Chapter 2121 The Promise

"Kid, you now have a sacred acacia, and you can change it quickly."

The Seven Killing Emperor was in the body of Xu Feng, he said to Xu Feng.

You must know that the heavenly land is the treasure of heaven and earth.

Now that the body of the genus Asparagus and Xu Feng are integrated, his resilience and tolerance are almost at the limit.

I heard that the Seven Killing Emperor said so, Xu Feng suddenly came over.

"Incinerating three changes!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng suddenly climbed, and the breath on his body rose linearly.

"Six Pin Ling Emperor!"

Xu Feng’s eyes were not reconciled. He did not expect that he would now show his three changes in the spirit of burning, but he would only upgrade one level of cultivation.

The Seven Killing Emperor couldn’t help but say: “Don’t be dissatisfied. It’s harder to improve after you reach the Spirit.”

"You can make a level of cultivation by the three changes in the spirit of burning. It is already very against the sky. Of course, this is a change of spirit. I am afraid that only you can display it."

The Seven Killing Emperors are very clear.

This secret technique of burning three spirits requires not only the righteousness of the world.

More importantly, this three-industry requires powerful soul power and strong resilience.

Switching to other people, you show the three changes in the spirit of burning, I am afraid that after the rest of my life, I will nurse the body and restore the soul, is that not the difference with the dead?

Feel the breath of Xu Feng suddenly increased, countless people are stunned.

No one thought that it was not the limit of Xu Feng at this time.

Xu Feng is simply making a lot of people stunned, it is simply a means of endless stream.

Even the old man, he thought he might need to shoot, but he did not expect Xu Feng to have so many means.

He felt that Xu Feng burned the soul power and forcibly improved the means of cultivation. It seemed to hurt the body incomparably.

"This kid is a little impulsive, his secret is simply consuming vitality." The old man could not help but frown.

He knew this before, he should stop Xu Feng.

However, it is a bit late now.

Since Xu Feng has already displayed it, look at what Xu Feng can achieve.

"This Xu Feng is incredible. How old he is is simply a means of continuous improvement. His cultivation has forced a level of promotion."

Someone looked at Xu Feng at the moment, and both eyes were full of gloom.

No one expected that at this time of the battle, Xu Feng was still not running out of water.

At this moment, Xu Feng, who was promoted to the middle of the Six Spirits, was staring at the opposite dragon.

"Dragon, I will let you see today. What qualifications do you have to kill me?" said, Xu Feng's spiritual power rolled.

"God kill!"

I saw him stepping out in a step, and attacked Long Teng to attack.

The fist was like a violent storm, and the blood-red fist was unstoppable.

Long Teng rushed to the top.

When the two fists collided, all the sounds were embarrassing, and the whole void seemed to shake instantly.


However, as Xu Feng was promoted to the middle of Liu Pinling, the Dragon could not easily retreat from Xu Feng.

At this moment, the two people fought together in madness, and the whole world was the violent turmoil left by the two men fighting.

The Oriental Qiankun and Nangong Temple joined the battle again.

In this way, the three people were born and dragons, and the battles were evenly matched.

The wonderful battles have made countless people stunned.

Longteng did not expect that Xu Feng broke out such a strong strength.

The battle continues.

Longteng injured Nangong.

At the moment, Nangong Temple is full of blood, but he still has not given up and Xu Feng, and the hope of fighting side by side with the Oriental Qiankun.

He stood up, and the body looked like a straight one. He stepped out and the blood on his body fell.

However, he was still the last force of the hard work, and he went to the bite of the dragon to death, and the space field directly tore a bite in the body of Longteng.

"you wanna die!"

Longteng’s hands went down to the Nangong Temple.

The fierce fist was directly on the back of Nangong.

However, Nangong’s dead hands clasped the dragon, and he roared: “Kill...kill this old dog...”

"Big brother, three brothers, you hurry to kill... kill him..."

Nangong was holding the dragon, and even if his bones were broken, he still did not let go.

"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

Xu Feng and the Oriental Qiankun, looking at this moment of Nangong Temple, the eyes of both of them are rushing out of tears.

They bit their teeth, and their eyes are full of blood-red light, and the light rises into the sky, as if to be earth-shattering.


Many people on the scene, watching the battles of these three youths, are silent sighs at the moment.

They look at these three young people. This is the real brotherhood. This is the real life and death.

"Dragon old dog, I want your life!"

Xu Feng rushed up, and as the battle progressed, even the meridians of his body were burning at the moment.

He was crazy and desperate, only to see his fists rushing out to the dragon, and the fist fell wildly.

Longteng’s eyes are all shackles, but his body is held by Nangong, and his hands are moving toward Xu Feng.


Xu Feng’s fist was broken and the bones shattered, but he still did not stop the attack.

The Oriental Qiankun is also a desperate attack, and the spiritual power of the whole body is surging.

"Old dog, our three brothers, even today, die, but also pull your back!" Xu Feng's voice is very exciting.

"Big Brother, come kill him!"

Xu Feng’s body of the Emperor’s body erupted, and he entangled him, and he grabbed Long’s arm and grabbed it.

"No... three brothers, don't!"

Seeing Xu Feng use his body to resist the fist of Longteng.

The Oriental Qiankun made a screaming scream and desperately rushed out.


Xu Feng’s body is like a mountain fragment, and the broken bones make countless people shocked.

In the eyes of Dongfang Lingyue, tears have already flowed down at this moment.

However, she is very clear, and now it is Xu Feng’s burden.


Finally, the attack of the Oriental Qiankun hit the body of Longteng, and his chest was directly sunken.

However, Longteng was repaired by the eight-pronged emperor. He immediately screamed, and Xu Feng and Nangong were instantly shaken out.

His mouth was hung with blood and his eyes were wide.

He did not expect that his eight spirits were repaired, and they were forced to be so embarrassed by three people.


The kitten slammed out from Xu Feng's arms, and the sharp claws, toward the back of the dragon, smashed out.

Suddenly, Longteng’s back, a large piece of meat was directly torn apart.


Longteng suffered from pain and made a loud noise.

A fist flies out of the kitten.

He blinked with his eyes and rushed out toward Xu Feng.


Just in the fist of Longteng, watching the moment when Xu Feng was dying, an old voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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