The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1898: Buddha bone relic

Chapter 1898 Buddha bone relic

"Hey, you guys shot together, how old is the husband?"

The old man of the dead wood is full of anger, he did not expect this time, it is completely beyond his expectations.

Originally he thought that his strength was the most powerful existence.

I know that after he entered this place, there were successive incidents that did not go well.

Now, Xu Feng is only a product of the spirit of the emperor, but also can explode such a powerful combat power, he feels extremely depressed inside.

The old man of the dead wood is cultivated by the five spirits, and his strength is slightly stronger than that of Yang Jianuo.

However, Xu Feng’s first gravity field, coupled with the killing field of the first peak, is really terrifying.

As a result, the attack at this moment broke out, and the old man on the opposite side was shocked. His heart was full of anger.

"The little beast was born there, and it was such a powerful talent, why I have never heard of it before."

The old man of the dead wood is very clear that in other parts of the land of China, those top geniuses can also fight across levels.

However, like Xu Feng, there are very few people who can break out such powerful strengths across four levels.


Plus the attack of Nieting next to it.

Suddenly, the old man of the dead wood became stretched.

His body continued to recede and was attacked by Nie Ting on the body, and he spurted out his blood.

He stared at the opposite two people, biting his teeth, and said: "The two men joined hands, I am not their opponent."

"I still rushed away, the heroes did not eat before the loss, when they dispersed, I was met by their death."

The old man of the dead wood thought of it and bit his teeth.

"Hey, Qingshan does not change, green water flows, we will have a period later."

The spiritual power of the old man in the dead wood rushed wildly, and suddenly he went out to the rest of the hall behind him.


The old man's body smashed out.

Xu Feng and Nie Ting did not chase.

They are very clear inside, the strength of the old man is not simple, the two catch up with the final result, but both lose.

"Xu Feng, thank you!"

Nie Ting looked at Xu Feng and smiled.

She is very clear that if she does not have the help of Xu Feng, she will have to be entangled in the old man of the dead wood today, and maybe she will die.

Xu Feng shook his head and looked at Nie Ting. He smiled and said: "Before you came out for me, I owe you a favor, and now I am."

I don't know why, Nie Ting suddenly felt that this person is losing money.

She is very clear that Xu Feng’s young age, possessing such terrible strength, coupled with such a strong talent, is really terrifying.

She even thinks that if this person has been kept, it may come in handy in the future.

After ten years.

Nie Ting looked at the sky, the most shining star.

Her heart is regrettable. She feels that if she was wise in her choice that year, perhaps her fate will be completely changed.


Xu Feng and Nie Ting did not walk together. The hall is large in size.

Moreover, if you look for something in the treasure, the two will have to compete with each other, and it is not good.

Simply two people walk separately.

Xu Feng continued to advance toward the depths of the hall.

He has never found anything useful.

Finally, he appeared in front of a relatively majestic Buddhist temple. He frowned slightly and walked in and walked inside.

He looked at the golden Buddha statues inside, and he looked very solemn and solemn, with a serious expression on his face.


The voice of the Emperor of the Buddha was screamed in the glittering hall, and his figure appeared not far away.

"See the sorghum!"

Xu Feng respectfully defended the Tao Ling emperor.

Killing the Buddha Emperor looked at Xu Feng and nodded. "In fact, I have nothing to help you. Your talents and martial arts are not in conformity with me."

"I am rushing into Buddhism. Your killing is totally different from me. Moreover, there is a stronger killing inheritance in your body."

The words of the killing Buddha's emperor sounded, making Xu Feng a big surprise.

He did not expect to kill the Buddha Lingdi can actually feel that the ancient ten major seals in his body, killing the inheritance of the Emperor.

"I guess the good words, the killing inheritance in your body, should be the first of the ancient seals of the ten major seals, killing the spirit of the emperor's killing heritage?"

Killing the Buddha's Emperor is not a former hegemon.

Sure enough, the eyes are pungent.

Xu Feng did not conceal, saying: "Predecessors are the inheritance of the killing spirit."

"I don't think that even the superpowers like the killing spirits appreciate you, then I will help you a little."

Killing the Buddha's eyes with a faint smile.

After his voice was finished, he saw his hands stick out.

The most central golden Buddha statue in the distance, tearing open.

Among the golden Buddha statues, a golden glittering fist-sized bone appeared in the hands of the Buddha.

"Buddha relic?"

Xu Feng’s big eyes, he looked at the Buddha’s bones, and he was shocked inside. He said: “It seems that the rumors are true.”

"You guessed it well. This is the Buddha's relic. It was also the Buddha's relic that I broke through to the seven-character emperor."

"Buddhist relics can make your cultivation a lot better. Of course, the greatest use is to upgrade your spirit."

"Your spirit of the Emperor is only a small realm. If it is refining this Buddha bone relic, it should be able to reach the realm of Dacheng."

"Once the body of the Emperor is in the realm of development, plus your strength, under the high spirits, you have a hard time."

"Of course, I am talking about ordinary warriors. It is not excluded that some young people are as talented as you are."

The sound of killing the Buddha's emperor sounded.

He suddenly came to Xu Feng, his hand dragging the Buddha bone relic.

As the Buddha's bones fell directly, the relics went toward Xu Feng's body and hustle and bustle.

"Run your refining law, you can absorb this Buddha bone relic."

Killing the Buddha's Emperor said.

The Buddha's relic turned into a pure spiritual power, which was integrated into every bone of Xu Feng, and his bones became shimmering.

Xu Feng's heart is a surprise, it is worthy of the Buddha's treasure Buddha bone relic, which is really great for the body's promotion.

"What is your cultivation that is a domineering spirit?"

The sound of killing the Buddha's Emperor was a little surprised.

He is very clear that he can cultivate the body of the Emperor of the Emperor, and the talent and perseverance of Xu Feng are the best.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate into the body of the spirit.

"I hope this Buddha bone relic, is it very helpful to you?"

The illusion of killing the Buddha's Emperor gradually became lighter and thinner, and the Buddha's bone relic was silently and completely integrated into Xu Feng's body skeleton.

The golden light on his body became more intense and intense.

(End of this chapter)

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