The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2378: You still don't give up?

Chapter 2378 Are you still not dying?

"I think we will not move the soldiers for the time being. We will first remove the members of the bloodthirsty churches from all over the world, wait for the bloodthirsty to come out from the bloodthirsty mountains, and then go all out!"

An old man, he is the master of the nine spirits.

This person is a small force at the helm.

His words rang, and some people next to him said: "I think this is very good, we can slowly consume bloodthirsty."

Dongfang Batian said: "I don't think we should consume it with bloodthirsty. Their warriors can swallow blood, and the spirits are constantly emerging."

"But, everyone here is aware that it is very difficult to break through the spiritual emperor, and it is difficult to reach the high-level spirits."

"It has been consumed by the bloodthirsty, and we all will be killed by bloodthirsty. In the end, members will be bloodthirsty."

The view of the Eastern hegemony and the other's point of view are obviously different.

The nine lights Lingdi blinked.

The people in the hall are all enthusiastic speeches.

Xu Feng sat on the top of the main hall. He found that everyone's thoughts were very conservative. Most people didn't think about it. They directly destroyed the bloodthirsty religion once and for all.

However, he did not speak.

But let everyone, keep on discussing.

The nine lights Lingdi felt that they could be deployed for a while, and then they would come to a smashing battle.

The Promise of the Promise did not speak.

In fact, he is very clear about Xu Feng’s character. The latter will never be so indecisive, and he will not hesitate.

Seeing that everyone is arguing with each other, there is no result, it seems that the public is justified, and the woman said that she is reasonable.

At this time, the Nine Lights Emperor looked at Xu Feng and said: "The lord, why don't you come to pick it up?"

The people in the hall also stopped discussing, and they all looked at Xu Feng.

"My point of view is very simple. Instead of sitting still, take the initiative!"

"The so-called first to be strong, and then start to suffer."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people in the hall had slight changes in their faces. They felt that Xu Feng was too young, and such an idea was a bit radical.

"The lord, the old man must say something, even if you punish you, you will not hesitate."

The old man who spoke just now, he said: "The bloodthirsty is in the bloodthirsty mountain range. Not only is the terrain complex, but there are many monsters, and the risk factor is very high."

"If we all take the initiative to go to the bloodthirsty mountain range, it will mean that it will fall into the enemy's position and it will be very dangerous."

"I think this radical approach is not very suitable."

The old man said it directly.

Xu Feng is not angry, but slowly said: "Your opinion is very good, it seems to make sense."

"However, you have thought about one thing. Everyone here, the strong under your hand, how long does it take to live with bloodthirsty?"

"You must know that bloodthirsty education can turn the low-level spirits into middle-class spirits in a short time, and turn the middle-class spirits into high-level spirits."

"Let, the higher spirits go further and become the nine spirits. So the constant supply of the strong, the longer the time dragged on, there is no chance for us to win."

"And, if you want to eliminate the bloodthirsty, you should take the initiative to attack with the momentum of lightning and thunder."

The old man frowned slightly and had to say that Xu Feng said it was very reasonable, but this approach is really risky.

Once a little careless, it is not impossible for the whole army to be covered in the bloodthirsty mountains.

"They are no more than too much arguments. The nine guardians of bloodthirsty education have now died five, leaving only four."

"Is it difficult for people who are blood-stained to travel in the bloodthirsty mountains, can we not?"

"Or, do you think you are better than the blood-sucking monsters?"

Xu Feng said the last time.

Someone suddenly stood up and said: "The lord is right, and the bloodthirsty people, I am afraid they will not be?"

"I also support proactive attack!"

"me too!"

Looking at the hall, most people support active attack.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You, I will give you three days, each going back with the most elite strong."

"Of course, some young talents of the low-level Lingdi can also bring, they can get a good life and death experience."

"After three days, everyone joined at the World University of Creation, and I also went back to Wanxiang Shenzong to recruit some strong people."

After Xu Feng finished, he walked directly outside the main hall of the proceedings.

There is no chance to talk to others at all.

At this time, Jiu Ling Lingdi and other talents discovered that the kind of hegemonic momentum of Xu Feng was really strong.


Deep in the bloodthirsty mountains.

The blood completely filled the whole void.

A dark altar stands in the middle of the bloodthirsty mountain range.

The altar continues to smear the blood that surrounds it from all directions.

Among the fascinating eyes of the bloodthirsty ancestors, the strange expressions are emitted.

He stepped out of the altar and stepped out.

It seems to be moving between the heavens and the earth in the southern continent.

However, the powerful momentum of the bloodthirsty ancestors is already the limit of the entire southern continent.

He rushed out under the altar and continually mad.

The eyes of the bloodthirsty ancestors with awkwardness and firmness said: "I have waited for so many years, I don't believe this time, I still can't take it!"

As the body of the bloodthirsty ancestors continues to float, the altar is also shaking wildly.

Most importantly, in the depths of the southern continent, it seems that there is a somewhat old shadow.

"Hahaha... How long can you last for ten thousand years?" The bloodthirsty ancestors made a mad laugh.

As the sound of the bloodthirsty ancestors sounded, a little tired and old voice sounded.

"How many years have you still been unwilling?"

The sound seems to come through the ancient times, as if it came from the past, and it seems to come from the future.


The bloodthirsty ancestor’s face is smiling, saying: “Build it, hand over the treasure, you can’t resist me for too long.”

"How many years ago, I said that you have no fate with that treasure, it does not belong to you, why are you so persistent?"

The sound is very calm, and all that comes out is a faint glow, and the whole void is madly twisted.

"Huahua... Why do you want to support this? If you are willing to give me that treasure, I will avenge you in the future!"

The eyes of the bloodthirsty ancestors flashed with blood red light, and his voice was extremely excited.

He knew very well that once he got the treasure.

He will become stronger in the future.

"Even if I give it to you, you can't do it, you are doomed to fail!"

The sound of creation seems to come from the dark shadow of the darkness, and the void again oscillates.

The body of the bloodthirsty ancestors is squeezed out of the void.

(Sorry, the background is repeated, everyone refreshes, thank you! Can't delete it in the bookshelf, then add it again! Thank you for your support!~

(End of this chapter)

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