The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1467: Sitting and waiting

Chapter 1467 is sitting and waiting

"Not afraid, we will fight with them."

"Yes, desperate."

"If you want to seize our chance, then work hard with them."

Suddenly, many people in Dongyue Mountain Villa, they all benefited from the Death Star. Naturally, they must fight hard to protect the Death Star.

"As long as we all insist that the star owners come back, we will be able to win, so next we have to divide into several teams to continue to deal with the opponents."

Fees can look at everyone, he is very clear, if they continue to fight hard with their opponents, then their disciples in Dongyue Mountain Villa, fearing that they will fight again several times, will really perish.

The only way is to fight separately, so that the opponent can not concentrate all the power, they can also use the environment of the Death Star to ambush the opponent.

"Well, we listen to the brothers."

Everyone was suddenly divided into several teams, each of which had the existence of the Eight Spirits, and almost every team had the same strength.

"Let's get some action, remember that if you can't beat your opponent, you will immediately send a signal for help. We must have the quickest support from the nearest person."

Fees can be told to everyone, Jiang Liu also came.

"Fei Neng brother, have you arranged it?"

Jiang Liuer looked at Fei Neng and asked directly.


The fee can be very clear, it seems that the killings are about to burst.


Jiang Liuer nodded to Fei Neng, and suddenly a group of people dispersed toward the huge Death Star, and they all began to walk towards different places.



With the destruction of the Great Destruction, the eight eight-pronged spirits were also spurting blood, but they did not dare to have any stops, fleeing toward the other side of the cliff.

Dou Jianhua and Xia Zhen looked at the Death Star in front of them. Their faces were very ugly. No one thought of attacking Dongyue Mountain Villa. They had to pay such a big price before they started.

It’s also a sly face, saying: “The **** Dongyue Mountain Villa, the battle of the Seven Stars in previous sessions, why they have no resistance.”

"It seems that this Dongyue Mountain Villa is not willing to continue to be the last one. We must be careful."

Said fiercely to the living disciple of the pylorus around him.

Those who can live to the present are all worried.

Naturally, I dare not continue to Xiaoyue Dongyue Mountain Villa, Xiaoyan Death Star.

"Strong, let's go!"

Dou Jianhua said to Lie, and rushed out with the crowd toward the center of the Death Star, where the Supreme Liquid Spring was located.

After the ambush in the Grand Canyon, there are only about 70 people in the team of nearly 100 people.

Of course, what can survive is a strong presence.

"Hey? How no one?"

Dou Jianhua and Yan Lie came to the center of the Death Star. They looked at the spring of the Supreme Liquid, and there was a crack in the space not far away. They did not rush into the crack in the space.

"Damn, they must choose to hide. Is this going to be a war of consumption with us?" It is very clear that Dongyue Mountain Villa is afraid that it is not an opponent, so it does so.

"Never let them succeed, we are now divided into two groups of people, began to search and kill in the dead star." Yan Li said to Dou Jianhua.

Dou Jianhua heard the words and said: "Okay, let's move quickly."

Yan Lie secretly said: "That just happens to make you and Dongyue Mountain Villa lose both sides. I will slowly take the profit of the fisherman. It is really a good idea."

Dou Jianhua walked out with everyone, until he couldn't see the figure of Lie Lie and others. He directly spoke to the crowd and said: "Everyone rests for a while."

"Dou Jianhua, what are you doing here? We are not coming to play with the Death Star. We have spent such a big price. Are you resting now?"

Xia Zhen looked at Dou Jianhua, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

However, Dou Jianhua looked at Xia Zhen and said: "I said Xia Zhen, are you really an idiot? I guess that the fierceness is waiting for us and Dongyue Mountain Villa to lose both sides?"

"What we are going to do now is to wait for the pylorus and Dongyue Villa to lose both sides, otherwise no one can shoot. If our strength is weakened, it will be us who will die."

Xia Zhen looked at Dou Jianhua and said: "Then what you mean is that we don't need to shoot, so waste time, what is the use?"

Xia Zhen is very clear, if this is the case, then the fierceness will never be shot.

This has been consumed, it is not an opportunity for Dongyue Mountain Villa.

Of course, useful, our task now is to rest, we are now compared with those of the pylorus, who is stronger, but who is better.

"So, we must not be the first to take the shot, otherwise the death will be us." Dou Jianhua does not want to die, want him to deal with Dongyue Villa, both lost, this is a dream.

He Dou Jianhua is the master of conspiring others, when it is his turn to conspirate him.

In the past ten minutes and a second, everyone in Dongyue Mountain Villa was wrong.

In the past day, how have people been attacked yet?

I am afraid that Fei et al. have not thought of life and death. Dou Jianhua is comparing his endurance with Yu Lie. Who can continue to endure?

"Fei Neng brother, how can anyone still have a fight? What is going on?" The person next to him looked at Fei Neng and made a scream.

The fee can be a little weird. It is reasonable to say that no one in the group can meet it. It seems that it is not logical to have so many powerful people on the opposite side.

"Is there a calmer river?"

The fee can be said to the person who reported to the side.

"Yeah, there is no fighting at all? Is it that those people have left?" The young man next to him was full of strange faces.

"Somewhat strange, those people should not be able to go back. Let us not care so much. Our current task is to live well."

Fees can speak to the people around me: "Everyone plays the spirit of twelve points, and must let the enemies of the enemy come back. As long as we wait for the star to arrive, we will be able to defeat the opponent."

In the past, one minute and one second, the star of the dead star was calm.

Jiang Liuer’s face was strange and said: “What happened? Why is it almost one day, or is there no fighting?”

"You are here waiting for me. I will go to the place where the spring eyes are. What are the people doing?" Jiang Liuer opened the door to several people around him.

He said it now, glaring at the night, and touching the place where the central spring of the Death Star is located.

"Well? Sitting?"

How long did Jiang Liuer not leave, he heard a burst of noisy voice coming, he looked at the fire there not far away, turned out to be a group of people.

"Is this group of people sitting like this? Are they crazy?" Jiang Liuer looked at the people who were sitting and practicing. His face was strange and he didn't dare to stun the snake. He could only return in the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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