The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2112: Misunderstanding

Chapter 2112 Misunderstanding



With the six-character emperor, his palm and Xu Feng's fist collided together for an instant.

His cheeks are very smashing.

His arm broke instantly, and the break was not over yet.

The fist was unstoppable and attacked toward his chest. His entire body was suddenly knocked out by his fist.

The bones of the whole body are broken, and the whole person is heavily squatting on the ground.

He opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but all of it was sprayed with blood.

He didn't want to understand when he died, why he was repaired by the Six Spirits, and he was so vulnerable in the midst of a young man in the middle of the Five Spirits.

Peng Gang’s face suddenly changed. He looked at the opposite youth. He said, “You are Xu Feng?”

Peng Gang is very clear that the sword is so serious that it is Xu Feng’s stay.

Moreover, the high level of the Dark Hall passed orders.

As long as it is Xu Feng, kill it.

Anyone who kills Xu Feng can get a lot of rewards and directly promotes to become an honorary elder.

However, Peng Gang is very clear that under the protection of so many people, the sword will be played so badly.

Not to mention the strength of Jian Li itself is very powerful, those who guard the sword, one is definitely not weak.

That is one possibility, the strength of this Xu Feng is very strong.

After Peng Gang wanted to understand this, he made a quick decision and wanted to escape.

"Want to run?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, there is a sense of killing.

Just in the moment when Peng Gang wants to escape.

The spiritual power of the mid-five spirits of his body broke out in the middle of the period. After his cultivation was broken into the mid-term of the Five Spirits, the promotion was almost earth-shaking.

The insane madness of his body is like a river turbulent.

"In the middle of the Wupinling Emperor, there is such a strong momentum."

Some people feel the breath of Xu Feng, they are all shocked.

Of course, some scattered warriors know Xu Feng.

They spoke to the people around them and said, "The warriors of the dark temples are sure to die today."

"Why do you say that?" the person next to him asked inexplicably.

"You don't know how strong Xu Feng is. When he was repaired by the four spirits, he would be able to kill the peak of Liu Pinling."

"Now, in just a few days, his cultivation has broken through to the middle of the Five Spirits. You can imagine how terrible his strength is."

“Really so powerful?”

Some people who don't believe are stunned.

Just because Xu Feng hit a fist and went out.

Peng Gang, who fled, and Liu Fengling’s emperor’s peak, could not even resist Xu Feng’s punch.

Directly back from the earthquake, he could not escape.

There are two other people living in the dark temple, and they are also dignified.

Xu Feng looked at the three people in front of him and said: "Hey, the people in your dark temples dare to kill the East Lingyue. Today I want you to die without a place to die. I want you to die."

Inside Xu Feng’s heart, the last time he was in Seoul, Kyushu, he was so embarrassed that he was hitting the East Lingyue.

Seeing Dongfang Lingyue, he is seriously injured now, and he is naturally angry.

You must know that the dragon has a reverse scale, and Xu Feng’s reverse scale is the person around him.

Maybe Xu Feng will lose a little by himself, but he will smile, but the people around him, whoever dares to hurt them, must be desperate to fight with each other.

What's more, Xu Feng's strength has increased so much now that the three people in front of him are not even his opponents.

"Xu Feng, we are also ordered to chase and kill Oriental Lingyue. Why do you want to kill us?"

Peng Gang looked at Xu Feng, his face became very ugly, and there were fears in his heart. The confrontation just made him tumbling.

However, Xu Feng looked at the Oriental Lingyue, who was crying with tears in the rain. He said: "Today, you three, one don't want to leave alive."

I heard Xu Feng’s words of strong killing, and the hearts of the three people were screaming, secretly remorseful to come and chase the Oriental Lingyue.

"Do you come up to die together, or one by one to die?" Xu Feng's mouth slightly raised, the spiritual power of his body has flowed.

The killing field of the third heaven emerged.

I know, Peng Gang, who was opposite, actually grabbed the two six-character emperors around him and flew toward Xu Fengqi.

The two six-character emperors came over to Xu Feng’s shackles, and the two did not expect Peng Gang to be so vicious.

They all made a screaming voice and said: "Peng Gang, you must not die!"

Peng Gang fled out behind him.

The place where he attacked went out to be Dongfang Lingyue.

Peng Gang knows very well that the only way to survive is to seize the Eastern Lingyue and threaten Xu Feng.


However, Peng Gang’s wishful thinking is still wrong.

Xu Feng’s body of space emerged and his body disappeared.

The next moment, a punch went out to Peng Gang’s chest.

Peng Gang’s face was full of anger and said: “No... impossible...”


Peng Gang’s chest collapsed directly and his body fell to the ground. He widened his eyes and said, “No... how can you have a space field?”

Xu Feng’s ankle was on the head of Peng Gang, and the blood flowed directly.

After killing Peng Gang, Xu Feng immediately killed the two six spirits.

He came to the front of Dongfang Lingyue and reached out to wipe the tears from the eyes of Dongfang Lingyue.

"Ling Yue Shijie, don't cry, crying is not beautiful!"


I know, the tears that Dongfang Lingyue had stopped, and the moment when I heard Xu Feng’s words, the crying of the screaming was even worse.

She rushed into Xu Feng’s arms, and her hands repeatedly beat Xu Feng’s back and said, “Do you know...”


Xu Feng gently held the Oriental Lingyue, said: "Ling Yue Shijie, I am sorry!"

I heard the three words that Xu Feng said.

Oriental Lingyue was even more angry. She stared at Xu Feng with her eyes and said: "You know, the last time I was in the ancient city of Kyushu, I want to die!"

"In the future, you must not be so mad at me, do you know?" Dongfang Lingyue looked at Xu Feng and said: "I would rather die with you than to suffer such pain."

"In the future, it will never be."

Xu Feng's eyes are deep, it is crazy killing.

He knows that in the future, he will never let anyone bully the people around him.

Even if it is the Dark Temple, even if it is a Nangong family, he will not be afraid of Xu Feng.

"Xu Shidi, are you not entering the ancient comet? Can you live alive?" Oriental Lingyue asked some incredible questions.

Xu Feng chose some simple things to tell Dongfang Lingyue, so that Oriental Lingyue was listening to the fear of war.

(End of this chapter)

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