The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2560: Half step through the peak of the spirit (11th)

Chapter 2560, Half-step, Peak of the Spirit (11th)

"A terrible killing field."

"How did he do it in the killing field of the eighth heaven?"

Some people around.

They felt Xu Feng’s body, the momentum of the horrible killing field, all of them were full of sorrow.

Xu Feng stood there, his eyes fixed on the people around him, and said one word: "Whoever dares to block me, will die today."

It can be said that Xu Feng’s words are really arrogant.

"Hey, boy, you want to get a hurricane training station, do you really think we are vegetarian?"

"You can kill the double-minded left-mindedness of the spiritual world, but we all join hands and we are not afraid of you."

"Yes, a few of us have teamed up against him, and we must kill this kid who doesn't know how to be tall."

There are dozens of figures around, and they all surrounded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eighth-day killing field is really scary.

His mouth was raised and his brow was picked.

"If you want to come to die, then hurry, don't delay me into the hurricane cultivation time."

Xu Feng’s words are completely ignoring the people around him.

Also completely irritated these people.


"I still don't believe, are you three heads and six arms?"

Several people rushed out toward Xu Fengyu. They all showed their own holy spirit skills. The violent hurricanes could not be blocked. The fluctuations of the waves caused by their spiritual skills were really strong.

In the moment when Xu Feng stood there, while several people were attacking him, the spiritual power of him flowed.

The original six spiritual veins increased in an instant.

His head suddenly showed ten threads.


With the emergence of ten spiritual veins, Xu Feng’s fist is the third trick that is like a swallowing fist.

The fist turned into a savage image, as if it could tear the sky, and the whole void was constantly shaking.

"How can it be?"

Everyone who attacked Xu Feng was stunned, and all of them were full of horror.

Some people who haven’t had time to take the shots have moved to the place, and they rushed out to the two hurricane training stations next to them.

Only those few people who shot.

They are remorse at the moment, and they all regret to provoke Xu Feng.


It’s like a slap in the face, and the ten veins above the fist seem to be ten dragons.

The first warrior was punched by Xu Feng and directly killed.

The existence of the duality of the spiritual environment could not resist the punch of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “How many of you want to kill me, are you qualified to kill me?”

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely arrogant. He has no hesitation, and it’s like being swallowed and becoming more fierce.


The imagery is constantly rolling in the void, forming a fierce violent wave, and the field of killing is condensed on Xu Feng’s fist.

"Do not kill me……"

A man with a double-spirited spirit, watching Xu Feng’s fist, has already attacked his chest.

His face was not reconciled, and the whole man flew out, and the blood was pinched with pieces of internal organs.

He fell to the ground like this, his eyes rounded.

He still doesn't understand when he is dying.

In the end, why is the strength of half-step through the spirits, so terrible to such a point.

Not far from the two hurricane practitioners fighting, the corners of their eyes, when they saw Xu Feng, the heart was shaking.

As for the three warriors who connected the spirits, they also felt that Xu Feng’s strength was terrible, and they did not dare to take the initiative to provoke Xu Feng.


Xu Feng’s imagery is like a swallow, and the power of cultivation to a better place is really powerful.

Several people were killed by him.

"Who wants to stop me?"

Xu Feng’s voice was so majestic, he stood there, his clothes fluttering in the wind, his face was the one who gave me.

No one dares to stop Xu Feng.

They can only watch Xu Feng with their eyes and walk over the hurricane cultivation platform.

The other two people in the hurricane training station began to fight desperately, which can be described as heavy casualties.


They are still two warriors with three souls, and they successfully rushed into the hurricane cultivation platform.


"Good, very strong spiritual power."

Xu Feng appeared on the hurricane cultivation platform. He felt the strong spiritual power, as if he was wandering from heaven and earth.

He took a deep breath and felt the pores of his body, and he was instantly relieved, absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth.

"Sure enough, the hurricane cultivation platform is very good. It is no wonder that Joe will recommend me to come here. He has benefited before."

Xu Feng knows that practicing in such a strong spiritual place is bound to do more with less.


At the moment of the hurricane cultivation platform, when the wind condenses the spiritual power, it can gather toward Xu Feng's body.

In other words, practicing on the hurricane cultivation platform will do more with less.

"Hurry up and practice, and strive to further my cultivation."

Xu Feng did not hesitate, he began to sit cross-legged.

The twenty-two spirits on the body, like the twenty-two bottomless caves, are madly absorbing the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.

On the hurricane cultivation platform, the gust of wind swept the spiritual power and gathered in the body of Xu Feng.

"Half-step through the middle of the spirit."

The cultivation effect is really good.

Xu Feng was only a time of cultivation. He found that his cultivation was promoted from the early stage of the half-pronged period to the middle of the half-time.

However, such an improvement is clearly not over.

His twenty-two spirits are still absorbing spiritual power from a steady stream.

"I don't know if I can condense more threads?"

Xu Feng also wants to continue to condense the spirit.

His eyes are firm.

The spiritual flow of the body is repaired into a further breakthrough.

"Half-step through the soul of the late period."

that's it.

Sitting on the hurricane cultivation platform, Xu Feng continually refines the spirit of the heavens and the earth, making his own spirituality more abundant.

He wants to condense more threads, but finds that condensation becomes difficult.

He did not insist on it.

Instead, start to improve.

For three days, it is not long, and short is not short.

The breath of Xu Feng has changed a lot, although the spirit is still twenty-two.

However, his cultivation was promoted from the early stage of the half-step to the spiritual level to the peak of the spiritual level.

He can now fight with a lot of psychic spirits with six threads.

If he broke out all the veins, he really didn't know where his limits were.

You know, he now has twenty-two threads.

Even if it is a strong imaginary, it is only twenty threads.

A kitten sitting not far away.

He was bored and stretched out, and saw Xu Feng standing up from the cultivation. He jumped to Xu Feng's shoulder with great spirit.

"Brother, it is really boring to die, and I am boring me." The kitten said with some irritability.

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's small head and said: "I don't know what your little guy is, you can feel the existence of the righteousness."

(End of this chapter)

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