The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1733: Miserable fairy family

Chapter 1733 The Miserable Fairy Everyone

That is Xu Feng!

This is totally a madman!

A full-fledged madman, in order to kill himself, he has to work hard with himself.

The thundering demon man’s eyes are red, and he stares at Xu Feng. He said: “Xu Feng, let’s go on, it’s a situation of both losses. Even if I am really burned to death by your heaven and earth, you will be seriously injured. At that time, Liu Hyunde will certainly take the benefit of the fishermen."

"You are now rushing to remove the blockade of your space, and I will stop doing it for you. Let us stop talking directly, how?"

The devil is really scared.

Unfortunately, the opposite Xu Feng is not afraid.

"You think too much, then you will really die, my Xu Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you can not kill me, we can not both lose, die." Xu Feng finished, the body of the spiritual power Crazy surge, blood madness rolling.

"Black fire law."

The flames of nourishment and the dark flames instantly condense into a lotus flower of countless flames, burning toward the opposite demon.

Space is a trace of the flames, and there are grief and indignation in the eyes of the demon lord. It is almost pleading: "Xu Feng, how can you let me go?"


However, the answer to him is only two words, that is, Xu Feng’s attitude towards him, he must kill his attitude, and he will kill his attitude at all costs.

"Kid, you are really crazy, you are a madman!" The thunder and thunder are desperately ruined, and his eyes are full of anger and unwillingness.

The screaming flame constantly burned his body, but the fire of heaven and earth was burning, and he also swooped toward Xu Feng madly.

About half an hour later, Xu Feng only felt that the whole body was severely painful, and his body of the Emperor also showed many signs of fragmentation.

The most important thing is that his internal organs are damaged, his face becomes extremely pale, and he is seriously injured.

In addition, the sequelae of the display of the smoldering spirit broke out, which increased his injury, but his face had a faint smile, just because the opposite side, the demon slayer had been completely burned by the Promise Flame, and finally Even the soul is burned out.

Undoubtedly, the demon slayer is really killed by Xu Feng, and nothing is dead.

"It's a pity that this thundering demon's storage ring must have a lot of treasures." Xu Feng's face with regret.

Just the flames of the Promise, but the time of burning for half an hour, so that even if it is a storage ring, it can not bear.

Under the burning of the Infinite Flame, the storage ring was completely shattered and turned into countless pieces, and everything in it was directly torn by the law of the void.

Whirring whirring……

Xu Feng took out some of the healing medicines and recovered the spiritual medicine. After swallowing it, he did not hesitate, and the independent space disappeared.

Undoubtedly, for Xu Feng, now the eight-pronged spirit, such an independent tearing space, blocking everything, the consumption of him is huge.

Even if it has six spatial channels, this is not an easy task.

He is now full of meridians, lack of spiritual power, coupled with serious injuries, he does not dare to have any slack.

Take out a lot of the supreme liquid and scatter it directly around the body. Xu Feng starts to sit cross-legged and refine the medicinal herbs that are swallowed.


Xian Che came to the depths of the blood tomb. His eyes were full of sorrow. He saw the opposite of the fairy family, all **** by the dark chain. Each one was a serious injury. Their eyes are desperate.

However, these people are the future of their immortal family. They are all genius geniuses on the Jiuzhou Fengyun record. Some people have not entered the Kyushu Fengyun record, and in the future they will have the opportunity to become the spiritual emperor.

"Xian Che, how are you... come?"

Not far away, the four-armed iron chain, the youth of the body wrapped around him, he first saw the existence of Xiancher.

"Singer Big Brother, you hurry to run, are you also caught by them?" A woman with a light-hearted appearance, her **** face, a lot of scars on her body.

"Xianche, you hurry to run. Only when you live, can you avenge us. You have to inform the owner and inform the fairy family. The Donglai family has a heart."

A middle-aged man who was a little older, he looked at Xianche, and his voice reprimanded with his eyes. He looked at Xianche and said: "You are saving us now, so many seriously injured people will not help."


The tears of blood in the eyes of Xianche flowed out. He looked at more than ten people and so on, saying: "You can rest assured that I am here to save you from leaving here."

"You know, who helped me?" His eyes were deep in the eyes, only because when everyone in their fairy family knew that the fairy husband of Xianhong Xue was from a boundless star, from a remote place, Many people are swearing at Xu Fengkou. "It’s a red-married fiancé. After he saved me, he and I came to the blood tomb. He is still outside to resist the demon."

"Nonsense, that Xu Feng's strength is nothing but the seven-pronged spirit, how can he resist the demon slayer?" Xian Yu's eyes suddenly condensed, directly screamed.

Xianche looked at Xianxu and said: "I am not talking to you, "I don't want to say anything to you. I will take down the chains on you first, and you will quickly resume repairs."

Xianche did not continue to say more, he knew that when they saw everything, everything was really true.


The spiritual power of Xianche continued to float. He cut these large chains directly into countless shatters and countless pieces.

In a blink of an eye, the chains of the nineteen people disappeared, but one by one was seriously injured, and they looked at Xianche.

"Xianche, we are seriously injured now, there is no healing of medicinal herbs, and there is no supreme liquid. Our storage rings have been taken away by Liu Hyun-de and Dong Laihong. You are going to go, don't be tired of us, and the whole army will be wiped out. The middle-aged man said again.

However, at this time, in the hands of Xianche, there are dozens of bottles of medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs are all seven products.

Among them, there are remedies for restoring spiritual power.

"Xian Che, where are you from so many of the best medicines?" Xian Yu eyes are shocked, he looked at Xian Che Dao.

Xian Che looked at Xian Yu and said: "These medicinal herbs are all given to me by Xu Feng. He has long known that you must be seriously injured and need a lot of remedies for healing."

"This is Xu Feng? Is he really so powerful?" The brows of Xian Yan's eyes frowned slightly. He obviously did not believe that a young man could be so capable.

"Singer brother, don't continue to talk nonsense, and take the medicinal herbs quickly, we have to make a decision with Liu Hyunde."

(End of this chapter)

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