The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1812: Blood complement

Chapter 1812 Blood Complementary


Both Snow Sakura and Xu Feng shouted at the same time, and two people returned to reality from the illusion.

Snow Sakura's face is shy, his heart is stunned, his face is even more blushing.

Xu Feng is also a bit embarrassed at the moment, he did not expect his inexplicable and snow cherry into a fantasy.

Most importantly, he already has half the memory.

His heart is shocking at the moment, and I don’t think there are so many secrets hidden in the ancient comet.

"Miss Xue, I..."

Xu Feng didn't know what to say to Snow Sakura, but the feeling of blending the soul just now made him feel very comfortable and refreshed.

Looking at the snow sakura not far away, he even gave birth to an unprecedented desire, he wants to completely occupy this woman.

"Xu Feng, we are all caught in a fantasy, that is the soul blend." Snow Sakura eyes looked at Xu Feng with a dignified look, said: "Would you like to marry me as a wife?"

Snow Sakura came to Xu Feng, her two big eyes, because of the blood of the snow and silver fox family, led to the light of her eyes, full of charm.

The most important thing is that her eyes are silvery and more glamorous.

"Xu Feng, I know that you are still thinking, you will want to leave the ancient comet in the future." Snow Sakura said here, her face is firm, said: "But anyone who is a wild star wants to leave. This ghost place. However, this is totally impossible."

"It’s hard to go to the desert around the comet. It’s hard to go to heaven. I don’t know how you got into the wild comet, but you know that you want to leave, it’s hard to go to heaven.”

Snow Sakura looked at Xu Feng and said directly.

Xu Feng looked at Snow Sakura and said: "Miss Xue, don't hesitate to say, I have already remembered some things. If I marry you, I may not be just a woman in the future."

Snow Sakura licked his lips and said: "As long as there is me in your heart, I don't care. Our Snowy Silver Fox woman is only loyal to a man in her life."

"Let's talk about it later, go and see what the flame is?"

Xu Feng looked at the face of Snow Sakura, and his heart was awkward.

Before blending with the soul of Snow Sakura, he was so comfortable.


With Xu Feng and Snow Sakura appearing at the end, the Violet secluded and the infinite flames in Xu Feng's body are all insanely swaying.

Xu Feng's eyes fell not far away, only to see a flamboyant flame floating there. When his eyes looked at the flame, the whole person seemed to fall into a horrible illusion.

"This is a fallen heart disease, ranking 97th in the world."

Xu Feng looked at the floating, distant flame in the distance.

Like a demon lotus in full bloom.

"Xu Feng, what is falling heart disease?"

Snow Sakura felt the horror of the flame opposite, asked.

Xu Feng said: "In the heavens and the earth, there are 108 kinds of magical flames. These flames have their own strong places. It is like this falling heart disease, you can fall into the illusion directly without your defense. Among them, this fallen heart is known as the fire of the soul."

"The burning of the heart-breaking inflammation can directly burn the soul of the warrior instead of burning the body. So, this fallen heart is terrible."

Xu Feng did not conceal the snow cherry, but said it with great certainty.

"Xu Feng, then you have to collect this flame quickly?"

Snow Sakura felt that this degrading heart inflammation had no effect on her, and she rushed to export.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "You don't know, it's not easy to get rid of heart disease."

"What other mystery?"

Snow Sakura did not understand, continue to ask.

Xu Feng looked at Snow Sakura and said: "Do you really want to know?"

Snow Sakura didn't know how Xu Feng suddenly looked at himself like this. His face was a bit shy: "How do you look at me like this?"

"That is because, wanting to devour this fallen heart disease, we need two people together to be able to swallow." Xu Feng said from his own self: "There is a powerful masculinity inside the fallen heart inflammation, if I force Devouring, it will inevitably lead to explosives and death."

"The only way we can be together with two people... can we collect this fallen heart disease." Speaking here, Xu Feng paused, but found that Snow Sakura was already full of shame, she obviously knew what to do.

"Xu Feng, as long as you promised to marry me, I will be with you..." Snow Sakura licked her lips, her eyes blurred and looked at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was slightly indulged. He knew that swallowing this fallen heart disease would have great benefits for him and Snow Sakura. It is very likely that the cultivation of two people would be greatly improved.

Snow Sakura looked at Xu Feng with some hesitation, her face was somewhat lost.

"Well, I promise you."

Xu Feng looked at the snow sakura, and the two began to collect fallen heart disease.

Anyway, the snow sakura woman is also very good, and the human heart is very kind. As Snow Sakura said, it is a problem to be able to leave the ancient comet.

"Sakura, come on."

Xu Feng took the arm of Snow Sakura. When the flames of the two people were filled, they had already rushed out to the fallen heart.

The fallen fire of the heart and soul is burning constantly.

At the moment when the flame was swallowed by Xu Feng, he felt that the hot air of the whole body was rolling, and the whole person was constantly struggling in the flame.

"Sakura, I started."

Xu Feng whispered in the ear of Snow Sakura, and the eyes of Snow Sakura became confusing.

Her delicate lips and Xu Feng's lips, so two pairs of cover together, two figures constantly impact, the flames continue to riot.

In the fall of heart disease, the horrible hot air wave, from Xu Feng's body, and then to the body of Snow Sakura, every time the snow sakura makes a heartbreaking sound.


The flames burned and became a beautiful flame.

However, the blood of the two people is constantly blending.

The blood of Xu Feng's space and the blood of the snow sakura, when they are constantly blending, the breath of the two people began to climb wildly.

As Xu Feng roared, the spiritual power continued to stir up in the body of Snow Sakura, and the breath of her body was directly raised from the peak of the Emperor's Emperor to the one.

However, Xu Feng is constantly merging in the fall of heart inflammation, and the pure spiritual power of the flame transformation is constantly stirring in his fourteen spiritual veins.

In his double angry sea, the spiritual circle floated, the golden light broke out from Xu Feng's body, and his breathing became extremely heavy.

Time passed slowly, and the fallen heart inflammation was completely surrendered by Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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