military.

"There are so many spaces and natural crystals. I will collect them first. These hearts will crystallize and give others no use."

At present, Xu Feng will put all the natural crystals of the space into a natural crystallization. His face has a strong smile, and there are actually 13 pieces of space that naturally crystallize.

If he refines and refines the natural space, his space may be at least raised to the sixth weight. By that time, his strength is really changing.

Six channels of space, he did not need to think about it, he knew how terrible it was.

"The spiritual power here is ten times stronger than the outside. I will go out and tell everyone that they can enter this practice."

Xu Feng felt the rich spiritual power of this vast space. He felt that he had entered this place, and he had already had a short time. He quickly went out and spoke to everyone, lest everyone worry.

He disappeared toward the outside of the space crack.

"Hey... Brother Xu Feng came out so soon?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and suddenly gave a surprised voice. They felt Xu Feng enter the space crack, fearing that it was only a few minutes.

What can I do in a few minutes? Nothing can be done.

"Star Master, why are you coming out so soon? What did you find?"

Jiang Liuer looked at Xu Feng, and he was a little surprised.

Xu Feng heard the words, but frowned, said: "I entered it, almost half an hour, fast?"

"Ah... half an hour?" Jiang Liuer suddenly looked at Xu Feng with amazement, said: "I said the star owner, you will not be in this space crack, the concept of time is gone? You obviously Just enter a few minutes?"

"What? A few minutes?"

Xu Feng's face suddenly changed, he felt very clear, he entered this space crack, there has been almost half an hour of time.

"Is it the legendary time node? Then we made a big profit this time."

Xu Feng’s face has a shocking color.

(End of this chapter)

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