The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1493: Re-killing the star spirit

Chapter 1493 Re-killing the Star Spirit

"Kid, you **** it!"

Qin Haoran's eyes have turned red, and he has never eaten such a big loss. He did not expect his two nine spirits to deal with a four-pronged spirit, but also ended like this.

The general spiritual power of Qin Haoran’s violent storm began to roll up. The long sword in his hand danced again. He obviously wanted to go all out and kill Xu Feng.

Next to Meng Duo, the spiritual power of the whole body is also flowing. The hot flame on his body continues to burn, and the inside of the eyes is burning like a flame.

Xu Feng’s eyes suddenly picked up. He knew that it was almost impossible to kill Qin Haoran and Meng Duo in a short time.

If this is the case, then simply do not show all the strength, or leave some behind.

Moreover, when he appeared here from the beginning, he found that there is a very accurate illusion, and he felt the dignified killing from the phantom.

"Two, I will not play with you first, and will play with you later."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, Qin Haoran and Meng Duo were all a glimpse. They saw Xu Feng’s body in front of them, as if a gust of wind disappeared in front of them.

"Star owner, what's the matter?"

Meng Duo looked at Qin Haoran, some strange knife.

Qin Haoran finally understood that there is a magic array here, he can not find the existence of the magic array.

However, he looked at the place where Xu Feng disappeared. He knew the direction of the magic array, so it would be much easier to crack the array.


Qin Haoran’s face was a bit gloomy: “The Chen Fu must have known the existence of the illusion beforehand, so he can disappear so quickly.”

"Star Lord, what about Xu Feng? He has been fighting with us since he arrived. How do you see that there is a magical array here?" Meng Duo was amazed.

Qin Haoran's eyes are slightly congested, saying: "The only possibility is that this Xu Feng probably knows some information about the place where the Emperor sits."

"Otherwise, with his current age and cultivation, it is impossible to see through such a magical array. It is very difficult to see the magical array if it is not the master of the formation."

Qin Haoran did not believe that Xu Feng was a master of the law. For him, the martial arts talent that Xu Feng showed was already very enchanting.

If it is still a master of the array, it is not only a enchanting, but also a pervert.

"We quickly follow this direction and find the existence of the magic array, and we can certainly see the clues." Qin Haoran said to Meng Duo.


"Well? Where is this?"

Xu Feng's face changed slightly. He looked at the palace in front of him, revealing a burst of quaint and desolate atmosphere, incomparably rich.

He swept his eyes across the surrounding environment and found that the palace seemed to be empty, but the strong killing made Xu Feng's brow slightly screwed up.

"Predecessors, how does this hall have nothing?" Xu Feng was a bit curious about the story of the Seven Killing Spirits in the soul sea.

The Seven Killing Emperor said to Xu Feng: "This hall should have a strong sense of killing. If there is no accident, it is the place where the spiritual emperor is seated."

"I don't know where he will store the fragments of the killing area. You can look at this hall first, whether there is any formation, or a secret."

Although the Seven Killing Emperor is also a strong Emperor, but at this moment he is only a soul, or after many years of tempering, if not he has his own means, this soul has long been abolished.

Of course, if he can get the body of a spiritual emperor and let him gain his body, he can examine everything in this place.

"it is good!"

Xu Feng began to look at everything around him in this place. He really found a quiet passage, and there seemed to be something terrible in the depths of the passage.

He came to the front of the passage, but let Xu Feng feel some residual breath, and he was really familiar with the breath.

"Predecessors, no accidents, the killing star has already come here first." Xu Feng said to the seven killing spirits in the soul sea.

"The guy certainly wants to get the killing power of the Emperor of the Spirit, but now he wants to get everything from the Emperor of the Spirit, including his body."

"The monster is the killing of the Protoss. He can directly devour the body of the Emperor of the Spirit, and then transform into his own cultivation and strength."

"So, what you are going to do now, it is best to find him as soon as possible and kill him. And you kill him, and the benefits to you are enormous."

"You can directly devour its existence, and it is not difficult to upgrade your cultivation to the five spirits. This guy exists for fear that it has been for thousands of years, and the spiritual power contained in it is absolutely beyond your imagination. ”

The Seven Killing Emperor said to Xu Feng, he was very clear when the killing of the Protoss was born, and he has been watching the continuous strengthening of the Killing Stars.

Constantly swallowed up to participate in the Battle of the Seven Stars, constantly devour the Protoss to ascend, gradually produced the idea of ​​killing, becoming a conscious killing star.


Xu Feng does not have any hesitation. He knows that it is really urgent to be at this moment. If the killing star spirit gets the body of the spirit emperor, then I don’t know how many people will be killed.

You know, the Battle of Seven Stars can still be completed in two months. Once the Killing Star Spirit becomes extremely powerful, who can limit him?

That killing the star spirit can be promoted by relying on the devourer. He is not a human being. He does not pay attention to what is called the heavenly reincarnation.

At that time, the entire seven-star land, afraid that it will directly fall into a storm.

As Xu Feng hurried to the depths of the passage.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Just as Xu Feng came to the end of the passage, the killing star Ling stood there. He is not Chen Fu now, his eyes are very bloody, and the horrible killing of the body is constantly spreading.

Xu Feng’s heart was secretly shocked. For the first time, he was able to chase down the killing star spirit. Now he actually feels the dangerous atmosphere from killing the star spirit.

"Actually, you really shouldn't wait for me. Do you think you can kill me?" Xu Feng looked at the killing star, with a faint smile on his face.

Killing the starred blood of the star, watching Xu Feng, he said faintly: "I don't want to kill you, I can feel that if I occupy your body, it is much stronger than I am now."

"So, I won't kill you, what I want is your body and potential." Killing the Protoss also really has a lot of wisdom.

After all, such a killing star spirit has existed for so many years. In that historical time, it was not surprising that he gave birth to wisdom.

(End of this chapter)

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