The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2469: Qinghua Gang's conspiracy?

Chapter 2469 The conspiracy of Qinghua Gang?

"You can tell us a medicinal store in Yulingmen. You are a group of scammers."

"We are taking your medicinal poisoning now. Are you going to watch death here?"

The old man who had just roared with Xu Feng, he looked at Xu Feng and others, and he suddenly said his face with anger.

Xu Feng looked at the old man and said: "Dude, you can rest assured that this thing will naturally give you a perfect account."

"The poisoning on your body can not only be lifted, but also the medicinal herbs you bought at Yulingmen, we will return Lingjing to you at the original price."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the old man swept through Xu Feng.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to us?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Do you think I have to lie to you?"

The old man heard the words and felt that Xu Feng said it also makes sense.

After all, Xu Feng is the deputy, and is unlikely to deceive them. This is his own sign.

"Everyone, we Yulingmen have already seized the poisoned people. Today, in front of everyone, I will give you an account."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Many people in the crowd were shocked.

Sure enough, the jade of the Yulingmen was poisoned.

Not far away, an old man with a light blue glow in his eyes, wearing a blue robe.

Followed by a middle-aged man next to him, said: "Master, is the other party really catching the poisoned person?"

The old man in blue shirt, his face full of self-confidence, said: "With such a perfect plan, he certainly can catch the poisoned person."

"Unfortunately, he can't lift the poison."

The old man in blue shirt is full of confidence.

He is the chief of the Qinghua gang, Master Chi Yun.

"Bring the poisoned person out."

As he watched Xu Feng scream, Guo Bing took Deng’s dry and brought it out, and Master Chi Yun’s eyes were round.

He was full of mistakes, he was very clear, according to the truth, Xu Feng seized the poisoned person, it should be Wang Bing.

How could it be Deng drought?

The middle-aged man next to him was also full of mistakes and said: "Master, how can the masters be caught?"

The master's cheeks of Master Chiyun are all awkward. He has already felt that the body of Deng's drought is broken.

Xu Feng said: "You, our Yu Lingmen mistakes, there is such a shameless refining division."

"The poison in everyone is called a whirlwind dream. This poison poisoning person will be weak and weak, and will eventually die slowly."

Xu Feng’s words sounded, and more than a dozen people who were poisoned were panicked. They looked at Xu Feng and said, “Let him hand over the antidote...”

Xu Feng said: "This kind of whirlwind dream has no antidote..."


More than a dozen people are full of fear, one by one staring at Xu Feng, full of anger, said: "Do you play us?"

"You Yulingmen, this is what you want, just let a person come out of the pot, and then we will die in vain?"

"Yes, who will dare to buy your Yulingmen medicine in the future, you are a typical fraud."

Xu Feng waved his hand to more than a dozen people, indicating that the group was quiet first.

He said: "There is no antidote to this whirlwind, but you may not die."


More than a dozen people were shocked again. They looked at Xu Feng and said, "I said, can you finish the conversation at one time?"

"If you have heart disease, you are not poisoned, you are scared to death."

Xu Feng said: "Do you give me the chance to finish it?"

More than a dozen people are jealous. They seem to have not waited for Xu Feng to finish, and they began to roar at Xu Feng.

"Whoever you have, there are leaves of flame trees."

Xu Feng looked at Liu Wei and others behind him.

"I have got……"

A refiner took out Xu Feng, but it was a green leaf.

However, Xu Feng’s hand showed a flame.

He burned all the leaves directly and finally turned into a dark powder.

He spoke to more than a dozen people and said: "You come over and swallow the powder, and your toxins will be lifted immediately."

Not far away, Master Chiyun’s face was disdainful. “It’s really whimsical. If this whirlwind dream is so easy to solve, will I still use it?”

"Master, is that kid who is swearing, I have never seen it, such a detoxification method."

More than a dozen people looked at the powder of black and black, and they felt a little disgusting.

"I said kid, you won't be playing us?"

"I have never heard of such a detoxification method."

A poisoned person looked at Xu Feng and said with doubt.

Xu Feng slowly said: "You choose, there is a second means of detoxification, that is, tomorrow at noon, you are exposed to the sun, and then take the flames of Red Tan, the whole body will be like a flame."

"I still take this powder..."

A poisoned person is very clear.

Flame Red Tan, once the medicinal herbs are swallowed, the blood vessels in the body are like explosions, and the pain is extremely high.

The kind of medicinal herb is used to protect the real cold weather in the extremely cold land.

As he swallowed the dark powder, his eyes suddenly filled with light, and his body's sour feeling suddenly disappeared.

“Can you really detoxify?”

Other people saw that the powder could really detoxify, and all of them were all excited.

One by one, I can quickly swallow some powder.

Liu Wei and others looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and they were all dumbfounded.

One by one is admiration.

After more than a dozen people have lifted the toxins, one by one is looking angry at Deng's drought. He said: "You are really a scorpion, and you are poisoned. Are you qualified to be a refiner?"

Deng’s face was mocked, but he did not answer.

However, Xu Feng looked at more than a dozen people and said: "I will give you an explanation next. Why do we have toxins in the medicinal herbs of Yulingmen?"

I saw that Xu Feng went to Deng’s side.

The next moment, everyone felt that the powerful soul power of Xu Feng was diffused.

"not good!"

Master Chiyun felt the soul power of Xu Feng. He suddenly understood that Xu Feng was to confuse the soul of Deng Yu.


Deng Gan made a miserable snoring.

"Say, who made you poisoned?"

Xu Feng’s voice seems to be a nine-thousand thunder.

Many warriors are shocked. They feel the soul power of Xu Feng. It is really horrible.

"It is Qinghua help..."


As Deng’s voice sounded, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Many people have also guessed that this thing must have helped Qinghua.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Qinghua helped Deng to poison.

"What is your identity?"

Xu Feng’s voice continued to ring.

Deng’s slow road: “ disciple of Master Chiyun... When Yulingmen was founded, he let me join Yulingmen...”

(End of this chapter)

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