The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2195: Red Lotus Confined Dafa

Chapter 2195 Red Lotus Confinement Dafa

"It seems that Xu Feng is going to be unable to hold it. His repairs are only six spirits. After all, it may be the opponent of Bai Meigong."

"However, I think Xu Feng is proud enough to be defeated. If he takes time, he will be able to defeat the white-browed son."

"You are not nonsense? Xu Feng is such a strong talent, I think he only needs three years, you can catch up with the white-browed son."

"This kind of talented genius is actually expelled from the home by the Nangong family, and it is really regrettable that the Nangong family is still hunting everywhere."

"If we have such a genius, even if it makes me risk all the people to die, I have to protect him."

Seeing Xu Feng’s fist seems to be in a disadvantage, many people began to think that Xu Feng is bound to fail.

After all, in their view, Xu Feng is either in the process of repairing, or in the field, or the length of his fame.

It is impossible to be the opponent of the white-browed son.

"The genius."

Xu Feng’s powerful spiritual flow, the fourth-day killing field of the body instantly gathered, and became a blood-red fist.

The blood-red fist seems to be covered by the sky, and the white-browed man, who is facing the opposite side, squats out.

When the fist went out, the void made a squeaking sound, as if the whole void was torn apart and cracked.

The whistling wind blew out of the crack in the space.

"A terrible punch."

Seeing the powerful momentum of this boxing, many people are screaming.

Oriental Lingyue and Yu Ruoqiu two women, at this moment are all focused on watching Xu Feng.

They all clasped their fists in the same way, as if they were fighting the white-browed son.

The white-browed son looked at the attack and came.

His mouth raised slightly.

"Xu Feng, I will let you know that the gap between the seven spirits and the six spirits is really big."

Said, above the palm of the white-browed son, the thunder and lightning gathered again.

The spiritual power around him began to surge toward his palm.

The attack of the white-browed son became even more violent.


Two attacks, facing each other.

It seems that the world is like a thunder, and the violent waves are sweeping the sky and spreading around.


The two figures suddenly regressed, and the place where the void confronted, even the space of the hurricane swept away toward the two.

"The battle between the two men turned out to be a tearing space, causing the space hurricane to erupt." Seeing Xu Feng and Bai Meigong regressed, some people said with amazement.

The space field of Xu Feng's body spread directly, and his whole person appeared beside him, and he escaped the space hurricane smoothly.

The white-browed son was hung by the space hurricane. There were several blood marks on his body. Of course, it was only a skin injury.

However, this skin trauma is a shame for the white-browed son.

He bit his teeth in his death, and his spiritual power began to surge.

The violent thunder and lightning began to converge on the entire sky, as if it were endless silver-white lightning, staggered.

The spiritual power in the space is surging towards the white-browed son, as if it were a huge vortex.

However, in the eyes of the white-browed son, there is a glimpse of the hustle and bustle. He stares at Xu Feng with his eyes. He said: "I can show me the best way to inherit the spiritual skills. Honglian is confined to Dafa. You are proud of it."

The words of the white-browed son sounded, and the whirlpools and thunder and lightning around him seemed to instantly merge into a red lotus flower.

When the void trembles, it seems as if the storm is whistling.

"Red Lotus confined Dafa?"

"It is said that this best product inherits the spiritual skills, has a high status in the creation school, and it is difficult to cultivate successfully, and the power is terrible."

"I didn't expect that the white-browed son actually cultivated successfully, but it is really the first of the three sons of the Genesis College. It is really amazing."

"I don't know how Xu Feng resists the red lotus concealed Dafa of Baimeigongzi. Should he practice the best spiritual inheritance?"


Seeing that the white-browed son showed the red lotus confinement Dafa, the people on the scene became very heavy and breathless, and the attack was really terrifying.

In particular, many people look around the body of the white-browed son, the blossoming red lotus seems to form a net.

The Emperor of Confucius looked at the opposite Emperor, and said: "The Promise of the Promise, the person you are optimistic about, is afraid to fail."

The Confucius and Emperor of the Confucius can be said to be extremely confident in the confinement of the Red Lotus in his own creation school. He feels that Xu Feng will be defeated.

The Promise Emperor took a sip of tea. He looked at the opposite Confucius and said: "Under the last second, no one knows who will lose?"

"Haha, I really don't know, why do you believe that kid?"

The Confucian spirits could not help but look down on the Promise.

The Promise of the Promise is also helpless, and said: "Maybe it is the same as you, I have such confidence."

"Let's wait and see."

Dongling Lingyue’s face was worried. He looked at the blossoming red lotus flower and gathered it into a net.

The countless red lotuses finally condensed into a huge red lotus net, and the huge net began to pop up in all directions.


As the red refining and structuring structure began to condense successfully, the whole world seemed to be distorted.

"Xu Feng, admit defeat, otherwise this red lotus confined Dafa, even I can not control it." Bai Meizi looked at Xu Feng and said.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised slightly and said: “You don’t think it’s too early to say this now?”

"If I beat you later, don't you think that what you are saying now is playing your own face?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, making the white-browed son angry.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

The red lotus flower has become more fierce.

The huge sky and the net fell wildly, as if to seal the whole world.

However, Xu Feng was directly covered by the huge network.

Looking at the sky and the net, and surrounded by Xu Feng, many people are breathing and getting nervous, holding their breath.

There are so many warriors on the scene, and at this moment, only the sound of breathing is like the sound of the wind and the sound of the voice.

"Heaven and earth."

Just in that moment, Xu Feng’s momentum suddenly climbed.

And, above his hands, the golden light instantly condenses.

It was a huge punch, as if it could suppress everything.

The moment the punch broke out, it went to the red sky and the net.

The white-browed son also changed his face slightly.

He did not think that Xu Feng's best gift of inheritance, the realm is not lower than him.

(End of this chapter)

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