The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2100: Tree king heart

Chapter 2100 The Heart of the Tree King

"Is it swallowed?"

Seeing Xu Feng outside the tortoise tree king's torso, it disappeared instantly.

Many people are shocked by their faces.

Suddenly, those who resisted the cannibal tree caused a sensation.

Nangong’s eyes are full of worries, but the cannibal tree king is not these ordinary cannibal trees.

The inside of the shadowless thief is also worried, but their biggest task now is to resist the cannibal trees in front of them.

The old-fashioned old-fashioned eyes are all surprised, and his view is very clear, not Xu Feng was swallowed.

Instead, Xu Feng took the initiative to enter the tortoise tree king's torso.

There are some surprises in his old eyes.

Mind: "Is it true that he just let us contain this king of cannibals, is it for this reason?"

"Don't the tyrannical tree king's flaws be inside that huge torso?" The two-winged old demon is full of doubts.

However, the opposite king of the cannibal tree, at the moment, has become extremely instigating.

Those huge vines, regardless of the attack on the two-winged old demon and Xia Zhen.

The old-fashioned demon looked at the reaction of the cannibal tree king, and he suddenly understood.

It seems that this is really the case, the flaw of the king of the cannibal is in the torso.

Otherwise, why did the cannibal tree king become so violent at the moment?

Xia Zhen, not far away, is also the same idea as the two-winged old demon. He said: "We must fully control the vines of this cannibal king."

Wang Wangzi looked at Xu Feng and was swallowed up by the king of the cannibal tree. His mouth was mocked and said: "This time, see you still die?"

In fact, the Wangyue son did not leave directly. He felt that if he left here, he would kill the king of the cannibal tree.

If the creation of the ginseng grass appears, he is not a big loss.

He just doesn't want to deal with the king of the cannibal tree, but for the creation of the heavenly grass, he is extremely heart-warming.


Xu Feng looked at the intricate roots in front of him, as if it were the meridians of a person's body.

He looked at Da Yan Xian Liu and asked: "Where is the heart of the king of the cannibal, the outside can resist it for a long time."

Da Yanxian Liu laughed and said: "The heart of the king of the cannibal tree is in the center of the king of the cannibal tree, and it is constantly moving forward here."

Da Yan Xian Liu suddenly looked at Xu Feng and said: "Can you really refine the heart of the cannibal tree? You must know that the heart of the cannibal tree king, I am afraid that even if you are a kind of flame, you may not be able to refine. ”

Xu Feng heard that almost no blood was sprayed.

It is impossible to refine the heart of the king of the cannibal tree, and it is not a waste of time to enter the torso of the king of the cannibal tree.

"Why don't you say that early?"

Xu Feng is a little angry.

Da Yan Xian Liu is also a bit embarrassed, said: "I just remembered, the heart of the cannibal tree king, is the hardest thing between heaven and earth."

"Then can I go out?"

Xu Feng looked at Da Yan Xian Liu and asked.

Da Yan Xian Lu heard the words, but also apologized: "You may come in, you must refine the heart of the cannibal tree."


Xu Feng bit his teeth and said: "Forget it, don't waste time, hurry to find the heart of the cannibal tree king."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder. He stretched out his small claws and grabbed the Da Yan Xian.

"In the future, if you don't make it clear in advance, do you believe that I ate you?"

The kitten threatened to Da Yan Xian Liu, and also opened a large mouth of blood, it is necessary to make a big move to bite the big fairy.

"Cat brothers don't want to..."

Da Yan Xian Liu was treated by a kitten, and the kitten wanted to be a big cat.

Xu Feng looked at the countless roots of the king of the cannibal tree. His heart was shocked. This cannibal tree king is really terrifying.


Not long after, they came to the heart of the king of the cannibal tree, where a heart, like a large stone, is constantly creeping.

The most important thing is that from the heart of the huge cannibal tree king, the roads extend like nutritious pipes.

"I try the Promise Flame can not refine?" Xu Feng rushed toward the heart of the cannibal tree king.

Suddenly, outside the heart of the cannibal king, countless rhizomes twitched toward him.

Inside Xu Feng’s hand, the flames of flames burned, causing those roots to burn instantly.


Outside, the king of the cannibal tree violently violently, the huge body, the violent tremor, a gust of wind.

Those vines desperately go to the two-winged old demon, as well as the attack of Xia Zhenyu, seem to be completely killing the two.

"It seems that Xu Feng really found the flaws of the king of cannibals!"

Seeing that the cannibal tree is more violent, the two are more certain.

Xu Feng found the flaws of the cannibal tree king.

However, Rao is the two of them. At this moment, some of them can’t stand the attack of the king of the cannibal, and the corners of their mouths are overflowing with blood.



The flames of the infinite flames burned, and the heart of the king of the cannibals was really unmoving.

Xu Feng bit his teeth, his hand, suddenly the purple flame emerged.


With that, the purple flame emerged, and the heart of the king of the cannibal tree suddenly trembled.

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles. It seems that only the violets in this world’s third place are able to refine the heart of this cannibal tree king.

Da Yan Xian Liu is shocking, it can not help but shrink in the body of Xu Feng.

It is fearful of the purple flame, instinctive.

You know, the flame can be said to be the nemesis of any plant.


Xu Feng sat cross-legged, and with the constant refining of the two worlds, the heart of the cannibal tree constantly trembled.

The pure spirit of heaven and earth, as if it were a squally shower, went toward the body of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng spurted out a piece of blood. If it wasn't for his spiritual body to practice, it would be terrible.

He is very clear that this powerful spiritual impact will probably make his body instantly split.

"Damn, this cannibal tree king heart, I can't completely absorb it, and the spiritual power contained in it is terrible."

Xu Feng’s eyes were shocked. He found that it was only a moment of refining and refining. His cultivation was directly promoted from the middle of the four spirits to the later stage.

However, with the constant refining of the heart of the cannibal tree king, his cultivation is still climbing.

"No, this way, I have to explode and die." Xu Feng knows that he can't continue to refine the heart of the cannibal tree king.

The only way to do this is to seal the heart of the king of the cannibal tree, to gain income from the body, and to use the heavens and the earth to bind.

Waiting for his cultivation to reach the peak of the Six Pinling Emperor, use this heart of the cannibal tree to break through the seven spirits.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and the tactics of the road continued to emerge, and he went to the seal of the king of the cannibal tree.

(Stunned, what I said before is not the end, but the southern continent is coming to an end. If this is the end, isn't that the tail? I hate the end of the world... The spirit of the mainland should be more exciting... Thank you)

(End of this chapter)

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