The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1610: End of purgatory trial

Chapter 1610 End of Purgatory Trial

"The ground killing."

The second type of killing of the boxing, the horrible killing of the air, skyrocketing.

The people around me were completely shocked.

No one expected that Xu Feng’s strength would be so strong.

The eyes of the old man of Haoyue showed a horror of fear, but when he looked at the blood-red fist that Xu Feng attacked, he had to go all out.


The old man of the moon was once again thrown out by this fist, and the cockroaches of his life blew out in his mouth. His face was white and his eyes were incredible.


Of course, Xu Feng will not let the old man of Haoyue, such a good opportunity, of course, is to take your illness and your life, Xu Feng constantly attacked the old man.

Crazy fists, like the peaks of a mountain, the bombardment of the old man's body, his internal organs seem to have been torn apart.

At the same time as the blood spurts out, it carries the fragments of the internal organs.

The voice of the old man of Haoyue with sadness and grievances said: "Xu Feng... Don't kill me... Don't kill me... I am willing to be your subordinate, I am willing to follow you..."

"Hey, when you tortured the elders of my war alliance, how did you not think of this moment?" Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and he certainly would not be asked by the old man of the month to choose to let go of the old man.

"Give me to die."

Said, Xu Feng's crazy attack, squatting down to the body of the old man.

Suddenly, the eyes of the old man of Haoyue were not reconciled, but they were torn by Xu Feng’s fist. The blood spurted out of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with remorse.

The old man of Haoyue regretted provoking Xu Feng. He could have lived freely, only because he provoked Xu Feng and was killed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng put away the fragments of the old man's field, and also collected the storage ring of the old man of Haoyue. He walked to the side of the six elders.

Take out some of the healing medicines and say: "Six elders, I am sorry, the old man of the moon has sprinkled hatred on me, you are all right, are you okay?"

The six elders looked at Xu Feng with some surprises. He was really shocked.

When Xu Feng joined the War Alliance, it did not seem to be very strong.

However, at this moment, Xu Feng has been able to kill the half-step Emperor's Haoyue old man, but that is the existence of the 19-member list. In the end, Xu Feng's current strength is strong.

"Thank you three elders, I am fine."

The six elders swallowed the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed over. His eyes were all bright, and he did not expect that there would be such a high quality drug.

"It's okay, the Purgatory Trial is coming to an end, let's go."

Xu Feng said to the six elders, the two went to the exit of purgatory.

Seeing Xu Feng leave, the rest of the people finally returned.

They looked at each other and looked at the body of the old man, and the hearts of them were shocked.

The strongest of the 19th-ranked list was killed by Xu Feng.

"Fortunately, I did not provoke this Xu Feng, otherwise it is really fidgety." Some people secretly glad that they did not provoke Xu Feng.

The elders who were away from the fire watched Xu Feng’s figure. They had hesitation in their eyes and said to the people around them: “I am thinking about whether or not to leave the fire. This Xu Feng’s strength is too strong. Once such a talent grows up, it will be destroyed from the fire."

"I think we should go back and suggest the leader, don't provoke Xu Feng, this talent is so strong, he will not stay in Hell State for a long time."

"As long as we don't provoke him for the time being, he won't come to provoke us. When he leaves Hell State, what should we do?"

The two elders who were away from the fire, they looked at the powerful strength that Xu Feng showed. Their hearts were shocked and they didn't want to provoke Xu Feng.

Just kidding, Xu Feng is now only how old he is, and he can kill the old man who is very proud of the 19th. If he continues to grow up, he may not know what it is.

Of course they don't want to provoke Xu Feng.

"I think your suggestion is very reasonable. Anyway, the seed of the congenital Shinto is given to Xu Feng. After we go out, we will persuade the leader."


Xu Feng and the six elders walked toward the exit of Purgatory. Of course, he did not know that he had killed the old man of the Great Moon of the 19th, and thoroughly spread it.

Several elders from the fire have gathered together, they decided not to provoke Xu Feng, after all, the other's talent is too strong.

As for Juyitang, it is really a tragedy. The six elders who entered the purgatory were all killed by Xu Feng. Even the elders were killed and unlucky.

In fact, they are also bad luck, but they like to meet Xu Feng.

Xu Feng, you can't help but kill.

"Ao Qing, your face doesn't look good, what's the matter?"

The door of the Hell Gate looked at the auspicious appearance. At this moment, the injury on Ao Qing has not recovered, and his eyes spurred anger.

"The doorkeeper, I suggest to kill the Xu Feng, this is despicable and shameless. I chose to attack me in purgatory, causing me to be seriously injured. Moreover, he also captured my inheritance."

Ao Qing looked at the door of the gate of Hell, and the wicked first complained.

Not far away, You Junda heard the words, his mouth slightly raised, his heart said: "I don't think the luck of the kid is so good, I really got the inheritance of the spirit."

The door of the Hell Gate’s eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Ao Qing and smiled. “Ao Qing, the spirit of the Emperor’s inheritance is a chance. Since Xu Feng can get it, it means that he has an organic relationship, and you don’t want to think too much. ""

Proudly, some strangely looking at the door of the gate of Hell, he said: "The doorkeeper, that is not a chance at all, it is the conspiracy of Xu Feng."

"I clearly know that I am going to get the inheritance of the Emperor. He is going to come to me for trouble, interrupting my cultivation and taking my inheritance."

The head of the Hell Gate is swinging his hand and looking at Ao Qing: "Ao Qing, many times you should be broad-minded, otherwise you will fall into the best."

"Xu Feng's inheritance of the Lingdi is also a good thing for our **** gate. Next you will represent the Hell State and go to the Kyushu Hegemony."

"On top of this Kyushu hegemony, you only need to shine, and you are very likely to get a place from the Genesis College. When the time comes, the world will be wider."

The door of the Hell Gate is swaying at the proud, and he is the master of the Spirit, and he is the master of the Hell Gate. Of course he knows the character of Ao Qing.

However, what he did not expect was that Xu Feng was able to capture the inheritance of the Emperor in front of Ao Qing, but it was somewhat unexpected.


Seeing one by one people constantly out of purgatory.

Xu Feng and the six elders are also unambiguous. Two people came out of the purgatory and felt the warm sun outside. They couldn't help but take a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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