The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2191: The nine songs (five)

Chapter 2191, the ninth chapter of the nine songs (five)

The bloodthirsty ancestors can be said at this moment, the enemy meets, and is extremely angry.

The blood of the bloodthirsty ancestors is rolling, and his eyes are staring at Xu Feng.

"Kid, this is your death today, I want you to be my tonic."

The voice seemed to be incomparable, and the violent momentum erupted from the bloodthirsty ancestors.

Before he waited for Xu Feng to react, he felt that he was wrapped in blood.

"The fourth day of killing the field."

"The first heavy space field."

Xu Feng, two areas at the same time broke out, especially in the fourth-day killing field, it is indeed very powerful.

Instantly tearing the blockade of the bloodthirsty ancestors, Xu Feng’s spiritual power surged and fled straight away in the distance.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder.

The bloodthirsty ancestors watched Xu Feng escape, his eyes with a sly killing.

"Kid, if I let you escape today, I am not my first name, I will be destroyed."

The bloodthirsty ancestor's face is cold and cold, and I saw that the **** light on his body instantly wrapped the one-armed claw.

The one-armed claw is still shocking at the moment. What is shocking is that Xu Feng is inconspicuous in his eyes, and his strength is so terrible.

It is a pity that the one-armed claw does not continue to think more. The blood of his body is instantly drained by the bloodthirsty ancestors.

The blood of the bloodthirsty ancestors instantly rolled, and his body seemed to be a hollow twist, forming a powerful blood.

Especially after consuming the blood of one-armed claws, the power of the bloodthirsty ancestors became more powerful and faster.


The spiritual power of the bloodthirsty ancestors seems to flow instantly, and the blood of the body is constantly rolling, and the body suddenly disappears in place.

"Brother... that person caught up."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and there was some worry in his eyes.


The blood of Xu Feng’s body suddenly surged, and his space field broke out again, and the void was torn apart.

Xu Feng’s body suddenly disappeared into the original place and appeared outside the passage. He looked at the sky of the killing.

The faint sky is seemingly incompressible.


Xu Feng's speed has become faster, and many people have looked at Xu Feng, and their eyes are still looking at the demon young.

"Damn, this guy's speed is so fast?"

The bloodthirsty ancestors were shocked by the face, and he felt that the breath on his body seemed a bit unstable, and he bit his teeth.

"No, I just recovered my body. If I keep going this way, it is very likely to damage my roots."

The bloodthirsty ancestors looked at Xu Feng, who was still fleeing in front of him. His red eyes were crazy killings.

"Hey, there are so many spiritual emperors in this place, let them be the resources for the rise of my bloodthirsty ancestors."

After all, the bloodthirsty ancestors still gave up chasing Xu Feng, but gathered their eyes on those who killed the scorpion.

Xu Feng felt that the bloodthirsty ancestors behind him did not catch up. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It seems that this bloodthirsty ancestor appeared. Later, this southern continent, I am afraid it is really an eventful autumn."

However, Xu Feng can't manage so much now. What he thinks now is that there are still several days of battle with the white-browed son.

He is very clear that although his field of killing has broken through to the realm of the fourth heaven, he still does not have the perfect grasp.

"My current cultivation is to break through to the Six Spirits Emperor. It is also time for me to thoroughly study the three-headed and six-armed magical powers."

After Xu Feng left the killings directly, he found a very secret place.

As for the bloodthirsty ancestors.

Xu Feng believes that after he has improved his strength in the future, he can naturally solve it.

Now, he also has no way.


The blood in the space inside Xu Feng’s body surged again, and a painful look appeared in his eyes.

Just because the three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers began to practise as he followed the way of working, the meridians were torn apart.

His spiritual power seemed to be swallowed up in an instant, and even the two angry seas and the fourteen spiritual veins became scarce.


However, Xu Feng did not give up, but every time he failed, he would take the best eight medicinal herbs he had made.

Then his body will be repaired, and he will continue to practice the three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers.

Time, so in the past, unconsciously.


The nine songs.

The pinnacle of the entire North District, which has long since become a sea of ​​people, was originally an uninhabited wasteland.

Nowadays, it is the strong Emperor of the Emperor, and the high-ranking Emperor of the Emperor is not a minority.

In just a few days, on the entire wasteland of the nine songs, the densely savage can be seen everywhere.

These people are all heard about the battle between Bai Meigong and Xu Feng, and the martial artists who came from all directions in the North District.

The entire northern district, almost no one knows, no one knows, that is, the white-browed son is the future of the Shenzhou Haotu title Lingdi.

The white-browed son is above the potential list and is ranked third.

Second only to two people.

That is the mysterious person of Long Aotian and the Dark Temple of the Dragon Family.

The mysterious man in the dark temple.

The most important thing is that this person has never seen her before, but she is truly real.

Now, Xu Feng has to fight against the white-browed son. On the top of the nine songs, it naturally attracts countless people.

Since ancient times, the top of the nine songs is the battleground of countless heroes, and it represents countless glory.

"I heard that this time, Xu Feng, who is actively challenged by Bai Meigong, does not know what Xu Feng is coming to. Is it worthwhile for Bai Meizi to personally issue a challenge book?"

A seven-pronged spirit can't help but look at the people around him. His old face is puzzled. He feels that only others can challenge the white-browed son.

"You may not know, that Xu Feng is not simple. He is a half-man of the Nangong family."

"More importantly, it is said that this person's strength is very strong, and also defeated the Mochizuki one of the three sons of the Genesis College."

The person next to him immediately said to the seven spirits.

"so smart?"

The old man of the Seven Spirits Emperor obviously does not believe it. After all, although the moon is the end of the three sons, the strength is not covered.

"Do you think that Xu Feng is not very powerful, he dare to accept the challenge book of Bai Meigong?" The person next to him said contemptuously.

After the entire nine songs, more and more warriors gathered from the North District.

However, the entire territory of China, it seems that a storm is constantly spreading.

Countless strong people have already gathered toward the top of the nine songs.

Even among them, there are many strong people who have not appeared in the past 100 years, and these people have appeared in the top of the nine songs.

(A lot of words and words, five more sent to ... at the same time recommended "Wan Yu Long Shen", you can also go to see the book shortage, I am fighting for a big break on National Day!)

(End of this chapter)

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