The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2146: Granddaughter

Chapter 2146 Granddaughter

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Zhou Tong and others did not move.

They are still standing there.

It is completely an impetus to fight with Long Xiang.

Xu Feng is very clear that all of them add up and are not the opponents of Longxiang.

He went forward and his eyes were angry.

"Do you still have my lord in your eyes?"

The voice of Xu Feng became extremely cold.

Zhou Tong and others directly said: "The sovereign, since we joined the Wanshen Shenzong, then we will live together with the Wanshen Shenzong."

"What about the title of the Emperor, since the title of the Emperor is going to kill, then no one can stop it."

Next to the Mu elder is also quite a waist, his old eyes with a look of death.

"All of us are living together, never swearing and stealing!"

Xu Feng was also moved with deep eyes.

But what he knows more is that this is a fearless sacrifice.

His voice was helpless and said: "You, if you want to leave, you can leave now."

However, everyone stood still and did not move.

Xu Feng’s face is also helpless.

He looked at the opposite dragon, saying: "All the grudges come from my Xu Feng. If you want to kill me, it is very simple."

"As long as you kill me, I have let go of all the people of my domain, and they have nothing to do with Xu Feng."

Long Xiang looked at Xu Feng, among the old looks, with appreciation.

He did not expect that a force in the Western District could have such cohesiveness.

The look of those who are dying is not a performance, but a reality.

Long Xiang looked at Xu Feng with a faint smile and said: "You can rest assured that these people can't threaten my Dragon family, and I am too lazy to kill."

"And you, since killing the elders of my dragon family, you have to pay the corresponding price. Otherwise, how will my dragon family stand in the future?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised.

"It turns out that the foundation of your Dragon family is based on bullying, which makes me open my eyes."

Xu Feng’s voice seems to be a sword, which is completely mocking Long Xiang.

You are obviously the title of the emperor, but also come out to lean on the old and sell old.

However, Long Xiang also knows that he will not be able to kill Xu Feng.

"Kid, you don't need to swear with me, I won't let you go today."

After that, Long Xiang’s hands suddenly became a palm print.

The palm of the hand was shot toward Xu Fengqi.


The people of Wanxiang Shenzong are screaming at the moment, and some disciples are even more bloody.

They clench their fists, and they all want to rush to go up, and they must be desperately fighting with Long Xiang.

Xu Feng felt the pressure of the power coming. He had been seriously injured by Long Xiang, this time I am afraid it is really going to die.


However, just as Xu Feng thought he was about to die, a figure appeared in front of him.

It was a kind-hearted old man with a gentle look on his face and his palm flat.

Suddenly, the two attacks collided together, and the entire void was torn apart, and the whole void seemed to be completely shattered.

Many people are looking at the sudden old people, one by one is shocked, do not know who this old man is.

Can actually resist the attack of Longxiang.

That is only the title of the Emperor.

"Xu Shidi, are you okay?"

At this time, a crisp voice rang in Xu Feng's ear.

It turned out that it was Oriental Lingyue.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Ling Yue Shijie, I am fine."

Long Xiang’s eyes are all condensed. He looks at the Eastern Heaven, and says: “The East is bullying, what do you mean by this?”

"This kid killed the elders of my dragon family. Do you want to intervene and do nothing against my dragon family?"

However, the Eastern Baoshi looked at the dragon's body below, and there was no anger in his eyes, but they were all surprises.

"I don't think that my granddaughter is so powerful, is your dragon family too wasteful? Can Seven Spirits be easily killed?"

Xu Feng heard that almost no blood was sprayed.

What is called a granddaughter.

Oriental Lingyue stood next to Xu Feng, but also a little shy.

"Sun granddaughter?"

Long Xiang's eyes swept across the East Lingyue, and the look was amazed.

"Dongfang Ba Tian, ​​what do you mean by this? Is it your Eastern family, not ready to marry my dragon family?"

The Eastern Ba Tian shook his head, and he slowly said: "Oh, no way, your dragon family is too strong to be weak. I will give my granddaughter to your dragon family. I am afraid I really don't trust. And my granddaughter chooses someone." I am still very satisfied."

"I just watched him as a dead-eyer, able to protect his familiarity and come forward, is a man!"

"What's more, if you look at him, isn't it amazing? Starting from scratch, in such a chaotic place in the West End, you can create such a force."

"Very good, my first impression, I am satisfied!"

The Eastern Ba Tian is actually chatting with each other.

Long Xiang’s eyes were filled with anger.

He naturally knows that this Xu Feng talent is terrible, but the more so, if you can not kill this child as soon as possible.

In the future, for the Dragon family, it is very likely to be a devastating blow.

After all, today he has completely offended this Xu Feng.

"The Eastern Heaven, you have to think clearly, the identity of this young person in front of you." Long Xiang eyes slightly squatting.

"Do you mean that his mother is a Nangong Snow thing?"

Oriental Ba Tian suddenly said.

Before he came, he naturally knew Xu Feng’s life. Otherwise, if he came to see his granddaughter, wouldn’t he have to make a joke?

"Oh, you should understand that the Dark Temple will never let him go. You are not only against my Dragon family, but also against the Nangong family and the Dark Temple."

"You Eastern family may not be able to bear it!"

The words of Long Xiang are obviously threatening.

Longteng stood on one side and also said: "The Emperor of Heaven, our dragon family is proud of the sky, isn't it enough to be genius?"

"Shut up, there is no way for you to interrupt!"

The Eastern Ba Tian eyes swept through the dragon.

Longteng was unwilling, but he could not shut up.

"Ha ha ha..."

The Eastern Ba Tian directly laughed at the sky.

He swept his eyes across the opposite dragon, saying: "There is no thing that my Eastern family can't bear. If I want to go to the east of my family, I would rather violently die."

"Not to mention, no matter who you are, if you want to destroy my Eastern family, I am afraid I will try to measure whether I will be dragged down."

Speaking of this, the Eastern Ba Tian said: "The dark temple is a group of hidden things, I never fear."

"In those days, I dared to kill the dark hall alone. Now, I am annoyed, and I dare to kill them alone."

In the words of the Eastern hegemony, all are filled with hegemony.

Of course, such hegemony is built on strong self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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