The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2492: I am very low-key!

Chapter 2492 is very low-key!

"See the island owner!"

Qiu Chen took Xu Feng and came to the old man.

He bowed to the old man.

The eyes of the old man fell on Xu Feng's body. He nodded and said: "It's very good, a young age, you can reach the peak of the Emperor."

"I don't know, which continent did you come from?"

The voice of the old man is very calm.

However, Xu Feng’s heart is somewhat aggressive.

He is very clear that it is highly probable that this island owner is also coming from the mainland below.

If I accidentally said it wrong.

Then it is really waste.

“Reporting to the island owner, the villain comes from burning the mainland.”

Xu Feng directly compiled a continent.

After all, there are so many small continents, and the old man cannot know it.

Xiong Tai nodded to Xu Feng.

"What is your name?"

The old man seems to be very plain.


Xu Feng certainly won't use his real name.

Calculate the time.

The people of the Shadowless Island almost reached the city of Wangbei.

However, once they reach the North City, they will know their true name, who is it.


The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded to Qiu Chen immediately: "You take him to arrange to stay."

"He is only the spiritual emperor's peak, then follow the rules of our Shuwen Island and join the disciples team."

Xiong Tai said.

Qiu Chen said to Xiongtai: "Thank you for the island owner. I believe that the young brothers of the wind will inevitably shine in the future."

"Well! Go on!"

Xiong Tai waved his hand at Qiu Chen and Xu Feng.

The two walked out of the courtyard of Xiong Tai.

"Feng Xiaoxiao brother, I will take you to the place where our disciples of Shuwen Island live, you have to be careful."

Qiu Chen knows.

The place where the disciples of Xiuwen Island live is not so much a residence as it is to let everyone form a strong competitive environment.

Xu Feng heard that both eyes are a condensation, said: "Qiu Big Brother, what do you mean by this?"

Qiu Chen said with a smile: "When you go to the place, you know that competition is quite fierce. Of course, the strong people get benefits, and there are many."


"Two elders, the news from the other side of the island in the past few days, a young man of the peak Emperor, killing the son of Ji Zeteng, the three elders of the Shadowless Island, is now searching hard, can there be a portrait of this person?"

After Qiu Chen and Xu Feng left.

Xiong Tai directly called the second elder of Xiuwen Island to his yard.

It was a gray-haired old man.

When he heard the words, he said: "The island owner, the portrait should be sent to our island in two days."


Xiong Tai heard the words and nodded and said: "In the past two days, you have to monitor me alone. This is the young man Qiu Chengang brought back. This person's breath is very stable. I have never seen it before. The Qifeng Lingdi is so calm. ""


The two elders were shocked. He looked at Xiong Tai and said: "The island owner, you mean he is the one."

Xiong Tai’s face is full of smiles.

"If he is really a person who needs to be chased by the Shadowless Island, then the benefits we have gained this time are simply too big."

"He actually took the initiative to come to the door, to know that the three elders of the Shadowless Island, as long as they can eat this person, they can go to the Shadowless Island to practice."

Xiong Tai’s eyes are full of excitement.

It’s a very exciting thing to do in the shadowless island.

What's more, there are other more precious rewards.

The three major forces in the nine maritime areas are connected to each other at the headquarters of the three major islands.

However, the three major forces will belong to the three major forces, which will gain great benefits and create a high level of competition.

the most important is.

In the wind and thunder secrets jointly developed by the three forces, the spiritual power is dozens of times outside. Who does not want to enter the cultivation?


Not much time.

Xu Feng followed Qiu Chen and went to a place with some confusion.

The area is very wide.

It seems to be a courtyard around.

Of course, there are also some very dilapidated houses that do not even have the function of sheltering from the wind.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

He found that there are at least a hundred individuals.

These people are the existence of the Emperor Fengfeng.

Qiu Chen said to Xu Feng: "The brothers of Fengxu, can stand on the island of Xiuwen, and look at your own performance."

“Everyone here wants to be a member of the Shadowless Island and wants to be based in Xiuwen Island.”

"Therefore, there is no prohibition of fighting here, you can kill unscrupulously, as long as you can kill the opponent."

Speaking of it.

He said: "Every day, some of the spirit crystals will be issued. These spirits need to be different."

"Even, there is a spiritual thing sent from the shadowless island, that is, the spiritual valley that was specially cultivated with spiritual power."

"This kind of spiritual valley has a good cultivation effect, and it is very delicious. As long as you are strong enough, you can get it."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite courtyards with a very elegant environment. He said: "Qiu Big Brother, are those yards, and who is strong, who can enjoy?"

"Ha ha ha... it seems that you are very smart."

Qiu Chen laughed and said.

"Well, I can only send you here. There will be an assessment after three days. Those who get the first place will get a very good reward."

"There are also rewards for the top ten people."

Qiu Chen finished talking to Xu Feng, and he turned and left.

Some people not far away, they looked at Xu Feng's eyes, with a gaze that was not good.

"It’s really good, this kid won’t be a relationship, let the five elders bring it in person.”

When someone looked at Xu Feng, their eyes were shining.

"Do you say that there are more crystals in him?"

Someone asked.

"I think it may be quite a lot. After all, I can get to know the five elders," said the person next to him.

"Hey... boy, where are you from, come to the name!"

I haven't waited for Xu Feng to find the yard.

Two middle-aged men with taunts and voices are overbearing.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: “Turn off your ass!”

He did not expect that he was just looking for trouble when he first came here.

It seems that Qiu Chen said just fine.

"you wanna die!"

Two middle-aged men think that Xu Feng is very young and looks too young to be too strong.

Even if they were the Emperor Fengfeng, they all stopped at the peak of Emperor Fengfeng for many years. They felt that Xu Feng could not be their opponent.

"I will give you two advices, how?"

Xu Feng stood there, his face was calm.

His words came out, and his mouth rose slightly. He said, "You two are really too weak. Let's go away."

"To deal with such waste, I feel that I have no desire to shoot."

When Xu Feng spoke at the same time, many people almost did not spurt blood.

"I am very low-key! Don't force me to high-profile!"

A lot of people almost did not laugh out.

People who are so arrogant feel that they are low-key, they think the world is too crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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