The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2397: who the **** are you?

Chapter 2397 Who are you?


The claws of the bloodthirsty ancestors were instantly torn by the sword.

The violent winds are rushing in all directions.

It was a woman in a white dress. The long sword in her hand was also silvery white, emitting white light.

Her skin is snowy, white, and her face is light and cold, as if it feels inseparable.

The bloodthirsty ancestors looked at the white woman in the opposite side. His eyes were all surprised. "Who is you, why have you not heard of it in the southern continent?"

"I don't know you, you haven't heard it!"

The voice of a woman in white is very cold.

As if without any feelings.

Xu Feng looked at the white figure standing in front of him. He took the opportunity to quickly take out the medicinal herbs and swallow it directly.

Xu Feng’s face has a complicated look. He really doesn’t understand that the white woman opposite is Ling Lingrong.

If it is really Ling Bingrong, then why in the past life, Ling Bingrong wants to kill him and destroy the male tyrants.

However, Ling Bingrong's strength can not be terrible to such a point.

You must know that the bloodthirsty ancestors have surpassed the peak of the Emperor.

However, the attack just now was easily crushed by Ling Bingrong.

"who the **** are you?"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking. In the end, what is the real identity of this white woman?


The bloodthirsty ancestors looked at Ling Bingrong and his eyes flashed. "I believe that you are also coming for the secret of the southern continent."

"In this case, let me kill the ants behind you, lest he be here, affecting our performance."

Among the voices of the bloodthirsty ancestors, they are all killing.

He is really for Xu Feng, hate it.

He felt that if Xu Feng’s appearance was delayed, he now has all the treasures and inheritance.

Naturally, there is no such thing as a woman who has been killed halfway.

Ling Bingrong turned her head and her eyes were calm.

When she just looked at Xu Feng with her eyes, there was some faint fluctuation.

"Since you all say that he is an ant, it naturally cannot affect the overall situation. It is the same to kill him and not kill him."

After that, Ling Bingrong turned his head.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are angry and crazy.

At the moment, his heart is burning in anger. If other people say this, his heart may still be calm.

However, it is Ling Bingrong who said this sentence.

Xu Feng is a very self-respecting person, and he admits that his strength is not really strong.

Yes, this does not mean that anyone can humiliate him.

"Ling Bingrong, you go away, I Xu Feng don't want your charity!"

Xu Feng’s voice was exhausted, and inside his eyes, it was a blood-red light, and his body’s momentum rolled wildly.

Ling Bingrong heard that her body was shocked.

The bloodthirsty ancestors smiled faintly: "It seems that others don't like your help, I think you can let it go."

Ling Bingrong still stood there, her eyes were very calm, calm as if the ancient wells were waveless.

"What should I do, but I will not be able to tell you what to do. If you feel that you are very powerful, you can do it."

Ling Bingrong’s voice, like a sword, struck out to the opposite bloodthirsty ancestors.

The sword shadow on her body is constantly flashing, and the pervasive are all fierce and incomparable light, all of which are violent winds.

"Hey, since you are so powerful, then I have to look at it. How many pounds do you have?"

After Ling Bingrong finished, the white long sword in his hand was lifted up directly, and her look was cold and cold.

With Ling Bingrong's body, the chill is pressing, and the sword is more fierce.

Even the bloodthirsty ancestors are a glimpse.

He did not understand why Ling Bingrong, who was so calm, suddenly became so fierce.

"Eat a sword!"

Ling Bingrong gave a sigh of relief, and the white long sword suddenly attacked. The Jianguang shimmered and became fierce.

That sword, like the attack on nine days, is really a sword that can destroy everything, and a sword can destroy everything.

Under this sword, there is nothing intact.

"You really thought I was afraid that you would not!"

In the eyes of the bloodthirsty ancestors, the fierce killings broke out directly, and his hands were full of violent winds.

Suddenly, the blood-red vortex spread from his body and directly grabbed the sword of Ling Bingrong.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng at this moment is also a crazy flow, and he stares at the image of Ling Bingrong in front of him.

He Xu Feng does not need any kind of charity, especially Ling Bingrong's charity.


The blood claws of the bloodthirsty ancestors, constantly attacking out, filled with violent winds, forming a fierce air wave.

The swords of the road continue to invade, Ling Bingrong's sword method is also very powerful, it is simply unstoppable.

"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal!"

Xu Feng looked at the bloodthirsty ancestors and Ling Bingrong, and when he was constantly fighting, the spiritual power of his body surged.

In the immediate moment, all three areas of his body gathered together.

He stepped out directly, and the void split.

I saw that above his fist, it was like a Nirvana Buddha seal, so it directly impacted.

The incomparable punches are directed toward the bloodthirsty ancestors and the smashing impact.

"you wanna die!"

The bloodthirsty ancestors did not expect that Xu Feng even dared to take the initiative to shoot himself, and now the paws smashed toward Xu Feng.


The claws were madly torn apart. In an instant, the fist was actually attacked by the bloodthirsty ancestors and split directly.

Xu Feng’s eyes were all condensed, and the blood-red claws were all coming toward Xu Feng’s chest and smashing.

"Get out!"

Ling Bingrong looked at Xu Feng at risk, and she suddenly screamed, and when the body floated, the sword spurred out toward the bloodthirsty ancestors.


However, the claws of the bloodthirsty ancestors were torn at the shoulders of Ling Bingrong.


Ling Bingrong spewed out a blood.

Xu Feng was also shaken out.


Ling Bingrong is angry in his eyes.

Xu Feng's mouth is full of blood, but his eyes are barely strong, said: "Ling Bingrong, I don't want your charity, you give me away!"

Xu Feng went to the bloodthirsty ancestor and attacked again.

"Kid, it seems that you are bent on death, then I will fulfill you!"

The bloodthirsty sorcerer haha ​​smiled, the fierce light in his eyes emerged, and the blood-red vortex swallowed away toward Xu Feng.

"you wanna die!"

In Ling Bingrong’s eyes, the killings came out, and in a short time, the long sword slammed out and went out in desperate attacks on the bloodthirsty ancestors.

However, Xu Feng clearly felt that Ling Bingrong’s breath at the moment turned out to be violent.

The bloodthirsty ancestors squinted their eyes and said, "You are crazy, you are crazy... you are unlocking the seal..."

Among the voices of the bloodthirsty ancestors, they are all terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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