The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2183: The last three styles

Chapter 2183, the third three styles

Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng cultivated in the soul tower, and he could not feel the passage of time.

He opened his eyes and the soul power of his body had broken through to the eighty-ninth order.

He looked at the distant place and said: "After breaking through the eighty-ninth stage, my soul is very slow."

He stood up and said: "Go first to find the inheritance hall that the president said."

Xu Feng began to walk inside the soul tower.

He found that this soul tower seemed to be boundless.

He walked inside the soul tower, not knowing where the temple was.

He walked and looked away from the place.

I saw that there was a white-haired old man there. He was kind and kind, and he sat there and he was drinking himself.

Xu Feng’s face changed a little, and his heart said: “How else is there in this soul tower?”

"But come sit down?"

The old voice sounded.

Xu Feng walked toward the old man, and his face was respectful.

"Xiao Feng, a younger generation, meets the predecessors."

The old man seems to be satisfied with Xu Feng’s performance. He nodded to Xu Feng.

"No one has come to talk to me for many years. If you have time, may you talk to me?"

The voice of the old man seems a bit desolate, and it seems to be a bit lonely.

Xu Feng said: "Predecessors, no problem, I have a lot of time, let's talk."

The old man took a sip of wine and he sighed.

"Where are you from?"

The old man asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said: "The younger generation came from Tianhua domain. I don't know if the seniors heard it?"

"Tianhua domain?"

The old man suddenly stunned his eyes, he seemed to think of something, and immediately saw him arbitrarily counted.

His face suddenly changed, his eyes staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Is it time passed so long?"

"Since you are from Tianhua domain, have you ever met, a person called the bloodthirsty ancestors?"

When the old man said the words of the bloodthirsty ancestors, Xu Feng was full of mistakes, just because he and the bloodthirsty ancestors were really familiar.

When he was the tyrant of the Emperor, he met the bloodthirsty ancestors once.

Since reborn, he has seen the bloodthirsty ancestors at least three times.

"It seems that you met him."

The old man looked at Xu Feng’s expression and explained everything.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Predecessors, I did see the bloodthirsty ancestors."

"That is, he wants to win you, but he has not succeeded."

The old man said to Xu Feng.

"Not bad."

Xu Feng didn't know who the old man was opposite. He knew it was so clear that he was shocked.

"The bloodthirsty ancestor is the enemy of the southern continent. I have just calculated the time. If nothing unexpected, he is about to resurrect."

"And, in the future, you should want to leave the southern continent and go to the spiritual continent. You must leave the southern continent."

"Blocking the bloodthirsty ancestors, or killing him."

The old man said to Xu Feng, the voice became a little dignified.

Xu Feng couldn't help but ask: "Predecessors, the bloodthirsty ancestor should be a very strong existence. What is he doing in a small place like our southern continent?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s inquiry, the old man shook his head and his eyes were puzzled.

"I don't know what he is drawing, but he should want to get a secret from the southern continent."

"Also, there is a hidden treasure in the southern continent that makes him tempted. If you can destroy the bloodthirsty ancestors, you may know."

The old man said this, Xu Feng also agrees.

He thinks the old man is very reasonable.

The existence of a bloodthirsty ancestors, if it were not for the southern continent to have a treasure that made him very tempted, he could not appear in the southern continent.

"According to my guess, the bloodthirsty ancestors in the southern continent should be his avatar."

"That is how powerful the bloodthirsty ancestor is, even I don't know. He is very likely to be strong on the mainland."

The old man looked at Xu Feng with his eyes.

"I hope that you can completely eliminate the bloodthirsty ancestors and let him disappear from the southern continent."

"In that case, if you go to the Lingshen continent in the future, you will most likely be remembered by the bloodthirsty ancestors."

Xu Feng is full of the firm color, he looked at the old man, said: "Predecessors, the bloodthirsty ancestors cruel bloodthirsty, he used the life of the warrior to practice, this is itself a violation of the heavens, I will kill him. ”

Hearing the firm voice of Xu Feng, the old man nodded with satisfaction.

He saw it, Xu Feng was not dealing with him hypocritically.


The old man said.

"Oh... it’s almost the same. Do you want to go to the hall?"

The old man stood up, took a sip of wine, stretched out, he asked.

Xu Feng heard that it was a surprise.

"Predecessors, do you know where the main hall is?"


The two words of the old man have just been said, and Xu Feng has not yet waited for him to come back. He appears in a large hall.

He found that there were strange statues in the hall, and the statues were strange and strange.

Xu Feng began to look around the statues, and finally his eyes fell not far, the statue actually made Xu Feng somewhat familiar.

He began to sink his heart and felt the past toward the statue.

However, Xu Feng suddenly found out that this statue is not the old man who sent him here.

His face is blank, that is to say, this soul is nine-style, and it is very likely that the old man created it.

"This soul tower is really amazing. The predecessor should have died, but can still talk to me?"

Xu Feng converges on the mind, does not continue to think more, but begins to feel the soul of the nine styles.

"The first six styles of the soul nine is a form of attack."

"And, the last three forms of the soul nine are the real attacks of the soul."

"Differently, soul, an idea, you can kill your opponent."

"The soul is a soul in the heart, and you can do whatever you want."

"The soul domain, the martial arts practice has various fields, and the soul can also simulate the field, trapping the soul of the other party, and is invincible."

As Xu Feng continued to perceive the last three styles of the soul nine, he could not help but be shocked, and his heart was full of horror.

The last three styles of this soul nine are simply too deep.

He feels that he wants to be thoroughly integrated. I am afraid that it has not been a long time and it is almost impossible.

Just at this time……

Looking at Xu Feng's gaze, there was a scene of scenes.

His heart is full of surprises.

Just because those pictures let Xu Feng have a leap-forward understanding of the last three forms of the soul nine.

"Soul meaning!"

Xu Feng knows that letting the soul turn into an artistic conception to attack the opponent is even more capable of reaching an unfathomable state.

(End of this chapter)

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