The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2002: A new home

Chapter 2002, a new and renewed Xu family

"A lot of sisters..."

Ning Lele looked at Xu Duoduo with a smile on his face.

Who knows that Xu is more than swinging his hand, she muttered a small mouth and said: "You don't want to please me, I won't like you."

"You don't think I can't see it, you like me, hey!"

Xu Duoduo’s words rang, and Ning Lele suddenly became flushed.

In the darkest part of her life, Xu Feng rescued her from the darkness. She naturally had a lot of emotions and gratitude for Xu Feng.

However, Ning Lele has never dared to express it. Now she has been said by Xu Duoduo. Although she is ashamed, she can’t help but look at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng knocked on Xu Duoduo’s head and said, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

"Lele, your grandfather, where are they, take me to see them, I have some things, have to discuss with them?"

Xu Feng quickly shifted the topic. He looked at Ning Lele and grew up. His heart is actually treating Ning Lele as a sister.

He found other emotions from Ning Lele's eyes. He didn't want to entangle in this problem, and he quickly tweeted the topic.

"Big brother, okay."

Ning Lele took a deep breath, and she twisted her waist and walked in front.

I have to say that Ning Lele is really beautiful now.

"Grandpa, who are you looking at?"

When Ning Lele came to Ning Ziqing's yard with Xu Feng, Ning Zi was shocked when he was clear, and he quickly came to Xu Feng's body.

"Lord, are you back?"

Xu Feng nodded and smiled. "Ning is the main ally. I have one thing to come here. I need to take some refiners."

"Seven refiners take away a few people. If there are good seedlings in the six-products, I will take them with me. I will train them myself."

Xu Feng looked at Ning Ziqing. He knew that he couldn’t take too long to leave this time. The site of the Western Region of Shenzhou, the site of the sacred sect, did not know when it would open.

He has arranged all this time, that is, he wants to enter the site before the creation of the ruins.

At that time, the attention of all major forces is in the site of the ancestral sect, naturally taking into account the changes in the Western Region, and his Wanshen Shenzong can rise up.

Ning Ziqing heard the words and suddenly smiled: "The ally, Dan League was originally created by you. Don't you say that you just take away a few people, even if they are all taken away, that is a matter of course."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Xu Feng said to Ning Ziqing.

Not long after, Fu Ritian, Xu Li and others appeared in the hall.

Xu Feng sat at the top, Liu Yong, Xiao Wuji and others appeared in the hall, they were all surprised.

Especially Xu Li and others, they have not felt the repair of Xu Feng.

"You, don't come innocent for a few years."

Xu Feng’s face was full of smiles.

Later, Xu Feng inquired about the situation of Dan Meng. He immediately took out some fragments of the field and presented them to Xu Li and others.

They looked at the fragments of the field that Xu Feng handed over. They were all shocked by the face. They thought that they would break into the spiritual respect and they could help Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng took out all the pieces of the field, which shows that Xu Feng’s current cultivation may be already Lingdi.

Later, Xu Feng and Xu Li and others talked for a long time. He told everyone about his ideas. Those people were very happy.

They know very well that following Xu Feng to the vast land of China, it is the core area of ​​the entire southern continent, where there are more platforms and resources.

"Big brother, I am now a master of eight products, I will also go to the land of China with you." Ning Lele came to Xu Feng, she said with expectation.

Ning Ziqing heard the words, he looked at Ning Lele with some reluctance, and immediately shook his head with helplessness. He knew Ning Lele’s feelings for Xu Feng.

"Lele, to be honest, I really need eight masters now, but... you have to understand that going to the vast land of China is a very dangerous place."

"And, your grandfather may not be reluctant to you, you should first seek the advice of your grandfather." Said, Xu Feng looked at Ning Ziqing.

Ning Ziqing’s old eyes were disappointing, but he bit his teeth and said: “All the lords, if Lele wants to go to the land of China with you, then go.”

"okay then!"

Xu Feng looked at Ning Ziqing and said: "Ning, the vice-president, you can rest assured that I will treat Lele as a sister. If she has any accidents, I believe that Xu Feng has also had an accident."

Ning Ziqing certainly does not worry that Xu Feng is not good for Ning Lele. Before he could not see the eyes, Xu Feng took good care of it.

Moreover, if it wasn’t for Xu Feng, Ning Lele might have died long ago.

Xu Feng said nothing to Ning Lele.

"Everyone, everyone is going to prepare, and if there are family members, they will go to the individual. We will leave early in the morning."

Xu Feng’s words rang, Xu Li and others looked at Xu Feng and said: “Lord, is this time coming back, is it so anxious?”

Xu Feng knew what Xu Li and others wanted to ask. He didn't want to answer for the time being. He said: "This time is urgent."

Said, Xu Feng walked outside the main hall. "The next morning, I will wait for you at the door of Danmeng. When we leave the Tianhua domain together."

Xu Feng headed for Jiangnan City, which was where the Xu family was.

"Yu Xingzi, you will stay in Dan League."

Xing Xingzi heard the words and nodded to Xu Feng, saying: "Okay!"

Xing Xingzi looked at Xu Li and Fu Rutian and others, and they were all excited.

Several people suddenly left the hall and started talking.

Of course, during the period, Xu Li and others asked the true identity of Xing Xingzi Xu Feng, but they were all ambiguously said by the Xing Xingzi.

They know that they can't ask, and they don't continue to entangle, but they care about Xing Xingzi. After all, Xing Xingzi is also the child they watched growing up.


Xu Fu.

Now, it is famous in Jiangnan City, and Xu’s family has been a genius boy for many years.

Many people know that with the existence of Xu Feng, Xu will become Tianhua Domain and the top family.

Xu Feng took Xu Duoduo to the front of Xu Fu. The two guards were suddenly surprised. They looked at Xu Feng and looked confused.

"Ah... I’m going to inform the old man, Master Xu Feng is back!"

Several guards rushed out to the house of Xu.

"Xu Feng is back!"

"We are the hero of Xu family, Xu Feng is back."

"Xu Feng, he is my idol, my father told me that he has everything today, and it is the result of his own efforts."

Xu Feng entered Xu's house, and now the mansion is large, and there are many young faces.

Xu Feng took Ning Lele to walk in Xujiafu. Many people looked at Xu Feng with adoration. Some young girls even ran up to chat with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at these people, and his eyes were warm.

(I saw a lot of people spray a lot of updates slowly, in fact, really wrote very quickly, and the whole site, I am a relatively fast type of author! One and a half years, now is two thousand chapters, an average of almost one day 4 million words, this speed is really fast! Finally, thank you for your support, many will continue to write down as always, try to write more exciting!)

(End of this chapter)

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