The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1887: Do you really dare to kill me?

Chapter 1887 Do you really dare to kill me?

"Hey, just relying on the cultivation of your spirit, and wanting to fight with me, it’s really an idiotic dream."

Both eyes are a condensate.

The killing of the face is coming out.

The field in his body is wide open, and it is actually the first area of ​​the thunderstorm.

"It’s not a small lord of the half moon."

"I heard that this half-monthly ancestor has a very talented talent. Now it seems that it is."

"It is said that the strength of the intention is very strong. I don't know if the young man can resist the attack. Don't be killed."

"You know, the reason why I bet with the young man is that I want to kill the young man. If I am a little careless, I will become a dead person."

Many people have talked about it one after another.

They looked at it and they were shocked in both eyes.

Such a young man is very powerful. He was born very well, but he also has a strong talent and strives to cultivate.


The lightning on the body seems to be tearing the void, and a burst of thunder and lightning suddenly erupted, causing many people to change their faces.

Wandering between his hands, the repair of the Sanpinling Emperor on his body broke out, and he stared at Xu Feng.

"Oh, it’s your blessing to die under the hand that I care about."

The voice of Yuyi is incomparably arrogant. He does not think that a young man in a district who is a young man is younger than himself and can defeat himself.


I saw that his body suddenly slammed out, and that palm was almost tumbling, and the violent palms were endless.

It was a palm print with a condensed thunder and lightning. The palm print seemed to tear everything and smashed down towards Xu Feng.

Many people have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Only Xu Feng stood there calmly, his eyes were calm and faint: "The flashy attack is really ridiculous."


Said, the blood red light of Xu Feng emerged, the violent violent killing, cold and biting.

Many people are full of stunned faces, staring at Xu Feng's figure, they feel very clear.

That is the young man, the field of killing that is filled with the body, and it is also the field of killing of the first peak.

The most important thing is that the atmosphere of this killing field completely suppresses the field of Yu Yi in the opposite direction.

Then, the young man punched out with a punch.

The power of that punch was extremely powerful, and the blood-red light wrapped the huge fist and slammed it out.


The fist and the collision of the palm print are together.

Originally, many people thought that Xu Feng would be seriously injured. How do you know that two figures were withdrawing at the same time?

Xu Feng did not suffer any injuries, but instead took a direct punch and took the initiative to take the opposite direction.

"I don't think you have any means, no wonder so dare to be so arrogant, but unfortunately not enough." Yuyi's face changed slightly.

His heart is shocking, he did not expect the opposite of a product of the spirit of the young, the strength is so strong to such a point.



The spiritual power of Yu Yi’s body surged, and his hands were surrounded by endless lightning.

What was formed was a fierce palm print, and the palm print became extremely violent and incomparably turbulent.

"Hey, it's your luck to die under the inheritance of my Chinese products." Yu said, the palm became unstoppable.

The thunder and lightning contained in the palm of the hand seems to be directly swallowed up by the void, which is the palm print that can swallow everything.

"People kill!"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite palm prints, he did not have any panic color, and became extremely calm and calm.

"You have a lot of nonsense, but your attack is nothing more than that." Xu Feng's mouth swayed slightly and ridiculed: "Even a middle-class inheritance of spiritual skills, only cultivated into the realm of Dacheng, what do you have? Is the qualification arrogant in front of me?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, his blood-red fists shook the world.

"I haven't read it wrong. This is definitely a top quality inheritance."

"He actually passed on the top quality and practiced it to the realm of fire."

"A horrible boxing talent, this punch is enough to kill everything."

"It seems that this young man is not an ordinary person, and his talent is also very strong."

Feel the momentum of Xu Feng’s fist, and many people are shocked.

They also seem to understand that the young man who wants to fight is not a wine bag.


The two bodies collided again together.

The intention is that Sanpin Lingdi was repaired, but he was not seriously injured by Xu Feng’s punch.

"Take me another punch."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite side, the golden light on his body became extraordinarily dazzling, and it seemed that even the burning sun of the sun could not stop the light on him.

"The ground killing."

The second form of killing fists was displayed, and the fist broke out, as if the whole earth was directly covered. The feeling of incompetence made many people tremble inside.

"Which is this young man, even so horrible, he actually condensed the body of the spirit of the emperor?" Some people grow up their mouths, their faces are wrong.


The opposite of the intention, this time directly shocked by this boxing.


Intentional heart is angry, his eyes are splitting, he did not expect that he would not be an opponent of the first spirit.

If this news spreads, it is not a big blow to his reputation.

He bit his teeth, roaring: "Want to beat me, you dream."

The spiritual power of Yu Yi’s body smashed out of the body and surged into a silver thunder and lightning.

"White Tiger Lei River."

The river that thundered and condensed, and the spiritual power of the mind will be directly cleaned.


The silver-powered lightning river came towards the impact of Xu Fengyu.

"Get out!"

Xu Feng’s roar came and suddenly hit a fist, and the punch became more fierce and more overbearing.

It seems that the whole world has landed.

"God kill!"

The third form of killing the box is displayed. This punch makes all the people feel shocked.


The Thunder and Light Galaxy, which was intended to be displayed, collapsed under this boxing.

Suddenly, Yu Yi was directly shaken out by a punch, and blood was sprayed from his mouth.

"It seems that the little lords of the half-moon sect of the church are just that!"

Xu Feng stood on the ring and stared at the intention of lying on the ground, with a mocking voice.

"We are old, kill him!"

Deliberately screaming and screaming, yelling at the white-haired old man not far away.

The strong breath of Zhou Lao’s body broke out and his body appeared on the ring.

On Zhou Lao’s body, the breath of Liu Pinling’s emperor emerged.

"Six Pinling Emperor?"

Xu Feng’s eyes stared at the opposite old man.

"Kid, you offend my family, then die."

Zhou Lao said.

"Do you really dare to kill me?"

I know, in the eyes of the public, Xu Feng stared at the old man opposite, and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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