The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1855: City seat strong

Chapter 1855 City House Powerhouse

"Do you know who this group of people is?"

"It seems that they are coming to the forefront, and they really don't want to occupy the city of Beacon."

"The people in the city government are so arrogant, this time it seems to be suffering."

"Let's go, let's take a look and see how the group of turtle grandsons in the city's main house are killed."

"The grievances of the city's main government are finally someone to clean them up."

Seeing that Xu Feng and others easily killed the guards of the city government, many people were full of excitement.

Xu Feng and others walked toward the city government of Beipcheng.

Other people are not far from them.

"The city owner, the city owner... the big thing is not good..."

In the city government of Beipcheng, a man ran into the courtyard of the city owner.

I saw the inside of the yard, there are more than a dozen women at the moment.

These women are all beautiful and look like they are in their twenties.

Their faces are all traces of slap, the most important thing is that the eyes are tears.

There was a burly man crawling over him, his face full of flesh and blood, and his eyes were arrogant.


The man with his face, he was disturbed by his good deeds, dressed directly in one step, and slapped on the face of the person who reported it.

"What's not good, didn't you see that the city owner is enjoying life?" The man with his face flickered his eyes.

The man who was slap in the palm, he was jealous and angry inside, and said: "I knew that Nima Laozi was running on his own and came to report to you."

"You deserve to be killed."

The man did not dare to say the thoughts in his heart. His hands were on his cheeks, some were wronged, and his teeth were biting. He was not ready to report.

Dai Zhi looked at the man at this time and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. Just say it quickly. If I let me know that it is not a big deal, I will kill you."

The man suddenly said: "The city owner, Beige City has come to more than a dozen people, all of whom are all strong, and our escorts have been killed by them."

"Now that group of people has come to the city government."

As the man’s words are finished, Dai Zhi’s eyes are wide.

His face was trembled and said: "I want to see, whoever doesn't have long eyes, dare to come to Beige City to find my anger."

"Don't they know that my brother-in-law is a woman who is a sinister sect?" Dai Zhi's eyes are horrible.

He pointed at the man and said: "Hurry to inform the old man, let him help me kill all the people, and then I will give him ten women."

The man’s inner secret sarcasm said: “Hey, the old black man is not a good bird. It seems that you are going to be buried together today.”

The man had seen it very clearly before. There were several people in the group of six spirits.

The old man of the Black Heart is just the peak of the Five Spirits, and he will die.

"All the people in the city's government have gathered for me. Someone came to us for trouble. We are going to meet the enemy." Dai Zhi screamed and screamed.

The entire city government was suddenly sensational. On the huge square, there were about thirty or forty spiritual emperors, all gathered together.

"The city owner, who is so tired, even dared to come to our Beige City's suffocation, don't they know, is our Beige City stunned?"

Above the Yanwu Square, an old man of the four-character spirit, his face full of smiles, confidently watching Dai Zhi.

He is very clear that in the entire Western District, apart from the existence of the four major forces, it is a few forces such as Jing Xiangzong.

These forces can be strong, such as clouds, and the black-hearted old people who are sent out casually are the peaks of the Five Spirits.

It is said that the sect of the horror of the sect is the strongest of the six peaks of the Emperor of the Six Spirits.

"I don't know who is looking for death without opening your eyes. Today we only need to complete them." Dai Zhi's eyes are killing.

He really did not expect that his own North City can be targeted.

The reason why he came to a remote small city like Beipcheng was to avoid those big forces.

As long as it is not those big forces, who dares to provoke surprise?

He can walk sideways in North City.

The same is true. He robbed the women in Beige City and saw what he liked and robbed. It was so good.

Now, there are such people, come to him for trouble, he naturally will not give up.

"The city owner."

Not far from an old man appeared, his white hair was full, his eyes were sunken, and his face was wrinkled.

The old man of the black heart is the strongman of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect.

"Blackheart predecessors, some people come to the troubles of our city's main government, and then there will be troubles for you to help us solve this difficulty."

"I am willing to repay your grace." Dai Zhi looked at the old man and said with a smile on his face.

The old man with a black heart smiled and said: "There is no strong person in Beige City. It is estimated that it is a group of people. It is very simple to solve."

"You have to go find me ten women, remember to be small, as long as you are over twenty, don't blame me for turning my face."

"Haha... Blackhearted predecessors rest assured, I still don't understand what I do?" Dai Zhi's face is shaking, obviously he and the old man are not the first time to do such a deal.

"Before leading the way, I will kill the group first."

The old man with a black heart was arrogant and said to the person who reported the news.

"Black heart seniors, please here."

The person who reported the news was angry and killing, and said: "Dai Zhi, the old man, you killed my daughter, I will send you on the road today."

"The city owner, I will take a step first. When I solve the problem of the whole department, you will come." The old man of the black heart greeted Dai Zhi.

"Black heart seniors go slowly."

Dai Zhi’s face is arrogant. He feels that there is a black-hearted old man, and there is no such thing as him.

"Let's go, let's go and see if anyone who dares to provoke my city in Beige has three heads and six arms." He swayed toward the outside of the city government.

"Haha... There are black-hearted old people who give us a battle, we will win, no doubt, all the leaders of the city are well-informed." Those who are behind Dai Zhi are all flattering.

"The city owner is really domineering, and the world is surrendering. In my opinion, the city is mainly the hegemon of the Western District in the morning and evening." Someone said.

Dai Zhi’s incomparable enjoyment of such a flattering feeling, he only felt as if he was flying, it seemed to be very comfortable.

Obviously, those behind him know the character of Dai Zhi.

A bragging is more fierce than a.

It seems that Dai Zhi is the first strongest player in the southern continent. Dai Zhi does not feel disgusted, but feels extremely enjoyable.

It’s not a cross-faced meat.

(End of this chapter)

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