The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1995: The crisis of Xing Xingzi

Chapter 1995 The Crisis of the Stars

"I am called Ming Yuer, you can call me a child."

With a quiet smile on her face, she calmed her inner feelings a little.

Xu Feng came out of the room and smiled when he saw Ming.

He found that when Yinger turned his head, he glanced at him.

Xu Feng said in his heart: "When, Yinger, this girl, also learned to be jealous."

"Hey, come in and sit down."

Xu Feng looked at Ming Yuer standing by the door, not a thing.

Moreover, Ming’s character is gentle and quiet, and he really can’t bear to leave the other side.

Yinger turned and smiled at Ming Yuer: "Miss Dear, come in and sit down."

Ming Hao children followed the walk into the yard.

Yinger began to get busy in the yard. Xu Feng sat in front of Ming Yuer and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

Auntie licked her lips and said, "I am fine, that is..."

Originally, Ming Yuer blurted out that she missed you very much, but found a busy Yinger, she did not continue to say.

"Young master, how is your room organized?"

Yinger walked toward Xu Feng's room and began to help Xu Feng organize the room.

"I will help her."

Ming Yuer looked at Ying's busy work, she also walked toward Xu Feng's room, both women began to help Xu Feng to organize the room.

"Brother, I found that the atmosphere is a bit wrong. You said that Yinger’s sister and sister-in-law will have a century war?”

The kitten crouched on Xu Feng's shoulder. He licked his mouth and seemed to be a little bit afraid, as if he were going to fight.

"You really fear that the world is not chaotic, shut me up." Xu Feng directly knocked on the kitten's head and said slyly.


"Yinger, I heard Xu Feng said before, you have been with him for many years." Ming Hao children finishing, while facing Yinger, seems to be inadvertently asked.

Yinger heard the words, and did not hide it. He smiled and said: "Miss Dear, I know the young master and I are very young. I have been taking care of him for many years."

"Before the young master's clothes, food and shelter, I was taking care of it. After his strength became stronger these years, I could not follow him. He must have suffered a lot."

Yinger’s face was full of sorrow, as if she had not followed Xu Feng’s side and made some clutter to Xu Feng, it was very sad.

"really envy you."

If you know what you are pointing to, you can say to Yinger.

Yinger heard the words, she was naturally savvy, and her words were a bit sorrowful, and her heart was full of happiness.

She knew that when Xu Feng came to the 72nd peak area, she went to see her instead of seeing Minglu, which proves that she is still very important in Xu Feng’s heart.

"Miss Dear, what is enviable, I am a little sister who is with my younger generation for a lifetime." Yinger’s face has a happy smile.

Ming Yuer looked at Yinger and said: "Yinger, if you don't want to give up, don't call Miss Miss Miss, you will call me a child."

"Okay, then I will call you a deaf child."

Yinger smiled sweetly at Ming Yuer.

The two women actually began to chat, and Ming Yuer constantly asked Yinger. About Xu Feng’s previous events, there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

Xu Feng was outside the yard. He was uneasy and his face was wrong. This woman changed her face, how is it faster than the sky.

"Ying, I live in the room next door to you. It is boring to go back to a person." Ming Yuer began to organize the room.

Yinger also followed Mingluo to get busy, watching the busy figure of the two women, Xu Feng felt the world, as if it was instantly reversed.

In this way, Yinger and Ming Yuer lived in the courtyard of Xu Feng, and Xu Feng gradually adapted from the beginning.

"Ying, what are you and your nephew?" Xu Feng looked at Yinger, and asked curiously.

Yinger quietly said in Xu Feng’s ear: "I know that in the mind of the young master, the most important thing is not just Yinger."

"I am going to find a few allies now, the Shu Ge of the Lingbao Pavilion, she is not simple. At that time, I am not her opponent, I have to plan ahead."

Xu Feng almost did not vomit blood, this woman's heart is terrible.

Yinger smiled and walked out of Xu Feng's room and closed the door.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Yuelu, said: "How about the arrangement of Yuelu, Dantang?"

During the five days, Xu Feng also went to the peak of life and death, and he gave the peak of the peak of life and death to redeem several pieces of the field.

There are still a lot of supreme liquids, enough to make a sin in a year to break into the spiritual emperor.

Also, the reincarnation and faintness of the two foundations, after they obtained the fragmentation of Xu Feng's field, they followed Xu Feng directly to Dantang.

In the words of two old things, it is said that Xu Feng is good now, and he does not take up the white, and he will follow Xu Feng in any case.

Xu Feng did not reject the two. He knew that there were enough conditions. It was not too difficult for the two to break through to the Emperor.

Today, Xu Feng will take Yuelu and others to the vast land of China, and the reincarnation and faintness of them, to be responsible for Dantang, is also relatively reassuring.


"Yu Xingzi, your tyrant Dan League has been completely destroyed, and those people are almost dead. You are now at the end of the strong, I advise you not to continue to struggle, avoiding more trouble, and follow us back to the Dark Hall, maybe It will make you feel comfortable for a few days."

There are many people in the black robe standing around. They are the warriors of the Dark Temple. These people are masters of the top spirits.

In the center, standing a man wearing a robes of the refiner, with an angry color between his eyes, she bit her teeth.

"Hey, your darkness is really deliberate, you want to kill me." Xing Xingzi's eyes with crazy killing.

He did not expect that, after so many years, the Dark Hall still did not let him go. The Dan Hedan, which he founded, was completely destroyed by the Dark Hall.

The strong men gathered around him were also slaughtered by the Dark Hall. He is now at the end of his power, and he looks at the sky with his eyes.

"Heaven, it seems that I am a star, really want to die in this northern wilderness." The eyes of Xing Xingzi are unwilling.

It didn’t take long for him to become a teacher of the Eight Senses. He couldn’t think of dying in this northern land. Has his master’s hatred been reported?

The inside of Xing Xingzi was unwilling, and his eyes were filled with the killing of Senran. He saw him, and the soul power of the 80th order broke out.

"Soul thorn, give me a die."

Xing Xingzi directly displayed the secret technique of the soul. This soul secret technique is also the most powerful means of attack. He suddenly becomes a sword and generally strikes several people opposite.


A few people are all spurting out of blood, one by one with a pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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