The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2547: Golden island

Chapter 2547 Golden Island

"This young lady, thank you for saving my brother."

The kitten jumped to the shoulder of the infinite rhyme, and the eyes were grateful.

The kitten patted his chest and said: "Miss sister, you are very beautiful. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can find me."

Lian Yun looked at the kitten with her eyes wide open. Her face was full of smiles. "I said that I didn't lie to you. Your brother is safe and sound."

Lian Yun feels that the most correct thing in his life is to save Xu Feng from the nine wild seas.

She is very clear, if it is not Xu Feng, the toxins in her body will really want her to die very badly.

"Well! Well! I know that Miss Sister is a good person."

The kitten said to the innocent.

"Xu Big Brother, stay here, eat here."

Lian Yun said to Xu Feng and the kitten laughing.

"Okay, okay!"

Before the Xu Feng spoke, the kitten jumped excitedly.

"This snack food."

Xu Feng looked at the kitten so happy, he was actually very happy.

The kitten has been with him for so many years. He has long regarded the kitten as his closest relative. Of course, he does not want the kitten to appear any three long and two short.

Not much time.

Lian Yun told the next person to prepare a hot meal.

The food on the mainland of Lingshen is not the same as that of the southern continent.

The rice here is a spiritual thing, and eating it has great benefits for the body.

Even some of the top forces, there are people who are specially trained.

According to Xu Feng's memory from the creation, in the top of the big forces.

These Linggu can be described as precious and precious, and the variety is invaluable.

Until late at night.

Xu Feng holds the kitten and comes out of the courtyard of Lian Yun.

The entire Baiyang Island is silent.

From time to time, from the distant nine wilderness, there was a burst of screaming waves.

Xu Feng quietly returned to his yard.

He carefully observed the surrounding places, his eyes staring at the place not far away, and his mouth slightly raised.

"Oh, sure enough, someone wants to monitor me. If so, let them monitor it slowly."

Inside Xu Feng’s hand, there were a lot of polystones. His eyes flashed and his brows picked.

"Set a first-order magic array here, and don't know if anyone in Baiyang Island can crack it?"

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles.

From the inheritance memory of creation, he gained the most knowledge of alchemy and formation.

You must know that the great thing about creation is his array.

Otherwise, even if the creation is the top alchemy teacher, I am afraid it will be held hostage.

"The stars are illusory!"

Xu Feng thought of his own arrangement, his face was full of smiles.

This array is really interesting.

As long as there are stars in the sky, various illusions will be formed.

Those who fall into it will become extremely confused.

The polylite is constantly emerging.

This star illusion is not a very powerful array, but enough for the people to monitor, can not find the departure of Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian.

The most important thing is that no one can enter the yard, knowing that Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian left Baiyang Island.


The polylithic stone continually emptied into the void, and the entire formation began to work.

Xu Feng gently knocked on the door of Lu Xuantian.


Lu Xuantian asked about it from the room.

"Open the door."

Xu Feng said softly.

Lu Xuantian heard the news and suddenly was shocked. He went to the door of the room and pushed the door directly.

I know that when he pushed the door open, he couldn’t see where Xu Feng was from outside.

His face is strange and said: "Did I just dream? Have hallucinations?"

Lu Xuantian clearly remembered that he clearly heard Xu Feng’s voice.

"You really have hallucinations, and quickly pack your luggage. We leave Baiyang Island tonight and go to the place you said."

Xu Feng said to Lu Xuantian.

He is now standing opposite Lu Xuantian, but Lu Xuantian can't see him at all. This is the power of the stars.

"Ah... Xu Feng, where are you, why can't I see you?" Lu Xuantian was shocked.

"Tell you while walking, and pack your bags quickly."

Xu Feng said.

"My salute is in the storage ring, we can go now."

Lu Xuantian asked strangely.

"That's good, take three steps towards your left hand, then turn right, take seven steps, then go straight."

Xu Feng directed the road to Lu Xuantian.

Lu Xuantian did not have any hesitation. According to Xu Feng’s instructions, he went out to the left.

"Ah... is it really you?"

Lu Xuantian came to the side of the yard according to Xu Feng’s instructions. His face was strange.

He discovered that the yard behind him was as usual, as if nothing had changed.

"Don't be surprised, some people are monitoring the movements of our yard. I have arranged a magical array so that we can leave Baiyang Island safely."

Xu Feng said to Lu Xuantian, saying: "Let's go quickly and go to the island you said."


Lu Xuantian did not expect that Xu Feng would still be in the process.

However, his heart is also somewhat numb.

What the **** is this guy?

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian went to the edge of Baiyang Island very smoothly.

Xu Feng took out a Ling Zhou and placed it directly in the nine wild seas.


Xu Feng sighed at Lu Xuantian, and they boarded the Ling Zhou.

Xu Feng asked Lu Xuantian: "Do you remember the island you said, where is it?"


Lu Xuantian nodded firmly. If he could not remember the location of the island, he would not follow Xu Feng to leave Baiyang Island.

"That's good."

Xu Feng said: "Next you are responsible for manipulating the spirit boat and moving toward the island you are talking about."

Said, Xu Feng took out a lot of Lingjing, making Lu Xuantian all wrong, said: "Where are you coming from so many Lingjing?"

“Before you got a good Lingjing vein.”

Xu Feng said to Lu Xuantian with a smile.


Lu Xuantian manipulated the spirit boat and sailed toward the distant waters according to the direction of his memory.

The nine wilderness areas at night are not very calm.

From time to time, there will be a scream of screaming.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder, and two smart eyes gave off a hegemonic light.

All night.

Lu Xuantian is manipulating Ling Zhou.

The rising sun on the horizon gradually spreads out, and the place where the sea and the sky are connected is really beautiful.

The flaming red clouds seem to be burning with endless flames.

"Xu Feng, look at it, that's over there..."

Lu Xuantian made an excited scream and pointed to a place in the distance.

Sure enough, as Lu Xuantian said, the golden light from the island is constantly filled.

"It's really a golden island."

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles. It seems that this island is not very far from Baiyang Island. Why are people in Baiyang Island not found?

(Starting from the 20th, at least ten chapters are updated every day. At the end of the year, I hope everyone will be crazy with a lot of people, and I will try my best. I hope everyone can have a happy New Year! Thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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