The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2484: Half step through the spirit

Chapter 2484 Half-step through the spirit

"I am really interesting. Do you dare to kill my Qinghua gang?"

Ji Ming’s eyes are killing.

The spiritual power of the elders behind him continued to flow.

At the moment on the port, the bodies of the people of Yulingmen are lying everywhere.

In front of Ji Ming.

Gan Ping was lying on the ground like this. His mouth was full of blood, his eyes became blood red, and his eyes were not reconciled.

He knew that he was not an opponent of the spiritual world, but he did not expect that he and the warrior of the spiritual world would be so big.

"Ha ha ha... you killed me, you will die too... One day, your shadowless island will pay the price."

Gan Ping’s voice trembled, and blood flowed from his mouth.

His face is awkward.

He knew very well that he let Xu Feng rush to escape.

As long as Xu Feng survives, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

"Oh... I am really curious, in the end, how will we pay for the Shadowless Island? You can say it and I will listen."

Ji Ming’s ankle stepped on Gan Ping’s face, and blood flowed from Gan Ping’s mouth.

"Hahaha... you don't want to know..."

Gan Ping's look is cold and cold.

He looked at the elders of the meter and said: "Mr. Mi, when we came to look at the North City, did my father tell us that there was a young man in Wangbeicheng, his talent was very powerful, and he could kill the half-step spirituality. ""

Having said that, he looked at Gan Ping on the ground and said with sarcasm: "Do you think that he can avenge you in the future?"

The spiritual power of the elders of the rice was stirred up. He looked at Gan Ping on the ground.

"Tell me where he is, I can put you in a dog."

Gan Ping's blood on his face, his mouth is mocking, said: "Kill me, you see if I will tell you."

"court death!"


Ji Ming's feet, the force of the shackles, the sound of the broken bones suddenly filled the top of Gan Ping's head.

"If you don't want to say it, then you have to prepare for death. This little Wangbei City, I can't solve a young man's words. Do I still use it to go back to Wuying Island?"


It was at this time that a figure appeared in the port.

He looked at the big eyes on the ground, Gan Ping, who had already died, and many other elders of Yulingmen.

His eyes are all killing, and he slowly said: "You said it is good, all of you, you don't have to go back to the shadowless island."

Ji Ming did not expect that a young man would dare to say such rants.

He slowly said: "A waste of the peak of the Emperor, you think that killing half a pass, you are my opponent?"

Xu Feng clenched his fists and died. He knew that Gan’s people died because of him.

If it wasn’t for him to provoke the Qinghua gang, there would be no such thing in the series.

Xu Feng’s voice has become sensational. He said in a word: "You said it is good. You are already a dead person in my eyes."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body continued to surge, and the atmosphere of the ten spirits’ emperor’s peaks permeated, and the field of his body broke out completely.

Feel the strong momentum of Xu Feng, even if the elders of the rice are shocked, he did not expect the existence of Emperor Fengfeng, so strong.

Ji Ming came out a few steps, his face was smiling, his hands were constantly moving.

When he looked at Xu Feng, he said, "Good, I want to see, how powerful are you?"

Not far from the port, they are the warriors of the North City. They are standing there at the moment, worried about their faces.

"Do you say that Xu Feng can really compete with the people of Shadowless Island?"

"How do I feel that the young man seems to be the strong man of the spiritual world."

"You feel good. He is indeed a warrior in the spiritual world. You look at his head and there are five threads."

"But he should not break into the spiritual environment for a long time, that is, the spiritual environment is heavy."


For these people in Wangbei City.

Once Xu Feng is also killed, it means that Yulingmen will be destroyed again.

However, under the control of Wuying Island, Wangbei City will definitely return to its former appearance, and they will have to bear huge suppression.

The five spiritual veins of Ji Ming’s body surged at the same time, and the five spiritual veins on his head broke out with a powerful momentum.

"I am really curious about the cultivation of your peak Emperor. What qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

"Do you know if you try?"

Xu Feng feels the five spirits of Ji Ming, and it is indeed very powerful.

However, he is not without the last resort.

He is very clear that his role in refining the purple blood of the Promise Dan is finally revealed.

"court death."

Ji Ming did not expect that Xu Feng died to the end, dare to be so arrogant and irritated.

As he burst into a bang, his hands slammed out.

The five spiritual veins became extremely horrible, and the spiritual pulse accompanied the gust of wind, coming toward the attack of Xu Fengqi.

"Get out."

Xu Feng screamed, and a fist punched out, it was a world of land.

The attack of this boxing and Ji Ming is like this.


However, Xu Feng still underestimated the power of the five spiritual veins. His whole person was directly shaken out and the blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth.

“It’s really waste.”

Ji Ming looked at himself as a trick, directly flew out, and Xu Feng, who spurted blood, could not help but swear.

Xu Feng’s eyes were taken with a sensational killing. He looked at the opposite Ji Ming and said, “Hey, if you are not a psychic, what qualifications do you have to say?”

"You are just better than my chance. You live on the edge of the Spiritual Continent."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Inside his hand, the purple **** dinosaur appeared in his hand, and he swallowed the purple bloodless dan.


Just when the purple bloodless dan was swallowed by Xu Feng, the violent wind was blowing around Xu Feng's body.

The gust of wind, the constant whistling, formed a violent storm.

Among the shocked eyes of countless people.

The breath of Xu Feng’s body is a radical change.

The opposite corner of Ji Ming’s mouth is ridiculous and sneer, saying: “You think that you can swallow a medicinal medicine that can be instantly raised to a half-step pass. Are you my opponent?”

"It's naive."

Xu Feng felt that he had cultivated himself and raised it to the moment of half-step spirituality. His whole body seemed to be completely activated.

In his body, spiritual power is like a river, a mad mad, violent rogue.

The violent spiritual power is in the body of Xu Feng, and it is violently surging.

"Hahaha... It turns out that the spiritual veins in my body are actually needed to break through to the spiritual realm. This is the rule suppression of the spiritual gods."

"The innate realm cannot use the spirit, and must break through to the realm of the future."

Xu Feng’s heart is ecstasy.

(End of this chapter)

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