The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1873: Punch spike

Chapter 1873 Punch Spike

That man's look is changing.

The **** is now 16 people, if it continues to expand.

Isn’t Xu Feng like the top big forces to form a middle-class spirit as a escort?

According to the dark team of the dark temple of the vast land of China, it is super powerful.

"Since the shock has arrived, it is time to test your guards!"

Xu Feng said to the man: "Let's go."

Xu Feng followed the man to the main square of the city, and the sixteen members of the **** had already stood there and assembled.

Xu Feng looked at the giant Taishan Mountain, looked at Cao Yu, and looked at Zhao Long and others.

"You 16 guards, shocked this time since the coming, then let me see how your strength is?"

"Some people think that if they join the escort, they can sit back and relax. You are afraid of being wrong, and then you will deal with the shock."

"Unless a last resort, I will not arrange for other people to take it. You 16 people need to solve this difficulty on their own."

Xu Feng’s words sounded, and Zhao Long’s face changed slightly.

"Don't let the people who are shocked to enter the city of Beige, when the battle will directly destroy the city."

"We went outside the North City to meet the horror."

After that, Xu Feng took a step and walked outside the city of Beip.

The 16 guards of the **** followed Xu Feng's side, and the Qingyi and the Snakes also followed Xu Feng.

As for the great elder of Liu Pinling's peak, Xu Feng did not let her shot.

Just kidding.

If anything, let the most powerful people take the shot, then it is so expensive to find these people.

"Look at it, that is the garrison of the city government in our city."

Someone watched Xu Feng walk with the guards on the street and made a cry of surprise.

The previous Beige City was in chaos.

Now, after the rectification of Xu Feng, everything in Beipcheng has become regular.

The owners of these shops in Beipcheng are also extremely satisfied.

It can be said that although the current North City has not yet closed at night, it is not far away.

"Do you know where the city owners are going?"

Someone next to him asked.

"You don't even know about this matter. The shocked sect has sent people to attack us in Beipcheng, and they estimate that the city owners are going to meet the enemy."

"It seems that this war is about to break out. I hope that the city government of Beige City will win."

"Yes, I also hope that the city government will win."

“Since this young city owner has arrived, our North City has become much better.”

“The previous bullying and crushing have disappeared, and now my business is much better.”


People in Beige City are praised for Xu Feng.

"I don't know if this young city owner has a marriage match. If there is no marriage, I really want to give my daughter to him."

"You don't even think about it. I have seen two women around him. That beautiful is simply a city."

“Is it really beautiful? Are you sure you haven’t lied to me?”


"Uncle Jing, Uncle Chen, look at this North City, this small city gate, the city wall, and want to be right with us. Isn't this self-destruction?"

Xie Ting stood in the middle of the crowd, his eyes were arrogant.

Jing Baobing frowned slightly.

He used to come to Beipcheng, but it was confusing.

The current Beigacheng, although seemingly small, seems to be very regular.


Chen’s eyes were all condensed, and his eyes fell on the gates of Beipcheng.

It was a young man standing there in the strongest face, and his face was calm and incomparable.

The clothes he wore were not very expensive, and he was followed by the strongest of the middle-class spirits.

“When is there so many middle-class spirits in Beige City?”

Jing Baobing was shocked.

"Everyone is uplifting. It seems that we have a hard battle to fight."

Jing Baobing’s heart is very clear, and those who are not far away are not weak.

He brought four imperial spirits and ten four spirits.

However, the strength of the opposite person is not weaker than his.

"You are shocked that it seems that the thief is not dead."

Xu Feng came to the opposite side of Jing Baobing and others. He looked at the group of people opposite and opened his mouth.

"Hey, are you the new city owner of Beipcheng?"

Xie Ting’s eyes fell on Xu Feng’s body, and he said directly.

Xu Feng looked at Xie Ting and smiled: "I am the city owner. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"I thought you had three heads and six arms, and dared to provoke me to be shocked. Tell me the truth, I am the young master of the horror."

"You are kneeling in front of me now, shouting three times, I am a grandfather, I will spare you not to die." Xie Ting's face was arrogant.

"I am a grandfather, I am a grandfather, I am a grandfather..."

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly shouted three times.

Many people have not responded.

"Ha ha..."

When the people around you reacted, they laughed directly.

Which one is the one who takes the initiative to recognize others as grandfathers.

Xie Ting's face was gloomy, and he rushed straight out of the crowd.

"Less lord, don't be impulsive!"

Jing Baobing wants to hold Xie Ting.

I know that Xie Ting looked at Jing Baobing and said: "Jing Jing, the lord, you blocked me three times and five times. Why is this?"

"Small lords, the opposite youth is not simple."

Jing Baobing feels very clear.

Although Xu Feng was a spiritual master, it was unfathomable.

"Isn't it simple?" Xie Ting's face was disdainful and smiled: "I am a good man of the second cult of the Emperor, and it is not his opponent of the spirit."

After that, Xie Ting looked at Xu Feng and said: "Since you are the city owner of Beipcheng, I am also a small sect of the horror, can you dare to fight with me?"

Standing in front of Xu Feng's green wing and snake battle, both eyes are surprised.

Is this young man opposite to death?

The strength of Xu Feng, even the snake red sky of the three spirits, is not his opponent.

"Oh... I am so scared..."

Said, Xu Feng went out and looked at the opposite Xie Ting, saying: "Since you want to fight, get out."

"Hey, I will step you under your feet, I will let you know that I am shocked and will die very badly."

Xie Ting's face was stunned.

"Less lord, don't be impulsive!"

Jing Baobing had a spiritual impact and he wanted to stop Xie Ting.

"Your opponent is me."

As the captain of the escort, Jue Taishan felt that he should hurry to make meritorious deeds and be able to convince the people under his hand.

At the moment, his body, three meters high, rushed out toward Jing Baobing.


The spiritual power of Xie Ting was madly surging, and he attacked Xu Feng with a sword.

Xu Feng looked at the sword from the attack and smiled: "You are really weak."

"court death!"

When Shet Ting was so humiliated, the swordsmanship became more fierce.

Unfortunately, his swordsmanship is really incomprehensible.

"The genius."

Xu Feng slammed out with a punch.

That punch carries the momentum in the field of killing, and it is unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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