The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2382: Killing dead blood

Chapter 2382, the blood dead of killing


With Xu Feng's fist, the smashing impact on the chest of the blood corpse.

A burst of **** light emerged.

The blood corpse flew out again, and there were also cracks on the chest.

The most important thing is that the blood corpse still continues to climb up.


Xu Feng’s eyes are shocked. What kind of monster is this opposite? Can’t kill?

Xu Feng can be sure that the attack of his two punches has just been replaced by the other warriors of the nine spirits, and at least the internal organs have been shattered.

However, the opposite blood corpse was able to stand up.

Moreover, in addition to the blood gas fluctuations on his body, there is no death.

"How can this be?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all surprised.

He really didn't want to understand, this blood corpse is a ghost, and he can't kill.


Then, the blood corpse attacked again toward Xu Feng.

Above the **** body, the eruption is a powerful momentum.

Especially on the blood corpse, the field of **** blood filled.

In other words, although this blood corpse is not rational, it has a very strong attack.

"Is it..."

When Xu Feng thought of it, his eyes were suddenly round.

He seems to understand why they came to the bloodthirsty mountains and did not meet the strong bloodthirsty teachers to resist.

Is it that those people are used by bloodthirsty ancestors to make blood corpses?

Is this bloodthirsty ancestor too cruel?

You should know that the bloodthirsty religion has really absorbed a lot of strong people in the past two years.

Many of the most wicked people have gone to the bloodthirsty and become the members and members of the bloodthirsty.

However, those who are extremely wicked, often their strength is not very weak, and the means are hot and powerful.

"If the bloodthirsty ancestors really made so many blood corpses, is that too exaggerated?" Xu Feng looked at the opposite **** body, his face was extremely gloomy.

When the blood corpse hit the opposite side of Xu Feng.

I saw that Xu Feng’s fistard was on the chest of the blood.


The chest of the blood corpse splits directly, and blood flows out of it, and the blood corpse still does not die.

Seeing that the blood corpse continued to climb up, Xu Feng stepped out step by step, stepping on the back of the blood corpse.

A spiritual force pierced through the palm of his hand and slammed into the head of the blood corpse, suddenly dripping blood.

The moment when the head of the blood corpse was crushed, it gradually became a blood pool.

Xu Feng looked at the blood corpse killed by himself in front of him, and his heart was now strongly fluctuating.

If the bloodthirsty ancestors really created tens of thousands of blood corpses, it would be a disaster for the entire southern continent.

These blood corpses do not have any feelings at all, nor do they have any wisdom. They are machines that know how to kill.

"This bloodthirsty ancestor is really cruel. This person must not let him continue to survive. Otherwise, the southern continent will suffer disasters in the future."

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, the killing is pervasive.

This bloodthirsty ancestor is too hot.

"No, it is imperative, how can we destroy these blood corpses and then eliminate bloodthirsty?"

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed, and he knew very well that the number of blood-stained blood corpses would never be less.

With hundreds of people who came to the bloodthirsty mountains and wanted to deal with thousands of blood corpses, it was really difficult.

"It seems that this time it is really facing a crisis." Xu Feng disappeared in the moment, he has to go back quickly, and then assign tasks to everyone.

The key to these blood corpses should be where the head is.

Otherwise, you can't kill it by attacking other places.


At midnight.

The Promise of the Promise and the Emperor of the Nine Lights are responsible for the vigil on both sides.

Both of them opened their eyes at the same time.


Their ears are coming, and the sound of the ripples is like the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves.


The Promise Emperor and the Nine Lights Emperor screamed at the same time and roared: "The enemy attack!"


The reaction of the Promise and the Emperor of the Nine Lights is obviously slow.

Suddenly, from all sides, a pair of blood-red eyes emerged.

Those eyes make people feel creepy.


As the blood corpse rushed into the tent where everyone inhabited, the screams of the road came out instantly.

Many people have not had time to make any reaction, they are directly killed by the blood corpse, and the blood of the whole body is also swallowed up by the blood.

In a short period of time, the Demon Alliance has suffered a lot.

You must know that these blood corpses are repaired by high-ranking spirits.

In the team of the Demon Alliance, there are many middle-class spirits, even the low-level spirits.

Those people, if they say that they are not prepared to withstand **** bodies, even if they are prepared, they will be dead.

Qing Yi smiled and held a **** body with one hand. He yelled at several people around him and said, "Go and rescue the three sisters!"

Several young disciples were scared at this moment, one by one, rushing out directly toward another tent.

Get out!

The eyes of the **** body radiated a horrible light, and the red-blooded paws smashed out toward the chest of Qingyi’s smile.

Qing Yi smiled at his face, his body tumbling on the ground.


On his shoulders, blood was dripping, and a large piece of meat was torn apart by **** bodies. He did not have any time to feel the pain.

The whole person rushed out of the tent.

"Want to run?"

The eyes of the blood corpse exude a fierce light, and immediately chased out behind the blue smile.

The wild elf suddenly appeared behind Qing Yi’s smile and said, “Hey, you guys are not ghosts.”

"Hey, look for death!"

The blood corpse stepped out, and the two blood-red claws came torn from the two-winged old enchanting.

The old-fashioned demon is nothing but the cultivation of the seven-character emperor. At this moment, he has to face the blood of the eight-character emperor.


His whole person was shaken out, his feet were constantly on the ground, and he stepped back and forth behind him.

"How can these people not kill?"

On the Eastern Ba Tian, ​​the powerful momentum broke out, and he found himself in the palm of his hand and bombarded him on the body of the blood.

The other party was actually on the ground, flying out a few dozen feet, and a loud bang, but suddenly continued to climb from the ground.


At the moment, the Nine Lights Emperor was also a gloomy face. He watched the **** bodies continually killing and destroying the people of the Alliance.

He wants past support, but these blood corpses have directly entangled him and did not give him any chance.

The most important thing is that no matter how powerful the attack, he can't kill these blood bodies.

The **** bodies that rushed in were probably thirty or forty people, but at the moment they made the entire group of annihilation alliances burnt.

Just because, no matter how they start, the opposite blood corpse can survive and cannot kill.

Instead, they are constantly being consumed.

(End of this chapter)

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